L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssFaceValue の変更点


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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Face Value<br>
by <br>
Hjolfrodi the Harrier<br>

<DIV align="left">

I should state at once that I have written this against my better judgement.  As things stand I alone know the secret of eternal beauty.  It is ironical, is it not, that I, who hold everything that is attractive, fair or pleasant in total contempt, should be the one to learn it.  My instincts were - no, they still are - to keep it hidden.  Beauty should be, at most, a few years grace between the wrinkled redness of babyhood and the wrinkled whiteness of age.  (These terms won't apply to all races but they will have their equivalents.)   It is against all natural laws to seek to prolong this state and against my whole being to encourage it in any form.
Nevertheless it seems that my Lord, Namira, feels differently.  It is fortunate that I would not aspire to understand the workings of such a mind for I cannot fathom what the goddess of squalor, misery and degradation can hope to gain from it.  Perhaps she sees the need for antithesis.  Certainly squalor cannot be appreciated in its true magnificence unless its opposite is present in the world to be held up to ridicule.  Whatever my Lord's reasoning, I have been instructed to impart my knowledge to you.
I should emphasise at this point that I am talking only of beauty.  It has nothing to do with extending life or combating ageing.  Those who perceive beauty as a concomitant of youth are complete cretins who do not deserve the right to breathe our air.  Then perhaps it takes someone like me, who finds all things beauteous repulsive, to see how this connection is specious.
So what is the big secret?  Simple, beauty is not really anything to do with what you look like but how you feel.  Of course physical appearance will have a short term impact on others.  Yet once they see deeper than face value it is your inner beauty that will attract them.  The light that illuminates your eyes, the way you move, the set of your mouth, your general demeanour, the tone of your voice, your attitude to life.  These are what constitute true beauty.
Forget your face packs, your creams and lotions, your hair pieces and implants.  Oh they may take in the gullible and the imbecilic for a few moments but if you want to be considered as beautiful it is your mind that you should work on.  I do not talk here of perception-altering narcotics.  They are just another way of distorting the truth.  
The potion you need is one apple, one lady's mantle leaf and a small amount of ground gold leaf.  These should be dissolved into a large glass of warmed asses urine.  Take this twice daily for one month and you will find out exactly what I mean.


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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Face Value<br>
by <br>
Hjolfrodi the Harrier<br>

<DIV align="left">

I should state at once that I have written this against my better judgement.  As things stand I alone know the secret of eternal beauty.  It is ironical, is it not, that I, who hold everything that is attractive, fair or pleasant in total contempt, should be the one to learn it.  My instincts were - no, they still are - to keep it hidden.  Beauty should be, at most, a few years grace between the wrinkled redness of babyhood and the wrinkled whiteness of age.  (These terms won't apply to all races but they will have their equivalents.)   It is against all natural laws to seek to prolong this state and against my whole being to encourage it in any form.
Nevertheless it seems that my Lord, Namira, feels differently.  It is fortunate that I would not aspire to understand the workings of such a mind for I cannot fathom what the goddess of squalor, misery and degradation can hope to gain from it.  Perhaps she sees the need for antithesis.  Certainly squalor cannot be appreciated in its true magnificence unless its opposite is present in the world to be held up to ridicule.  Whatever my Lord's reasoning, I have been instructed to impart my knowledge to you.
I should emphasise at this point that I am talking only of beauty.  It has nothing to do with extending life or combating ageing.  Those who perceive beauty as a concomitant of youth are complete cretins who do not deserve the right to breathe our air.  Then perhaps it takes someone like me, who finds all things beauteous repulsive, to see how this connection is specious.
So what is the big secret?  Simple, beauty is not really anything to do with what you look like but how you feel.  Of course physical appearance will have a short term impact on others.  Yet once they see deeper than face value it is your inner beauty that will attract them.  The light that illuminates your eyes, the way you move, the set of your mouth, your general demeanour, the tone of your voice, your attitude to life.  These are what constitute true beauty.
Forget your face packs, your creams and lotions, your hair pieces and implants.  Oh they may take in the gullible and the imbecilic for a few moments but if you want to be considered as beautiful it is your mind that you should work on.  I do not talk here of perception-altering narcotics.  They are just another way of distorting the truth.  
The potion you need is one apple, one lady's mantle leaf and a small amount of ground gold leaf.  These should be dissolved into a large glass of warmed asses urine.  Take this twice daily for one month and you will find out exactly what I mean.


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