L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssInconsequential の変更点


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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Inconsequential<br>
by <br>
Vincent Gallien<br>
<DIV align="left">

Although I have been a member of the Fighters Guild for many years I have recently learned to my horror that in certain circles I have been labelled 'inconsequential'.  And in this I am not alone!  It appears that whatever your calling - guild member, commoner, labourer, mage - if you do not sell or trade there is a good chance that these 'powers' will regard you as a waste of space.
Well, I for one find this offensive.  I have a duty to fulfil and I do it to the best of my ability.  That I have nothing to offer to the general public should not blind them to my role in life.  I save lives.  Politicians spout more words but if you compare what they actually do to my role I wonder which you would see as pointless.
Even those who do not work for a guild are of significance.  They are the marketplace to whom goods are sold, for whom the Courier is printed, the audience of great events.  Without them the world is empty of interest.  If all talk and none listen, if all 'do' and none observes, the whole of life falls into imbalance.
So let's hear it for the little guys.  They toil away in the background of those that the world deems 'important'.  But never forget that without them there would be no role for the 'important' people to play.  The one cannot exist without the other.
I will shortly be starting a fund to bring awareness of our plight to a wider public.  Money received will be used to fund the erection of plaques on buildings where we have lived.  No one will have heard of us but then, in my experience, no one has heard of the supposedly famous who already have such plaques.  My will say 'Vincent Gallien lives here.  He is a human being like many others.'
Please send your donations to Vincent Gallien care of the Fighters Guild, Bravil.


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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Inconsequential<br>
by <br>
Vincent Gallien<br>
<DIV align="left">

Although I have been a member of the Fighters Guild for many years I have recently learned to my horror that in certain circles I have been labelled 'inconsequential'.  And in this I am not alone!  It appears that whatever your calling - guild member, commoner, labourer, mage - if you do not sell or trade there is a good chance that these 'powers' will regard you as a waste of space.
Well, I for one find this offensive.  I have a duty to fulfil and I do it to the best of my ability.  That I have nothing to offer to the general public should not blind them to my role in life.  I save lives.  Politicians spout more words but if you compare what they actually do to my role I wonder which you would see as pointless.
Even those who do not work for a guild are of significance.  They are the marketplace to whom goods are sold, for whom the Courier is printed, the audience of great events.  Without them the world is empty of interest.  If all talk and none listen, if all 'do' and none observes, the whole of life falls into imbalance.
So let's hear it for the little guys.  They toil away in the background of those that the world deems 'important'.  But never forget that without them there would be no role for the 'important' people to play.  The one cannot exist without the other.
I will shortly be starting a fund to bring awareness of our plight to a wider public.  Money received will be used to fund the erection of plaques on buildings where we have lived.  No one will have heard of us but then, in my experience, no one has heard of the supposedly famous who already have such plaques.  My will say 'Vincent Gallien lives here.  He is a human being like many others.'
Please send your donations to Vincent Gallien care of the Fighters Guild, Bravil.


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