L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/QuestStages/bgXQ4Imprisoned の変更点

FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	10	0	I've agreed to help the imprisoned Xivilai. She has some kind of list for the countess of Bruma. It's written in daedric, on daedric - er - whatever. From what the Xivilai told me it's about [QUOTE]traitors and loonies[QUOTE]. Best get rid of it as soon as possible.
FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	11	0	I need to find someone who can translate Firu's book.
__Firu's book(Firuのリスト)を解読出来る人物を探さねば。
FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	15	0	I was able to translate the book, it seems to be a list of people. The countess decided to keep an eye on them.
FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	20	0	I found someone who had translated the book for me. Now back to the countess of Bruma and tell her the good news. Heck, this daedric book is heavy!
FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	25	0	Narina Corvain was grateful for the list, but refused to let the Xivilai go. At least for now. I should tell Firu about this.
__Narina Corvainはリストの解読に感謝したものの、Xivilaiの釈放は認めてくれなかった…とりあえず現段階では。Firuに伝えねば。
FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	95	0	Firu thanked me for trying to free her, and gave me her collar, even though for now she'll stay in prison. Although she mentioned a movement of other Daedra, that may be able to help her somehow.
FormID: 0300760A	bgXQ4Imprisoned	100	0	Firu is finally free now.

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