L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsspassingthetimeCourier の変更点


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<FONT face=1><DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>

<DIV align="left">A few issues back we welcomed on board a new member.  This individual has since researched a good number of stories for us to the benefit of all.  Sadly he or she, we're still keeping you guessing, feels that it is time to move on.  We extend our good wishes for future success.  Somehow we feel this one is destined for great things.
Here is one of the final tales researched by this indefatigable reporter.  It comes from Kiara who works over at the Brina Cross Inn on the Gold Road not too far from Anvil.  She has tips for us all on the advantages of standing still.  Ha ha ha.  She has obviously never worked in a busy newspaper office.
But let us hear her for ourselves.
<DIV align="center">Passing the Time<br>
by <br>

<DIV align="left">
Can you stand still?  Really still?
Of course you can't stop your heart beating, your lungs from breathing, your eyelids from blinking but you can exercise control over much of the rest of your body.
Few people can stand still.  This is not because they find it physically impossible but because they cannot bear the feeling of being still.  They must constantly be on the move, going, doing.  If they ever stop it is to eat or read - with their eyes ever running along the lines of words seeing, learning.  Never do they say 'I will stop'.
Do they know how much they miss, I wonder?
Perhaps, first thing in the morning, as you awaken, before the insistent urge to be active has quite taken you over, you do hear the birds singing or the soft sound of rain or the gentle sound of breathing coming from one you love.  Fleetingly you catch it and then it has gone.
Birds?  What birds?  No - you are imagining them.
You might feel the rain if you are outside in it.  You may see it.  But you will only hear it when it is making so much noise it actually penetrates the chaos of your thoughts.  If it is soft and gentle you will hear nothing.  So many sounds are lost.  And so are many sights your fiercely concentrating gaze looks straight through.
Why not simply stand still?  Just now and then.  For a few minutes each day to begin with.
I like to stand half way up the stairs.  There is nothing I can 'do' there.  Normally it is a part of a house you just pass through.  Stop there!  Do not pass through it.  Wait.
If you start to feel anxious then you are not in control of your life.  If you start to feel silly you are not in control of your thoughts.  If you start to feel bored you are not in control of yourself.  If you try it and find any of these things happen then it is a warning that you are being controlled by others.
Believe me as one who knows, time never drags when you are fully in charge of your life.  Start practising today.


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<FONT face=1><DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>

<DIV align="left">A few issues back we welcomed on board a new member.  This individual has since researched a good number of stories for us to the benefit of all.  Sadly he or she, we're still keeping you guessing, feels that it is time to move on.  We extend our good wishes for future success.  Somehow we feel this one is destined for great things.
Here is one of the final tales researched by this indefatigable reporter.  It comes from Kiara who works over at the Brina Cross Inn on the Gold Road not too far from Anvil.  She has tips for us all on the advantages of standing still.  Ha ha ha.  She has obviously never worked in a busy newspaper office.
But let us hear her for ourselves.
<DIV align="center">Passing the Time<br>
by <br>

<DIV align="left">
Can you stand still?  Really still?
Of course you can't stop your heart beating, your lungs from breathing, your eyelids from blinking but you can exercise control over much of the rest of your body.
Few people can stand still.  This is not because they find it physically impossible but because they cannot bear the feeling of being still.  They must constantly be on the move, going, doing.  If they ever stop it is to eat or read - with their eyes ever running along the lines of words seeing, learning.  Never do they say 'I will stop'.
Do they know how much they miss, I wonder?
Perhaps, first thing in the morning, as you awaken, before the insistent urge to be active has quite taken you over, you do hear the birds singing or the soft sound of rain or the gentle sound of breathing coming from one you love.  Fleetingly you catch it and then it has gone.
Birds?  What birds?  No - you are imagining them.
You might feel the rain if you are outside in it.  You may see it.  But you will only hear it when it is making so much noise it actually penetrates the chaos of your thoughts.  If it is soft and gentle you will hear nothing.  So many sounds are lost.  And so are many sights your fiercely concentrating gaze looks straight through.
Why not simply stand still?  Just now and then.  For a few minutes each day to begin with.
I like to stand half way up the stairs.  There is nothing I can 'do' there.  Normally it is a part of a house you just pass through.  Stop there!  Do not pass through it.  Wait.
If you start to feel anxious then you are not in control of your life.  If you start to feel silly you are not in control of your thoughts.  If you start to feel bored you are not in control of yourself.  If you try it and find any of these things happen then it is a warning that you are being controlled by others.
Believe me as one who knows, time never drags when you are fully in charge of your life.  Start practising today.


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