L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssSCInviteUzul の変更点


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You are cordially invited to the official Grand Opening of the Cyrodiil Orc Social Club.  This will be held at the Twin Sisters Lodge, Skingrad from 8pm. These invitations have been enchanted to reveal the date of the Opening when it is known. There will be free food, entertainment and gifts for the ladies.  Dress formal.  Axes, maces and weapons of mass destruction must be left outside.
Please advise the bringer of this invitation if you mean to attend.
Shum gro-Yarug

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<font face=1>
You are cordially invited to the official Grand Opening of the Cyrodiil Orc Social Club.  This will be held at the Twin Sisters Lodge, Skingrad from 8pm. These invitations have been enchanted to reveal the date of the Opening when it is known. There will be free food, entertainment and gifts for the ladies.  Dress formal.  Axes, maces and weapons of mass destruction must be left outside.
Please advise the bringer of this invitation if you mean to attend.
Shum gro-Yarug

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