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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Life at the High End<br>
by <br>

<DIV align="left">
How it happened I am unsure - wires must have been crossed somewhere - but at my stopover in Cheydinhal on my return from leave last month - I was asked to attend a party in Riverview.
Now Riverview's parties are exclusive events.  The local count is a regular attender.  To get an invite you have to be 'somebody'.  Why I was asked is a complete mystery.
I am not usually a great fan of parties.  Especially those where the only person I have seen before is myself.  Still with the alternative being a solitary meal and an early night I went along.
At first it was all very civilised.  People were standing around nibbling on biscuit things, drinking and chatting in a desultory way -  you know, the kind of meaningless chit-chat that accompanies such gatherings.  Then something strange began to happen.  I had drunk almost nothing myself.  Given the circumstances I felt the need to stay more than ever alert.  Yet even I felt a difference in myself.  I sneaked out of the main party to have a look at the kitchen and what did I find?  They were adding liberal amounts of skooma, moon sugar and other interesting substances to the drinks being handed out to the guests.
When I hinted as much to one of the victims it was apparent that this was standard procedure and everyone knew all about it.  I was told not to worry, just to yield to temptation.  
I am pleased to say that I did not.  But they did!  It was not long before most of them were naked and performing the kind of intimate acts that should have been done in private!  And there was no restriction on who was doing what and to whom - age, gender, race - nothing seemed to matter.
I escaped by making my way upstairs - best not to say what was going on there - and jumping from the balcony.
Perhaps someone ought to tell the good citizens of Cheydinhal just what debauchery is going on in their midst.  But that someone certainly isn't me.  I value my life too highly.

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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Life at the High End<br>
by <br>

<DIV align="left">
How it happened I am unsure - wires must have been crossed somewhere - but at my stopover in Cheydinhal on my return from leave last month - I was asked to attend a party in Riverview.
Now Riverview's parties are exclusive events.  The local count is a regular attender.  To get an invite you have to be 'somebody'.  Why I was asked is a complete mystery.
I am not usually a great fan of parties.  Especially those where the only person I have seen before is myself.  Still with the alternative being a solitary meal and an early night I went along.
At first it was all very civilised.  People were standing around nibbling on biscuit things, drinking and chatting in a desultory way -  you know, the kind of meaningless chit-chat that accompanies such gatherings.  Then something strange began to happen.  I had drunk almost nothing myself.  Given the circumstances I felt the need to stay more than ever alert.  Yet even I felt a difference in myself.  I sneaked out of the main party to have a look at the kitchen and what did I find?  They were adding liberal amounts of skooma, moon sugar and other interesting substances to the drinks being handed out to the guests.
When I hinted as much to one of the victims it was apparent that this was standard procedure and everyone knew all about it.  I was told not to worry, just to yield to temptation.  
I am pleased to say that I did not.  But they did!  It was not long before most of them were naked and performing the kind of intimate acts that should have been done in private!  And there was no restriction on who was doing what and to whom - age, gender, race - nothing seemed to matter.
I escaped by making my way upstairs - best not to say what was going on there - and jumping from the balcony.
Perhaps someone ought to tell the good citizens of Cheydinhal just what debauchery is going on in their midst.  But that someone certainly isn't me.  I value my life too highly.

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