L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/QuestStages/bgCQ8Arriashe の変更点

FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	5	0	Jo'desrevi of the Mir Corrup Mages Guild asked me to deliver a possible cure to Arriashe. It should restore her sanity for a while, hopefully long enough to bring her out of the Shivering Isles.
__Mir CorrupのMages GuildメンバーであるJo'desreviから、何とかしてArrriashaを治療して欲しいと頼まれた。一時的なものであれ、彼女をShivering Islesから脱出させるために必要な時間を稼げる程度の効果は必要である。
FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	10	0	Arriashe should still be in the Shivering Isles, city of New Sheoth, bliss district.
__ArriashaはまだShivering IslesのNew Sheothの街にいる。bliss地区だ。
FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	45	0	I've talked with Arriashe about the medicine.
FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	50	0	Arriashe refused to take the medicine and smashed the vial. She didn't trust me for something I have done in the past. Time to report my failure to Jo'desrevi.
FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	75	0	Arriashe took the medicine, and was clear for some time - but not happy. She explained to me that she's happier in the Shivering Isles than she ever was in Mundus, and decided to stay - insanity or not. Time to report her decision to Jo'desrevi.
__Arriashaは薬を受け取り、限られた時間ではあるが正気を取り戻した。しかしあまり嬉しそうではない。話を聞いてみると、彼女はMundusにいた時よりもShivering Islesでの生活の方が幸せなのだと言う。正気であれ狂気であれ、彼女はこの地に残るつもりだ。Jo'desreviに彼女の意志を伝えに戻ろう。
FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	95	0	Jo'desrevi was unhappy to hear that Arriashe has smashed the vial - now we will never knew if it could have been possible to bring her back to sanity.
FormID: 03143878	bgCQ8Arriashe	100	0	Jo'desrevi thanked me for delivering the medicine, and accepted Arriashe's decision - now that she had decided with her sanity intact. He gave me a robe that once belonged to her and thanked me for my help.

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