L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssperennialetter の変更点


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<font face=5>
Dear Mrs Draconis
I am really sorry that I have been out of touch with you for so long.  How are you?  Life here goes on much the same as ever.  Surus is doing well in his chosen career.  I had better not say anything about Ancus.
I must say I do worry about you living up in the mountains, all alone and in the middle of nowhere.  I still hear people muttering occasionally about your late husband being so - rigorous - in upholding the law.  Some feel that there was a lack of clemency - Draconian indeed.  I'm afraid that there are still some here who say that his death was inadequate revenge.  Did he fall down those brothel steps or was he pushed do you think?  Well, I don't suppose that matters now.  But you look after yourself.  There are those in Cyrodiil who have no respect for age or gender.  Keep the doors locked at night.
Anyway, please write soon about the family.  It will be nice to hear that you and yours are doing fine.
Your old pupil
Praxedes Afranius
P.S.  I hope you recognise my name after all this time.  I was the one who could never spell sausidges, remember!

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<font face=5>
Dear Mrs Draconis
I am really sorry that I have been out of touch with you for so long.  How are you?  Life here goes on much the same as ever.  Surus is doing well in his chosen career.  I had better not say anything about Ancus.
I must say I do worry about you living up in the mountains, all alone and in the middle of nowhere.  I still hear people muttering occasionally about your late husband being so - rigorous - in upholding the law.  Some feel that there was a lack of clemency - Draconian indeed.  I'm afraid that there are still some here who say that his death was inadequate revenge.  Did he fall down those brothel steps or was he pushed do you think?  Well, I don't suppose that matters now.  But you look after yourself.  There are those in Cyrodiil who have no respect for age or gender.  Keep the doors locked at night.
Anyway, please write soon about the family.  It will be nice to hear that you and yours are doing fine.
Your old pupil
Praxedes Afranius
P.S.  I hope you recognise my name after all this time.  I was the one who could never spell sausidges, remember!

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