L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssdocu7 の変更点


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<font face=5>
You are the most pigheaded fool I know.  Eilonwe is so not the one for you.  She has used those elfin charms of hers to trap you.  Perhaps you feel that sharing your life with an Imperial is beneath your dignity.  Should I not point out that we are the ruling Elite, so such a comment would be more appropriate if made by me!
The rest of your family approves of me.  You know it!
I have, at great expense, purchased an amulet that will let you see through the wiles of that scheming hussy.  But I know better than to try to deliver it personally.  You would simply tell me, in that uniquely inimitable way of yours, to take myself elsewhere.  I have given it to your sister Lalunie in the hopes that a beloved younger sibling may succeed where I, a loving admirer, will not.
She is leaving Summerset Isle for Anvil shortly.  She will be staying at The Count's Arms.  We have agreed that should she fail in her mission to persuade you to change your mind she will leave the amulet with the tavern proprietor so you'll still be able to reach it when you finally see reason.  Naturally you'll need to prove you are the rightful claimant, so use the attached ring.
Write to me when you are yourself again.
Malinia Amici


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<font face=5>
You are the most pigheaded fool I know.  Eilonwe is so not the one for you.  She has used those elfin charms of hers to trap you.  Perhaps you feel that sharing your life with an Imperial is beneath your dignity.  Should I not point out that we are the ruling Elite, so such a comment would be more appropriate if made by me!
The rest of your family approves of me.  You know it!
I have, at great expense, purchased an amulet that will let you see through the wiles of that scheming hussy.  But I know better than to try to deliver it personally.  You would simply tell me, in that uniquely inimitable way of yours, to take myself elsewhere.  I have given it to your sister Lalunie in the hopes that a beloved younger sibling may succeed where I, a loving admirer, will not.
She is leaving Summerset Isle for Anvil shortly.  She will be staying at The Count's Arms.  We have agreed that should she fail in her mission to persuade you to change your mind she will leave the amulet with the tavern proprietor so you'll still be able to reach it when you finally see reason.  Naturally you'll need to prove you are the rightful claimant, so use the attached ring.
Write to me when you are yourself again.
Malinia Amici


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