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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Life at the High End<br>
by <br>

<DIV align="left">
One good thing about being in the mountains is the sunrises.  There are the sunsets too, I suppose, but to me it is the way light creeps slowly over the land, moving almost imperceptibly closer as you watch, as the sun rises higher and higher over the mountain tops.
The world seems to change colour as you look at it.  Little by little.  It is a painter's paradise.
Of course there is a proviso.  Mountain weather is notoriously unpredictable and frequently unpleasant.  Mornings are more often cloaked in fog or low cloud.  And yet the relative infrequency of sunrises makes them seem even more spectacular.
As to anyone living and working here in Cloud Ruler Temple days are filled with endless routine, these few special wonders impart a whole new quality to the day.
Now I come to look at it, my thoughts on the sunrise are probably the only thing you Courier readers are going to find interesting in my daily life.  Except on a few occasions when we are given special missions outside the Temple our lives are confined by its walls.  The grounds are not extensive.  We have a library, periodically restocked by The First Edition.  We have practice rooms and can always spar with our colleagues in the open area just outside the temple doors.  Many I am sure could learn a few tips by watching us at this exercise.  Other than that we eat, sleep and patrol the walls.
You get to know your colleagues pretty well because talking is essential to reduce the monotony to bearable levels.  This is good too because it builds camaraderie.  Any fighting force has to work as a team if it is to succeed.  And by knowing your team members well they become beings worth fighting for as well as with.  It is easier to fight to save someone you know than this rather amorphous concept 'Tamriel'.
And so each day passes like the last, unless you are lucky with that rare and special sunrise.
Well, that's all I can think of saying.
Good luck to everyone,
Cloud Ruler Temple


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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Life at the High End<br>
by <br>

<DIV align="left">
One good thing about being in the mountains is the sunrises.  There are the sunsets too, I suppose, but to me it is the way light creeps slowly over the land, moving almost imperceptibly closer as you watch, as the sun rises higher and higher over the mountain tops.
The world seems to change colour as you look at it.  Little by little.  It is a painter's paradise.
Of course there is a proviso.  Mountain weather is notoriously unpredictable and frequently unpleasant.  Mornings are more often cloaked in fog or low cloud.  And yet the relative infrequency of sunrises makes them seem even more spectacular.
As to anyone living and working here in Cloud Ruler Temple days are filled with endless routine, these few special wonders impart a whole new quality to the day.
Now I come to look at it, my thoughts on the sunrise are probably the only thing you Courier readers are going to find interesting in my daily life.  Except on a few occasions when we are given special missions outside the Temple our lives are confined by its walls.  The grounds are not extensive.  We have a library, periodically restocked by The First Edition.  We have practice rooms and can always spar with our colleagues in the open area just outside the temple doors.  Many I am sure could learn a few tips by watching us at this exercise.  Other than that we eat, sleep and patrol the walls.
You get to know your colleagues pretty well because talking is essential to reduce the monotony to bearable levels.  This is good too because it builds camaraderie.  Any fighting force has to work as a team if it is to succeed.  And by knowing your team members well they become beings worth fighting for as well as with.  It is easier to fight to save someone you know than this rather amorphous concept 'Tamriel'.
And so each day passes like the last, unless you are lucky with that rare and special sunrise.
Well, that's all I can think of saying.
Good luck to everyone,
Cloud Ruler Temple


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