L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZPQDialog-04 の変更点

FormID: 03117C2A	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I don't like coming here. It's a dark, depressing place, with foul air and even fouler sights. Though I have to train. If I ever meet a Mabrigash again, I want to be able to defend myself!	
FormID: 03129156	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I was there once. Made my fur all wet. Took a week to get all those algae out of it. Was worth the hassle. A beautiful place, don't you think?	
FormID: 0312915F	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I hate water. Don't expect me to go out there. Everything's so wet. Horrible.	
FormID: 0312B4F6	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I like islands. I like shores. I love the reflection of the sun when it goes down behind the horizon. Or leaps itself into the sky. There's beauty here. A tarnished beauty, but beauty nonetheless.	
FormID: 0312B4F7	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	The place I have to sleep for a time, until I figure out the chained door. And the place Yan-Tissam uses for her painting. I don't know why she always asks me to use the chains on Barnard.	
FormID: 0312B4F7	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	He's uncomfortable enough already, which kind of hurts me.	
FormID: 03142318	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Our little sanctuary in the realm!	
FormID: 03142318	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	I love it. Feeling the fur of my bed on my skin, breathing the dry air, dancing around the fires. Ah, reminds me on the good, old times.	
FormID: 03142318	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	2	Thinking about it, there is something left you could do for me. Just a little task. Nothing complicated. Or dangerous.	
FormID: 03142318	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	3	Outside of this realm there's a Xivilai quite similar to me, and we shared a lot of time in our past. I want to send her a letter that I'm alright. She's as friendly as I, and won't harm you.	
FormID: 03142318	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	4	Would you take my letter? When in doubt, you could even give it to other friendly Xivilais with ties that stretch beyond this realm. I'm sure they would deliver it, too.	
FormID: 03142319	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Our little sanctuary in the realm!	
FormID: 03142319	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	I love it. Feeling the fur of my bed on my skin, breathing the dry air, dancing around the fires. Ah, reminds me on the good, old times.	
FormID: 0311EE32	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	Yes, I know, I know. It's missing a bit of a punch. Better than [QUOTE]official painter and artist organisation of the Shivering Isles[QUOTE], don't you think?	
__分かっているよ。確かにパンチに欠けた名前だとは思う。でも[QUOTE]official painter and artist organisation of the Shivering Isles(Shivering Isles公式画家・芸術家協会)[QUOTE]みたいな名前よりは良いでしょう?
FormID: 0311EE32	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	1	At least you can shorten [QUOTE]Disciples of the Moment[QUOTE] to DotM, far better than [QUOTE]OPaAOotSI[QUOTE], that sounds like an illness.	
__少なくとも[QUOTE]Disciples of the Moment[QUOTE]ならDotMと略す事が出来るじゃない?[QUOTE]OPaAOotSI[QUOTE]なんて何かの病名みたいな略称よりはよっぽど良いと思うよ。
FormID: 0311EE34	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	The name of the guild we are here to protect. As if mortals could appreciate the magic of each single moment.	
FormID: 0311EE35	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	Fools on an errand quest to attain immortality through their creations. Doomed to fail.	
FormID: 0311EE36	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	Believe it or not, but you can't make a living by art alone. Not if you want to have a place to sleep and more than dead Baliwogs to eat.	
FormID: 0311EE36	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	1	That's why I'm not sad about coming here. Life could be worse.	
FormID: 0311EE37	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	I had hoped the guild would be more about celebrating each moment, not merely trying to capture moments on carpets.	
FormID: 0311EE38	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	You blink, and a year has passed. Blink even more, and you're dead. Refuge in each moment is the only escape possible for mortals. I understood, even if no one else does.	
FormID: 0311EE39	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	There are moments that have to be cherished. Like when the gut of your motive explode.	
FormID: 03129155	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	I was interested in art since I was a little kitten. Unfortunately I lack any talent in actually drawing and painting anything, so I'm very glad that Longius gave me this chance!	
FormID: 0312915E	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	It wasn't my idea to come here. Lived happily in the Imperial City. Then came a Bosmer and made a scene. Had to flee. Now all is lost, and I've got to get used to this place. What a mess.	
FormID: 0312915E	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	1	Life was not kind to me. At least I can still draw. A little bit.	
FormID: 0312B4F5	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Disciples	0	I adore what the mortals try to accomplish. Capturing the very essence of an unique moment, that is something requiring both talent and skill. Maybe, once upon a time, I'll try my hand at it, too. For now I'm just the most beautiful model around.	
FormID: 03117C23	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0ZendriaYTIntQuestion	0	Everything does.	
FormID: 0311A19F	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut1	0	Alright, alright. The saint stays still. That's a good sign. It's always glad to see them not attacking anyone on sight. My family lived in Morrowind, and let's just say we had troubles with them.	
FormID: 0311A19F	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut1	1	Bad troubles. Like once one of them killed a messenger, put him into a small box, then put the box in front of a city, to be sent by another messenger. That was scary!	
FormID: 0311A19F	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut1	2	And now I even succeeded in locking myself out with one. Things don't develop as planned.	
FormID: 0311A1A0	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut2	0	See those big gates? They require a certain source of power. A crystal, which used to be buried deep inside the ruin.	
FormID: 0311A1A0	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut2	1	Well, I had a clerk who arrived here before me. He let the others of our new organisation in, then managed to find the crystal and was eaten by a Scalon.	
FormID: 0311A1A0	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut2	2	It's horribly what happened to him, but, well. He shouldn't have ventured outside. And calling our guards names wasn't really the brightest thing you can do.	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	0	It's Zendria, of course!	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	1	Uhm. That doesn't say anything to you, does it?	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	2	Well, I would give you a tour. If the gates weren't locked, you know.	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	3	It's the place for the Disciples of the Moment!	
__ここはthe Disciples of the Moment(刹那の信奉者)の為に開かれた場所なんだよ!
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	4	Wait. That doesn't ring any bells, too?	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	5	Oh well. I've persuaded some of the best and often even somewhat talented artists of the Isles to come here. It's the perfect place to create paintings and other works of art.	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	6	If the door opens, that is. Currently there's not much happening.	
FormID: 0311A1A1	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3	7	Would you want to go on a little Scalon hunt? There's a crystal to retrieve!	
FormID: 0311A1A4	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3a	0	Splendid, cupcake!	
FormID: 0311A1A4	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3a	1	According to the Golden Saint Zendria used to be an old Scalon hunting ground after it's abandonment. Considering that the crystal is too big to go through a Scalon's intestines, it should still be around here.	
__あのGolden Saintによると、Zendriaは砦としての機能を失った後、Scalonの狩場になっていたそうだ。あのcrystalはScalonの腸に収まるには大きすぎるから、きっとまだこの近くにあるはずだと思う。
FormID: 0311A1A4	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3a	2	Likely even a bit more passive than usual. Keep your eyes open.	
FormID: 0311A1A4	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3a	3	And good hunting!	
FormID: 0311A1A2	bgZPQDialog	bgZPBQ1LockedOut3b	0	If you change your mind, let me know!	

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