L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssmoneytalksCourier の変更点


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<FONT face=1><DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>
<DIV align="left">The Black Horse Courier brings you the news as it happens and sometimes even before it happens.  But before we let Vandorallen Trebatius tell us his sad tale, let us first welcome our new freelance reporter.  This individual has asked to work in strict anonymity.  He or she, we aren't even going to tell you that much, fears that people do not trust representatives from the press.  All we need to say is that he or she will be working hard to bring you stories as they break!
Here is one of the first.  We have reprinted Vandorallen's letter verbatim.  So you can see we do NOT tamper with statements received.  This is straight from the Black Horse's mouth.
<DIV align="center"><b>Money Talks</b><br>
A Complaint on the Unfairness of the World by Vandorallen Trebatius<br>
Money talks.  You don't believe me?  Then read on.
For many years I have been an advisor to - shall we say one of the counts of Cyrodiil.  And when I say advisor I am not referring to the kind of distant gurus who sit in their Telvanni towers and pen missives to put right the ills of the world  borne of too much cerebration and inadequate practical experience.  No, I was a trusted, hands on, face to face advisor who always told it as it really was.
My position was a well respected one and came with a residence as part of the package.  This residence was rather too grand for a solitary bachelor not much interested in entertaining but it was mine for life - or so I was led to believe.
Then I retired.
That was when they told me.  The residence went with the job.  When the job ended I had to get out.  Furthermore as the count had decided not to continue with the position of advisor the house could be sold.  I was offered it at a discount in view of my forty year occupation.
Huh!  Do you know how much I would have to find to buy it, even at its discounted price?  Tens of thousands of septims.  I don't have that kind of money and being retired and knocking on in years I'm hardly going to be able to earn it!
So, I'm pretending it hasn't happened.  I still turn up at the castle and act as if I were still employed there.  Maybe the Count will forget that I have officially gone.  And yet I have a nasty feeling that I'll return home one day to find the locks changed and my meagre belongings thrown into the street.
Is this a fair reward for forty years of loyal service?
As I say.  Money Talks.


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<FONT face=1><DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>
<DIV align="left">The Black Horse Courier brings you the news as it happens and sometimes even before it happens.  But before we let Vandorallen Trebatius tell us his sad tale, let us first welcome our new freelance reporter.  This individual has asked to work in strict anonymity.  He or she, we aren't even going to tell you that much, fears that people do not trust representatives from the press.  All we need to say is that he or she will be working hard to bring you stories as they break!
Here is one of the first.  We have reprinted Vandorallen's letter verbatim.  So you can see we do NOT tamper with statements received.  This is straight from the Black Horse's mouth.
<DIV align="center"><b>Money Talks</b><br>
A Complaint on the Unfairness of the World by Vandorallen Trebatius<br>
Money talks.  You don't believe me?  Then read on.
For many years I have been an advisor to - shall we say one of the counts of Cyrodiil.  And when I say advisor I am not referring to the kind of distant gurus who sit in their Telvanni towers and pen missives to put right the ills of the world  borne of too much cerebration and inadequate practical experience.  No, I was a trusted, hands on, face to face advisor who always told it as it really was.
My position was a well respected one and came with a residence as part of the package.  This residence was rather too grand for a solitary bachelor not much interested in entertaining but it was mine for life - or so I was led to believe.
Then I retired.
That was when they told me.  The residence went with the job.  When the job ended I had to get out.  Furthermore as the count had decided not to continue with the position of advisor the house could be sold.  I was offered it at a discount in view of my forty year occupation.
Huh!  Do you know how much I would have to find to buy it, even at its discounted price?  Tens of thousands of septims.  I don't have that kind of money and being retired and knocking on in years I'm hardly going to be able to earn it!
So, I'm pretending it hasn't happened.  I still turn up at the castle and act as if I were still employed there.  Maybe the Count will forget that I have officially gone.  And yet I have a nasty feeling that I'll return home one day to find the locks changed and my meagre belongings thrown into the street.
Is this a fair reward for forty years of loyal service?
As I say.  Money Talks.


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