L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-10 の変更点


FormID: 03049E59	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	2	Either she's considerable weaker than Tesserayiel and Karashivuel, or, hm. I don't know.	
FormID: 03049E59	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	3	Her function is clear - public relations. Although why is she here? Why doesn't she go back to the Isles? Help with dealing with the Greymarch and it's aftermath?	
FormID: 03049E59	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	4	I can't tell for sure, but I've got a suspicion: The Stranded Light sets up an alternative foothold for Daedra in Mundus, contrast to Dagon's invasion. The way they do it they're not affected by the liminal barrier.	
__確かな事は言えませんが、疑念はぬぐえません。Stranded LightはDagonがMundusを侵略しようとしているのとは対照的に、DaedraがMundusで生きる方法を模索しています。liminal barrierに影響されない方法と言えますね。
FormID: 03049E59	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	5	Think about it: The main reason lesser Daedra like us pledge alliance to Daedric Princes is to have a safe haven, a place to escape to from the void.	
FormID: 03049E59	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	6	Is the Stranded Light really their attempt at helping mortals? Or a way to secure freedom for themselves, only possible through helping mortals?	
__定命の者たちを助けることがStranded Lightの本当の目的なのでしょうか?それともDaedraに自由を与える事?しかしそれは定命の者たちを助ける事だけでしか実現出来ないものでしょうか?
FormID: 03049E59	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	7	Don't know. It's not like I have anything to say here, or even be part of discussion rounds.	
FormID: 0307CA85	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	0	Zerreshju was lost, not quite unlike myself. By accident Tesserayiel and myself stumbled upon her, trying to survive in Cyrodiil's wilderness.	
FormID: 0307CA85	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	1	It took quite some time for her to develop some trust in Tesserayiel. As far as I can tell she had less problems with me than her. Aureal and Mazken, always good for fight.	
FormID: 0307CA85	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	2	I fear she's still a bit cautious than necessary. Merendin is a place where we can bloom, and don't have to fall into old habits again.	
FormID: 0307CA85	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharZerreshju	3	Sometimes I get the feeling she still thinks herself as an ambassador having to do insane amounts of paperwork each day. Those times have passed, though. She'll recognize this, sooner or later.	
FormID: 03049E55	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	0	Oh dear, where to start?	
FormID: 03049E55	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	1	She's restraining herself. She always was. Her mind fighting against her blood. A cool mind against a hot head.	
FormID: 03049E55	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	2	She was one of the commanders at the first sacking of Kvatch. I know that from a sister who was in Dagon's service back then. Today in a way she's in command too, only with different goals and means.	
FormID: 03049E55	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	3	I do not know which. What I did noticed is that she wasn't with Dagon's army as he invaded our Shade Perilous.	
__彼女の目的それ自体についてはあまり定かではありません。わたしの故郷Shade Perilousを侵略した時以来、彼女はDagonの手先を止めたというのは分かっていますが。
FormID: 03049E55	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	4	Most Xivilai are proud creatures. Probably she felt mistreated or something, and is now making her revenge by helping Tesserayiel.	
FormID: 0307CA86	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	0	That's me. You know. Big, grumpy, horned.	
FormID: 0307CA86	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharKarashivuel	1	And, if you haven't noticed, I'm a Xivilai. Love being so.	
FormID: 03049E57	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	0	Unlike Karashivuel she was present as Mehrunes Dagon invaded Shade Perilous.	
__Karashivuelと違って、彼女はDagonによるShade Perilousへの侵攻作戦に参加していました。
FormID: 03049E57	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	1	I had to witness what she did to my sisters. And to the mortals she met.	
FormID: 03049E57	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	2	She's not one I ever wish to see again.	
FormID: 03049E57	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	3	Ask yourself: What will she do once bored? Or once this [QUOTE]Stranded Light[QUOTE] dissolves? Don't answer! I don't know. I just don't wish to be in Skingrad, then.	
__想像してみて下さい。もしも彼女が今の仕事に飽きてしまったら?「Strande Light」が解散してしまったら?考えたくもありません。少なくともSkingradには近づきたくありませんね。
FormID: 0307CA7E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	0	Like most Daedra who once served one of the more destructive Princes she's got a quite some hard time to adapt. Has to go through it, if she liked it or not.	
FormID: 0307CA7E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	1	I had already left Lord Dagon back then, but I still had some contacts. The Xivilai got blamed and ridiculed pretty back then for the loss of Shade Perilous, despite all clans together had messed it up.	
FormID: 0307CA7E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	2	And how pathethic was it? Losing a conquered and already secured realm to a mortal, a few Nocturnals and a few stray Seducers. Every single daedroth had messed it up. Badly. And let's not talk about the Soul Cairn.	
FormID: 0307CA7E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	3	Yet the Xivilai were blamed. Neither the Dremora, who even later caused Dagon's banishment. Nor the other clans. Just we.	
FormID: 0307CA7E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	4	Suffice to say a lot more followed my example and abandoned Lord Dagon afterwards. Quurunae was one of them.	
FormID: 0307CA7E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharQuurunae	5	She now has to see mortals in an entirely different light. I had to, too. That's the price we members of the Stranded Light have to pay, if we want or not.	
FormID: 03049E51	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	0	Not trying to step on anybody's toes, but male Golden Saints are one of the less famous Daedra.	
__悪気があって言うわけではありませんが、男のGolden SaintというのはDaedraの中ではマイナーな存在です。
FormID: 03049E51	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	1	Like Mazken the Golden Saint have an amazonian society. Male are worth a lot less than females. Now we Daedra are immortal spirits, neither born nor bound to a body. The body we have is what we think we are.	
__Mazkenと同様、Golden Saintも女系社会を構成していますからね。男性は女性よりも低く見られるようになっています。私たちはDaedraでその本質は不死の魂ですから肉体の形に束縛される事はありません。形は、自意識によって決定されるのです。
FormID: 03049E51	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	2	Now if someone takes the role of a male in an amazonian society, this should tell you how he feels about himself. Inferior. This also likely applies to that Frondre.	
FormID: 03049E52	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	0	Not trying to step on anybody's toes, but male Golden Saints are one of the less famous Daedra.	
__悪気があって言うわけではありませんが、男のGolden SaintというのはDaedraの中ではマイナーな存在です。
FormID: 03049E52	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	1	Like Mazken the Golden Saint have an amazonian society. Male are worth a lot less than females. Now we Daedra are immortal spirits, neither born nor bound to a body. The body we have is what we think we are.	
__Mazkenと同様、Golden Saintも女系社会を構成していますからね。男性は女性よりも低く見られるようになっています。私たちはDaedraでその本質は不死の魂ですから肉体の形に束縛される事はありません。形は、自意識によって決定されるのです。
FormID: 03049E52	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	2	Now if someone takes the role of a male in an amazonian society, this should tell you how he feels about himself. Inferior. This also likely applies to that Frondre.	
FormID: 03049E52	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	3	No, don't justify your choice! I've got nothing against males. It's more your kin that's concerned with this. Me? I'm happy with males. And can get very happy.	
FormID: 03049E53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	0	Not trying to step on anybody's toes, but male Golden Saints are one of the less famous Daedra.	
__悪気があって言うわけではありませんが、男のGolden SaintというのはDaedraの中ではマイナーな存在です。
FormID: 03049E53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	1	Like Mazken the Golden Saint have an amazonian society. Male are worth a lot less than females. Now we Daedra are immortal spirits, neither born nor bound to a body. The body we have is what we think we are.	
__Mazkenと同様、Golden Saintも女系社会を構成していますからね。男性は女性よりも低く見られるようになっています。私たちはDaedraでその本質は不死の魂ですから肉体の形に束縛される事はありません。形は、自意識によって決定されるのです。
FormID: 03049E53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	2	Now if someone takes the role of a male in an amazonian society, this should tell you how he feels about himself. Inferior. This also likely applies to that Frondre.	
FormID: 03049E53	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	3	Surprised that I know a bit about your culture, Aureal? Don't be. Where I'm coming from knowledge was valued.	
FormID: 0307CA7A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	0	A male golden saint. Doesn't this say everything?	
__男のGolden Saintだな。それ以上の説明はいらんだろう?
FormID: 0307CA7A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	1	As immortal spirits Daedra have no innate gender. The body we have depends heavily on the animus behind.	
FormID: 0307CA7A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharGever	2	Look how Aureal society treats males. Should tell you everything what kind of person *chooses* to be a male, then.	
FormID: 03049E56	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	0	I do not buy her story about being unable to see blood due to a fight anymore.	
FormID: 03049E56	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	1	As far as I've heard she once stayed for a night in the 19 Voids. A few days later she emerged from the Void in Brellach again, but fled in horror from the Isles.	
__以前聞いた話です。彼女は一度だけ19 Voidsに泊まった事があるそうですね。で、その数日後にBrellachで虚無から再生したのですが、すぐにIslesから逃げ出して行方不明になってしまったそうです。
FormID: 03049E56	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	2	I doubt she will come to visit us in Merendin, now that I'm staying here and could remind her on Turumerin.	
FormID: 03049E56	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	3	That's a problem with immortality, isn't it?	
FormID: 03049E56	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	4	Once Turumerin is finished with a mortal his soul is free, and his body goes through her pet Xivilai's digestion tract. A Daedroth? Will return, with all memories intact. No wonder she can't see blood anymore.	
FormID: 0307CA7C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	0	An Aureal unable to see blood and gore anymore. How... interesting. No wonder she joined us, though. Where else she could have gone to?	
FormID: 0307CA7C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	1	I've got nothing against Aureal. Only problem with them is their lack of inspiration, and their tendency towards a military hierarchy. No good in both. Maybe Nareyla will grow out of these habits in time.	
FormID: 0307CA7C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharNareyla	2	Maybe not. Who knows?	
FormID: 03049E50	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshSLCharFrondre	0	I never met him. Never heard of him, either. Whatever his role on the Isle was, he never gained any fame.	

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