L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsshappyquestnote の変更点


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*povsshappyquestnote [#y58f8b49]

**原文 [#w0f84c7c]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<font face=5>
Hello, adventurer.  Do you remember me?  Happy?  We met in Leyawiin a long time ago.  You did us all a service then, so I hope you'll do us one now.  I used a secret means to teleport this note to somewhere you might see it.  
Anyway, after the amputation of my thumb I got to realise that I'm not so happy as I was.  Neither are any of my brothers.  Oh, do you know we are brothers?  Well, it's because of women - or rather, the absence of them.  You can't count the mistress.  I'm not even sure if she is a ....  The thing is, there's only so much DIY a man can take.
So, dear adventurer, please find seven brides for the seven brothers and we will be your devoted slaves forever more.  They must be Bosmer of course and no Daedra worshippers.  When you have found seven, return to me and I will reward you handsomely.

**訳文 [#ie144d27]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=5>
Hello, adventurer.  Do you remember me?  Happy?  We met in Leyawiin a long time ago.  You did us all a service then, so I hope you'll do us one now.  I used a secret means to teleport this note to somewhere you might see it.  
Anyway, after the amputation of my thumb I got to realise that I'm not so happy as I was.  Neither are any of my brothers.  Oh, do you know we are brothers?  Well, it's because of women - or rather, the absence of them.  You can't count the mistress.  I'm not even sure if she is a ....  The thing is, there's only so much DIY a man can take.
So, dear adventurer, please find seven brides for the seven brothers and we will be your devoted slaves forever more.  They must be Bosmer of course and no Daedra worshippers.  When you have found seven, return to me and I will reward you handsomely.

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