L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssandreletter の変更点


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<font face=5><br>
Dearest Father,
I know it's always been your dream to travel to Cyrodiil, to climb the lofty mountains and reach the peak known as Dive Rock, and gaze down at the full beauty of the Imperial Province.
but I beseech you -- be careful! We've both heard the tales of the creature known as the Horror of Dive Rock. But in truth, what concerns me most is your lack of...grace. Oh father, you know it pains me to say it, but you're clumsy! You always have been! You can't walk up a flight of stairs without crashing down to the bottom at least once -- how can you possibly hope to scale a mountain range?
Please, father, I beg of you, call off your expedition! I fear the worst.
Your loving daughter,

// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。

<font face=5><br>
Dearest Father,
I know it's always been your dream to travel to Cyrodiil, to climb the lofty mountains and reach the peak known as Dive Rock, and gaze down at the full beauty of the Imperial Province.
but I beseech you -- be careful! We've both heard the tales of the creature known as the Horror of Dive Rock. But in truth, what concerns me most is your lack of...grace. Oh father, you know it pains me to say it, but you're clumsy! You always have been! You can't walk up a flight of stairs without crashing down to the bottom at least once -- how can you possibly hope to scale a mountain range?
Please, father, I beg of you, call off your expedition! I fear the worst.
Your loving daughter,

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