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<DIV align="center">The Shame of Kvatch</div> 
by Nemesis Cold
On the Closure of the Mages Guild
<DIV align="left">
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<IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds? width=62 height=62>n its heyday the Kvatch guild of Mages was as effective and powerful as any in Cyrodiil.  Several Archmages had started their careers there.  The highly effective branch of the Fighters Guild in that city and the strong rule by the Counts ensured crime was minimal.  This encouraged many of the most powerful thinkers of the time to settle in imposing half-timbered buildings that were built along leafy streets.  With Skingrad, marginally the richer city, just east and the port of Anvil to the west, everyone of importance passed through Kvatch.  The Tipsy Minotaur, undoubtedly the best Inn in Cyrodiil, ensured they all stayed overnight.  The guild was always the first branch to hear of the discoveries made at the Arcane University and maintained a library almost as comprehensive.  And then came the appointment of Jouston 'the Blind' as guild leader.
On the face of it, Jouston was a good choice.  He was popular and noted for his outstanding acts of kindness and generosity.  He had worked hard against difficult odds to achieve his position and this was well respected by all.  The appointment should have been a success.  The mage was not perfect, and would never have pretended to be, and willingly admitted to quirks of character that he was at great pains to control.  His dislike of change and innovation did not mean he did not accept the need.  While he continued to inscribe on wax tablets long after everyone else had switched to quills and ink, he never insisted others should adhere to the old ways.  
Unfortunately, it was the combination of two of these quirks of character, neither of which was fatal in itself, that doomed the guild.  Jouston was not a particularly good judge of character and would make assessments at odds with facts and in the teeth of obvious evidence to the contrary.  Such a failure is hardly unique and could have been easily contained but for the other quirk.  Jouston was a great believer in his own infallibility.
And as time passed the stable and valuable guild members gave way to misfits, mavericks and opportunists.  At the time of the disaster only one of the four members working with Jouston, Sigrid, could be completely exonerated.  
Jouston's failure was not in any form of complicity but through unwillingness to face personal misjudgements.  It led to the nickname for which sadly he will be remembered.  The glittering early career has by now been entirely eclipsed.  After the branch was closed and its name expunged from Mages Guild records, Jouston returned to his native Summerset Isle.  His tall, rather corpulent form, can often be seen on the shore watching the horizon as if considering what once was.  Little more can be said of him here.
Potted biographies of the others make interesting reading.  Even Sigrid, before she left Skyrim, had caused a bit of a scandal by practising magic against her local society rules.  But in deference to her current position as the only mage left in Kvatch, I will spare her blushes.  Youthful errors should not be allowed to blight an adult career.  I will deal with the others in turn.
Mucianus Alias
This mage, an Imperial of middle years well respected by the Arcane University, is typical of Jouston's appointments.  As Alessia Ottus pointed out in her excellent Guide to Kvatch, the man had a reputation as a double dealer.  Perhaps mages cared less about this than the rest of society did.  If sides had to be taken, he managed to be on all of them, playing one off against another to feather his own nest.  And he had considerable power, too.  He single-handedly ensured that Mrs Ottus's guide was suppressed by the Government and all copies destroyed.  
Without doubt the full extent of his double-dealing remains hidden.  When the guild closed he returned to the Arcane University to work as a special emissary to Archmage Hannibal Traven.  It is to be hoped that the Archmage is aware of his history.  One cannot help thinking that at some point in the future pigeons will come home to roost.  No doubt he will fake his own death or something similar!
Juliette Capulette
How this incompetent magician, most noted for drunken brawling in the streets of Bravil, became a member of the Kvatch guild remains a mystery.  Did Jouston ask to see her cast any spells?  It is hard to believe her over-fondness for fruit juice (the fermented kind) would have enabled her to do so on demand!  Rumour has it that it was a frustrated love affair in her youth that pushed her into the embrace of alcohol as a way of escaping reality.  It was very successful.  Hers was the 'mistake' that obliterated the Kvatch fighters guild and all its members.  Had it been her only one, the guild might have survived.  As it was, closure and exile from the guild was the only viable solution.  Public outcry was for once too strong to stifle.  Juliette disappeared on the day the decision was announced and has never been seen since.  In all probability she has fled to the outermost borders of the empire to hide in some dank dungeon.
Saurian Sid
Oh dear, oh dear.  What can be said about this shameless and shameful Argonian?  As with Jouston his appointment was at first sight an excellent one.  Sid was without question enormously talented.  He had a silver tongue, was probably the most powerful mage in Tamriel and was no mean fighter either.  But as they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely and Sid wanted everything.  No doubt had he not left the guild in Kvatch voluntarily a few weeks before Juliette's catastrophe, he would have brought about the branch's closure.
Where he is now, no one knows.  Supposedly he had learned how to create his own world and to be able to escape there at will.  It is a convenient idea but of course unprovable.
Sid's greatest ability has to be his capacity for charming even the most recalcitrant curmudgeon.  Whether this was a natural talent or one enhanced by magic it would be pointless to speculate.  What is undeniable is that he was able to ingratiate himself with everyone of importance, even the Daedric princes.  After all, he'd need to subjugate them too, to become master of the universe!
Borrowing an idea from a relative, he crafted a ring deep in the middle of the earth in the Crucible of Doom.  This ring mixed with infusions of daedra hearts, human blood and meteor slime, was all powerful.  But for his plan to succeed Sid knew he had to create a hierarchy of subservient rings.  
Three were given to users of Elven magic, the Bosmer Lady Gladrags, the High Elf Rondel and the wizard Gladnaf.  Five were given to the vertically challenged who lived and worked deep under the ground.  Seven went to those whose power, one way or another, lay outside the long arm of the law.  Nine were given to the leaders of mortal men - that is the eight counts and Emperor of Cyrodiil.
Fortunately for the rest of us, when Sid sat back to enjoy his absolute power of dominion, he discovered he'd cocked it all up.  Each of the subservient rings was supposed to duplicate a small portion of the one ring's power, duplicated from it in such a way that it would always respond to its master's call.  What he had done instead of duplicating the power was to transfer it.  The one ring was left with nothing at all.  No doubt it looked pretty enough!  All he could do was start again.  He needed to get back the 24 rings, throw them together with the 'one' ring back into the Crucible of Doom and find a new ring blank to reforge the one.
He was easily able to persuade, bully or cajole the owners of the three, the five and the nine.  His problem came with the seven.  These were no longer easily accessible.
We must consider ourselves lucky.  If anyone can find these seven rings and a blank and takes them to the Crucible of Doom (into which the other rings have already been thrown) this person can become master of the universe.
Anyone interested in learning more of Saurian Sid should speak with sister Phebe Jeanard at Gottlesfont Priory.  In a moment of weakness, when Sid believed himself to be on his death bed, he confessed many of his misdeeds to her.  Assuredly he is kicking himself now!
[The book continues but the thought of world domination dances too enticingly before your eyes.]

// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<DIV align="center">The Shame of Kvatch</div> 
by Nemesis Cold
On the Closure of the Mages Guild
<DIV align="left">
<font face=3>
<IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds? width=62 height=62>n its heyday the Kvatch guild of Mages was as effective and powerful as any in Cyrodiil.  Several Archmages had started their careers there.  The highly effective branch of the Fighters Guild in that city and the strong rule by the Counts ensured crime was minimal.  This encouraged many of the most powerful thinkers of the time to settle in imposing half-timbered buildings that were built along leafy streets.  With Skingrad, marginally the richer city, just east and the port of Anvil to the west, everyone of importance passed through Kvatch.  The Tipsy Minotaur, undoubtedly the best Inn in Cyrodiil, ensured they all stayed overnight.  The guild was always the first branch to hear of the discoveries made at the Arcane University and maintained a library almost as comprehensive.  And then came the appointment of Jouston 'the Blind' as guild leader.
On the face of it, Jouston was a good choice.  He was popular and noted for his outstanding acts of kindness and generosity.  He had worked hard against difficult odds to achieve his position and this was well respected by all.  The appointment should have been a success.  The mage was not perfect, and would never have pretended to be, and willingly admitted to quirks of character that he was at great pains to control.  His dislike of change and innovation did not mean he did not accept the need.  While he continued to inscribe on wax tablets long after everyone else had switched to quills and ink, he never insisted others should adhere to the old ways.  
Unfortunately, it was the combination of two of these quirks of character, neither of which was fatal in itself, that doomed the guild.  Jouston was not a particularly good judge of character and would make assessments at odds with facts and in the teeth of obvious evidence to the contrary.  Such a failure is hardly unique and could have been easily contained but for the other quirk.  Jouston was a great believer in his own infallibility.
And as time passed the stable and valuable guild members gave way to misfits, mavericks and opportunists.  At the time of the disaster only one of the four members working with Jouston, Sigrid, could be completely exonerated.  
Jouston's failure was not in any form of complicity but through unwillingness to face personal misjudgements.  It led to the nickname for which sadly he will be remembered.  The glittering early career has by now been entirely eclipsed.  After the branch was closed and its name expunged from Mages Guild records, Jouston returned to his native Summerset Isle.  His tall, rather corpulent form, can often be seen on the shore watching the horizon as if considering what once was.  Little more can be said of him here.
Potted biographies of the others make interesting reading.  Even Sigrid, before she left Skyrim, had caused a bit of a scandal by practising magic against her local society rules.  But in deference to her current position as the only mage left in Kvatch, I will spare her blushes.  Youthful errors should not be allowed to blight an adult career.  I will deal with the others in turn.
Mucianus Alias
This mage, an Imperial of middle years well respected by the Arcane University, is typical of Jouston's appointments.  As Alessia Ottus pointed out in her excellent Guide to Kvatch, the man had a reputation as a double dealer.  Perhaps mages cared less about this than the rest of society did.  If sides had to be taken, he managed to be on all of them, playing one off against another to feather his own nest.  And he had considerable power, too.  He single-handedly ensured that Mrs Ottus's guide was suppressed by the Government and all copies destroyed.  
Without doubt the full extent of his double-dealing remains hidden.  When the guild closed he returned to the Arcane University to work as a special emissary to Archmage Hannibal Traven.  It is to be hoped that the Archmage is aware of his history.  One cannot help thinking that at some point in the future pigeons will come home to roost.  No doubt he will fake his own death or something similar!
Juliette Capulette
How this incompetent magician, most noted for drunken brawling in the streets of Bravil, became a member of the Kvatch guild remains a mystery.  Did Jouston ask to see her cast any spells?  It is hard to believe her over-fondness for fruit juice (the fermented kind) would have enabled her to do so on demand!  Rumour has it that it was a frustrated love affair in her youth that pushed her into the embrace of alcohol as a way of escaping reality.  It was very successful.  Hers was the 'mistake' that obliterated the Kvatch fighters guild and all its members.  Had it been her only one, the guild might have survived.  As it was, closure and exile from the guild was the only viable solution.  Public outcry was for once too strong to stifle.  Juliette disappeared on the day the decision was announced and has never been seen since.  In all probability she has fled to the outermost borders of the empire to hide in some dank dungeon.
Saurian Sid
Oh dear, oh dear.  What can be said about this shameless and shameful Argonian?  As with Jouston his appointment was at first sight an excellent one.  Sid was without question enormously talented.  He had a silver tongue, was probably the most powerful mage in Tamriel and was no mean fighter either.  But as they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely and Sid wanted everything.  No doubt had he not left the guild in Kvatch voluntarily a few weeks before Juliette's catastrophe, he would have brought about the branch's closure.
Where he is now, no one knows.  Supposedly he had learned how to create his own world and to be able to escape there at will.  It is a convenient idea but of course unprovable.
Sid's greatest ability has to be his capacity for charming even the most recalcitrant curmudgeon.  Whether this was a natural talent or one enhanced by magic it would be pointless to speculate.  What is undeniable is that he was able to ingratiate himself with everyone of importance, even the Daedric princes.  After all, he'd need to subjugate them too, to become master of the universe!
Borrowing an idea from a relative, he crafted a ring deep in the middle of the earth in the Crucible of Doom.  This ring mixed with infusions of daedra hearts, human blood and meteor slime, was all powerful.  But for his plan to succeed Sid knew he had to create a hierarchy of subservient rings.  
Three were given to users of Elven magic, the Bosmer Lady Gladrags, the High Elf Rondel and the wizard Gladnaf.  Five were given to the vertically challenged who lived and worked deep under the ground.  Seven went to those whose power, one way or another, lay outside the long arm of the law.  Nine were given to the leaders of mortal men - that is the eight counts and Emperor of Cyrodiil.
Fortunately for the rest of us, when Sid sat back to enjoy his absolute power of dominion, he discovered he'd cocked it all up.  Each of the subservient rings was supposed to duplicate a small portion of the one ring's power, duplicated from it in such a way that it would always respond to its master's call.  What he had done instead of duplicating the power was to transfer it.  The one ring was left with nothing at all.  No doubt it looked pretty enough!  All he could do was start again.  He needed to get back the 24 rings, throw them together with the 'one' ring back into the Crucible of Doom and find a new ring blank to reforge the one.
He was easily able to persuade, bully or cajole the owners of the three, the five and the nine.  His problem came with the seven.  These were no longer easily accessible.
We must consider ourselves lucky.  If anyone can find these seven rings and a blank and takes them to the Crucible of Doom (into which the other rings have already been thrown) this person can become master of the universe.
Anyone interested in learning more of Saurian Sid should speak with sister Phebe Jeanard at Gottlesfont Priory.  In a moment of weakness, when Sid believed himself to be on his death bed, he confessed many of his misdeeds to her.  Assuredly he is kicking himself now!
[The book continues but the thought of world domination dances too enticingly before your eyes.]

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