L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssluckysleepersedition の変更点


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<FONT face=1><DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>
<br>Don't let them scare us off our roads!<br>
<DIV align="left">
High Chancellor Ocato today declared that fear is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"We are afraid.  We stay indoors and within the walls of our cities," says the Chancellor.
He points out that this makes the wilderness more than ever dangerous.  Creatures usually frightened away by the noise of passing traffic become ever more daring.  Bandits, with fewer to rob, become more violent and unsparing.
"Rather than hide we must show them that we are not scared," the Chancellor declares stoutly.
To encourage us back into the fields the Chancellor has organised a competition.  Well, two competitions, each with a grand prize of 25,000 septims.  The need for two parts is down to the size of Cyrodiil.
"Wilderness travel is what we are after," the Chancellor observes, "but I don't want to bankrupt would-be contestants by making them pay massive travel expenses.  So the prizes are for two separate locations.  The one covers counties Anvil, Bruma, Chorrol, Kvatch and Skingrad.  The other covers counties Bravil, Cheydinhal and Leyawiin and the Imperial City."
Around the locations are seven rocks engraved with a mythical name.  If you collect all seven names take them to the Chancellor.  The first to do so with each list will get the prize.
Good Luck to you all.

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<FONT face=1><DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>
<br>Don't let them scare us off our roads!<br>
<DIV align="left">
High Chancellor Ocato today declared that fear is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"We are afraid.  We stay indoors and within the walls of our cities," says the Chancellor.
He points out that this makes the wilderness more than ever dangerous.  Creatures usually frightened away by the noise of passing traffic become ever more daring.  Bandits, with fewer to rob, become more violent and unsparing.
"Rather than hide we must show them that we are not scared," the Chancellor declares stoutly.
To encourage us back into the fields the Chancellor has organised a competition.  Well, two competitions, each with a grand prize of 25,000 septims.  The need for two parts is down to the size of Cyrodiil.
"Wilderness travel is what we are after," the Chancellor observes, "but I don't want to bankrupt would-be contestants by making them pay massive travel expenses.  So the prizes are for two separate locations.  The one covers counties Anvil, Bruma, Chorrol, Kvatch and Skingrad.  The other covers counties Bravil, Cheydinhal and Leyawiin and the Imperial City."
Around the locations are seven rocks engraved with a mythical name.  If you collect all seven names take them to the Chancellor.  The first to do so with each list will get the prize.
Good Luck to you all.

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