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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Is it a Sin?<br>
by <br>
Lensi Llaram<br>

<DIV align="left">

The Fighters Guild is an honourable institution.  It has an excellent reputation the length and breadth of Cyrodiil and in fact in most of the provinces too.  In spite of this it does not find it easy to get enough members to fill its many vacancies.
What should we do about this?  Here at Anvil we have a full complement of members but our branch of the guild is the exception rather than the rule.  And even we have not been unaffected by the establishment of rival mercenary bands like the Blackwood Company.
An important thing to remember is that, although the guild is an institution with Charter, rules and regulations, buildings, leadership and the like, the effectiveness of all of these is totally dependent on its members.  All of these parts of the organisation may be fine in themselves but without those willing to risk their lives to eradicate evil they are completely ineffectual.
So, I ask again, what should we do about it?  We have our fliers by which we attempt to attract new members.  We are regularly trying to persuade all those who seem suitable to join us.  This has not worked well enough.  We need to do more.
I have found a method that has increased membership.  I am an experienced athlete as you can tell by my physique which is much admired.  If potential recruits come to me for training I offer to train them provided they are members of the guild.  Of course I couldn't teach a bluebottle to buzz.  Having knowledge and skill is not the same as being able to impart it to others.  When they have joined and return to me I simply say that their skills are already too high for me to help.  
They do get a bit cross sometimes, especially if their skills in athletics are negligible but by then it is too late, they are members.
Is this a sin?  I hope not.


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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Is it a Sin?<br>
by <br>
Lensi Llaram<br>

<DIV align="left">

The Fighters Guild is an honourable institution.  It has an excellent reputation the length and breadth of Cyrodiil and in fact in most of the provinces too.  In spite of this it does not find it easy to get enough members to fill its many vacancies.
What should we do about this?  Here at Anvil we have a full complement of members but our branch of the guild is the exception rather than the rule.  And even we have not been unaffected by the establishment of rival mercenary bands like the Blackwood Company.
An important thing to remember is that, although the guild is an institution with Charter, rules and regulations, buildings, leadership and the like, the effectiveness of all of these is totally dependent on its members.  All of these parts of the organisation may be fine in themselves but without those willing to risk their lives to eradicate evil they are completely ineffectual.
So, I ask again, what should we do about it?  We have our fliers by which we attempt to attract new members.  We are regularly trying to persuade all those who seem suitable to join us.  This has not worked well enough.  We need to do more.
I have found a method that has increased membership.  I am an experienced athlete as you can tell by my physique which is much admired.  If potential recruits come to me for training I offer to train them provided they are members of the guild.  Of course I couldn't teach a bluebottle to buzz.  Having knowledge and skill is not the same as being able to impart it to others.  When they have joined and return to me I simply say that their skills are already too high for me to help.  
They do get a bit cross sometimes, especially if their skills in athletics are negligible but by then it is too late, they are members.
Is this a sin?  I hope not.


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