L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssleyawiincountesletter の変更点


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Dearest daughter,
Your last visit left me feeling very worried about you.  Your description of life in Leyawiin alarmed me.  We have Khajiit and Argonians in Chorrol of course but very few of them.  It must be dreadful for you to be surrounded by so many of those awful creatures day and night.  
To be honest with you, I have been so bothered by the idea that I have lain awake at night trying to think of a way to help you.  Whilst it has left me rather less equable to my staff it has I believe brought a suitable solution.  
The Argonians and the Khajiit in Leyawiin barely tolerate each other.  Make them go to war with each other.  You can be sure that both sides will suffer substantial losses.  The Khajiit are sneaky but the Argonians have abilities more suited to the damp, humid conditions of Leyawiin.  Once the fighting has been stopped Marius will have no alternative other than to exclude both races from within the walls.  Whilst it does not remove the Orcs and the Elves it will nevertheless make Leyawiin a bearable place in the future.
There are two things to remember.  The close proximity of Argonia and the fact that the landscape is very similar to Black Marsh will favour the Argonians.  There is also the Blackwood Company who will certainly not turn out to be on the side of the Khajiit.  Though one or two Khajiit hold high rank within their organisation the close ties are all to Argonia.  To balance this it is the Khajiit who need to be armed.  I would equip them with powerful daedric weapons, enchanted if possible.  Once the Argonians learn that the Khajiit are preparing for battle they will make a pre-emptive strike.  
The only difficulty I see in this arrangement is finding the resources to pay for the weapons but, my dear, I'm sure you are as resourceful as I have been in my time.
Do not take any notice of Marius.  Indeed I would simply not tell him what you are doing.  My worm of a husband tried to exercise control over me in his younger days but I soon scotched those antics.  I am pleased I had that portrait painted before he died.  Laughing into his face was one of the few things enjoyable in my earlier married life.  Now I can still do it even though he had the discourtesy to die on me.
Keep well my dear.  Until next month.  Your loving mother.


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Dearest daughter,
Your last visit left me feeling very worried about you.  Your description of life in Leyawiin alarmed me.  We have Khajiit and Argonians in Chorrol of course but very few of them.  It must be dreadful for you to be surrounded by so many of those awful creatures day and night.  
To be honest with you, I have been so bothered by the idea that I have lain awake at night trying to think of a way to help you.  Whilst it has left me rather less equable to my staff it has I believe brought a suitable solution.  
The Argonians and the Khajiit in Leyawiin barely tolerate each other.  Make them go to war with each other.  You can be sure that both sides will suffer substantial losses.  The Khajiit are sneaky but the Argonians have abilities more suited to the damp, humid conditions of Leyawiin.  Once the fighting has been stopped Marius will have no alternative other than to exclude both races from within the walls.  Whilst it does not remove the Orcs and the Elves it will nevertheless make Leyawiin a bearable place in the future.
There are two things to remember.  The close proximity of Argonia and the fact that the landscape is very similar to Black Marsh will favour the Argonians.  There is also the Blackwood Company who will certainly not turn out to be on the side of the Khajiit.  Though one or two Khajiit hold high rank within their organisation the close ties are all to Argonia.  To balance this it is the Khajiit who need to be armed.  I would equip them with powerful daedric weapons, enchanted if possible.  Once the Argonians learn that the Khajiit are preparing for battle they will make a pre-emptive strike.  
The only difficulty I see in this arrangement is finding the resources to pay for the weapons but, my dear, I'm sure you are as resourceful as I have been in my time.
Do not take any notice of Marius.  Indeed I would simply not tell him what you are doing.  My worm of a husband tried to exercise control over me in his younger days but I soon scotched those antics.  I am pleased I had that portrait painted before he died.  Laughing into his face was one of the few things enjoyable in my earlier married life.  Now I can still do it even though he had the discourtesy to die on me.
Keep well my dear.  Until next month.  Your loving mother.


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