L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-08 の変更点


FormID: 0303C91E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	0	You're surprised to be able to walk among mortals?	
FormID: 0303C91E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	1	You need to remember mortals see what they wish to see. You were freed by the Emperor, no less. That has affected how you're perceived.	
FormID: 0303C91E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	2	Most people will feel that something's not right about you. Unless they concentrate on you, they won't notice what you truly are.	
FormID: 0303C91E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	3	That's why you can walk among mortals, while I can't. We may be both Xivilai, but late Uriel Septim blessed you. If people see me, they run away screaming.	
__それだからこそ、お前は気兼ねなく定命の者たちと一緒にすごせるのだ。だが私は違う。私達はどちらもXivilaiではあるが、お前はUriel Septim 皇帝の祝福を受けている。もしも私が人々の前に現れたら、彼らはきっと逃げ出してしまうだろう。
FormID: 0303C91E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	4	If they see you? Well, a really big and muscular Dark Elf. Maybe with horns, but this must just be some tribal thingy.	
__だが彼らがお前を見る目は違う。背丈が大きく筋肉質なDark Elf程度にしか見られないだろう。確かに角はあるかもしれないが、それは民族的な違い程度にしか認識されない。
FormID: 0303C91F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	0	You're surprised to be able to walk among mortals?	
FormID: 0303C91F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	1	You need to remember mortals see what they wish to see. You were freed by the Emperor, no less. That has affected how you're perceived.	
FormID: 0303C91F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	2	Most people will feel that something's not right about you. Unless they concentrate on you, they won't notice what you truly are.	
FormID: 0303C91F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	3	Which is quite odd, to be honest. Wings, horns, fangs, even those can be overlooked by mortals. It's a gift of late Uriel Septim. Do not take it lightly.	
__全く奇妙なこどだ。翼もあれば角も爪もあるのに定命の者たちは気付かないのだから。きっとUriel Septim皇帝からの賜物だな。軽々しく考えるんじゃないぞ。
FormID: 0303C920	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	0	You're surprised to be able to walk among mortals?	
FormID: 0303C920	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	1	You need to remember mortals see what they wish to see. You were freed by the Emperor, no less. That has affected how you're perceived.	
FormID: 0303C920	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	2	Most people will feel that something's not right about you. Unless they concentrate on you, they won't notice what you truly are.	
FormID: 0303C920	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	3	Beside only your eyes give you away. Aureals could have always had an easy time blending into mortal society, if it weren't for your bullheadedness, which runs rampart in your kin. 	
FormID: 0303C920	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	4	If you're halfway restrained, like you and the other Aureals around here, you're mostly perceived as High Elves.	
__もしもお前がここのAurealと同じように、いわば「軟禁状態」にあるとしても、それでもお前は受け入れられやすい部類に入ると思うぞ。High Elfとしてな。
FormID: 0303C921	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	0	You're surprised to be able to walk among mortals?	
FormID: 0303C921	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	1	You need to remember mortals see what they wish to see. You were freed by the Emperor, no less. That has affected how you're perceived.	
FormID: 0303C921	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	2	Most people will feel that something's not right about you. Unless they concentrate on you, they won't notice what you truly are.	
FormID: 0303C921	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZZXme	3	Beside only your eyes give you away. Mazken always had an easy time blending into mortal society, if they needed to. People see only a Dark Elf in you.	
__それに、彼らとお前との違いはその目だけだ。Mazkenたちは必要とあらば定命の者たちの社会に簡単に溶け込める。人々はお前をただのDark Elfだとしか思わないだろう。
FormID: 0303D6F6	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	0	You were tasty. Care for another round of fun?	
FormID: 0303D6F6	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	1	Maybe I do even have a bed for you, after all.	
FormID: 0303D6F6	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	2	No? How sad.	
FormID: 03049080	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	0	What did you expect?	
FormID: 03049080	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	1	She doesn't consider her fangs just for showing.	
FormID: 03049080	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	2	She's hungry, always. Lusting after mortals and daedra alike.	
FormID: 03049080	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	3	Not all of us are like her. Most of us aren't. She's quite unique. But then everyone of us is, aren't we?	
__もちろん、Daedra Seducerの全てが彼女と同じではありません。というか、彼女が特殊なんです。まあ、彼女と同じようなDaedra Seducerがいないのか?と言われれば否定は出来ませんけれど。
FormID: 03049081	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	0	Have you never tasted blood, engorged in companions for the night?	
FormID: 03049081	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	1	I mean, what did you expect? That her fangs are just for showing? She's hungry, always. Lusting after mortals and daedra alike.	
FormID: 03049081	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	2	Not all of us are like her. Most of us aren't. She's quite unique. But then everyone of us is, aren't we? Otherwise you would have known.	
__もちろん、Daedra Seducerの全てが彼女と同じではありません。というか、彼女が特殊なんです。まあ、彼女と同じようなDaedra Seducerがいないのか?と言われれば否定は出来ませんけれど。
FormID: 03049084	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	0	Learn something from it.	
FormID: 03049084	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	1	Some Daedra are straight forward. I always tell people what I want with them or from them, even if it is making necklaces from their ears and sausages with their intestines.	
FormID: 03049084	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	2	Did you happen to know that fried elf ears taste like grilled bread chips dipped in honey?	
FormID: 03049084	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	3	Anyway. Yes, she bit you. So what? You've survived. There are far worse things she could have done. Trust me, I had dealing with Daedra Seducers before.	
__それはともかく。奴に噛まれたんだってな。だが、それがどうしたというのだ?現にお前はこうして生きていられるのだから、何の問題もない。奴にかかればもっと悪い事態だってあり得たのだ。私は嘘は言っていないぞ?私自身、以前Daedra Seducerと対峙した事があるからな。
FormID: 03049084	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsKiss	4	Even a Xivilai has standards.	
__Daedra Seducerと関わるとろくな事にならないのだ。そんな事、Xivilaiでさえも知っている常識だぞ。
FormID: 03049083	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss	0	I am not like Turumerin. For better or worse, I don't know.	
FormID: 03049083	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss	1	For a long time she was in Sanguine's services, while I lived in Shade Perilous, an outer realm under Nocturnal's influence.	
__彼女は長年の間Sanguineの従者を務めてきましたけれど、対して私はNocturnal様の領地であるShade Perilousに住んでいました。
FormID: 03049083	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss	2	Everyone of us has desires and wishes, and I have similar fangs like Turumerin. All this doesn't mean that I would act like her.	
__Daeda Seducerというものは、皆それぞれに欲望や願いを胸に秘めているものなのです。わたしにもTurumerinと同じような牙がありますが、だからといって彼女と同じような振る舞いをするわけではありません。
FormID: 03049083	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss	3	Even ignoring that Karashivuel and Tesserayiel would banish me into the void faster than I could scream [QUOTE]DO NOT WANT![QUOTE], it's just not my style to sink my fangs in unwilling flesh.	
FormID: 03049083	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss	4	If someone would want to be close to me, and I'd share the feeling, then, maybe. I never was a fan of Molag Bal's work.	
__もしも親しい人が出来て、思いを一つにする事が出来れば話は違うかもしれませんけれどね…。少なくとも私にはMolag Balのような趣味は一切ありません。
FormID: 0304975C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	0	Am I?	
FormID: 0304975C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	1	I never was in Sanguine's realm, wading through mountains of wiggling bodies. Pleasuring and be pleasured by everyone nearby. Feasting on living flesh and blood.	
FormID: 0304975C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	2	Do you think every Daedroth is the same? Just compare Karashivuel to your typical Xivilai. As far as I see you've still got your head on your shoulder.	
FormID: 0304975E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	0	Am I?	
FormID: 0304975E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	1	I never was in Sanguine's realm, wading through mountains of wiggling bodies. Pleasuring and be pleasured by everyone nearby. Feasting on living flesh and blood.	
FormID: 0304975E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	2	How about yourself? What darkness lurks in your heart? Playing the hero of mankind may be nice, but I doubt you've always been that way.	
FormID: 0304975E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	3	Do not answer that. In the end you'll only have to answer yourself.	
FormID: 0304975F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	0	Am I?	
FormID: 0304975F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	1	I never was in Sanguine's realm, wading through mountains of wiggling bodies. Pleasuring and be pleasured by everyone nearby. Feasting on living flesh and blood.	
FormID: 0304975F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	2	Do you think every Daedroth is the same? Just compare Karashivuel to your typical Xivilai. As far as I see you've still got your head on your shoulder.	
FormID: 0304975F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss1	3	And you don't seem like a typical Xivilai, neither. Do not others have the same right to be different than yourself?	
FormID: 0304975D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDSTeshKiss2	0	True. Even if a bit shy, people rather deal with Karashivuel than with me. Strange mortals. My time in the Soulgem must have broken my charms.	

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