L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZPQDialog-03 の変更点

FormID: 03129158	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Time is difficult to grasp here. There are no seasons. No one seems to age. Well, young folk does age, but once they're at their [QUOTE]soul age[QUOTE], they just stop.	
FormID: 03129159	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	I'm not sure what I've gotten into. Mother said never trust Dunmer, but I just had to help the poor woman getting back home. Now I'm stuck here. Going to make the best out of it!	
FormID: 0312915A	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	I could swear I've seen another Ohmes-raht on my way to Zendria!	
FormID: 0312915A	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	1	I was surprised. We're kind of rare here. As everywhere outside of Elsweyr and the Illiac Bay.	
FormID: 0312915B	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Ever seen one of those walking trees? They remind me of ducks without a second [QUOTE]e[QUOTE].	
FormID: 0312915C	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	The Curios are pro forma a noble family, but most of them turn to adventures. In one way or another. There's a rumor one of them even kissed the Nerevarine.	
FormID: 0312915D	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Do you think that Zashiri hears a lot of rumors? While many visitors talk, Zashiri not necessarily listens.	
FormID: 0312915D	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	1	What did it say?	
FormID: 03129160	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	No, I didn't have any choice regarding my name. Where do people get this annoying idea from?	
FormID: 03129161	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	I don't care what happens to and with and in the Empire anymore. Those bureaucrats took the life, wanted to force me into a desert. It's my past. I'm trying to leave it behind. I'm here now.	
FormID: 03129162	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	There is no hope. You can only struggle from day to day, not thinking about what lies beyond the next week. And then, suddenly, everything can end. As if it matters to anyone.	
FormID: 03129163	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	No, not all Curios are like my father and his siblings. Thanks for asking.	
FormID: 03129164	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Rumors? Here? Look around! I'm in a freaky mushroom on a small island far away from any place something important may happen. What exactly do you expect?	
FormID: 03129165	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Life's a sick joke, peppered with the illusion of choice.	
FormID: 03129166	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	I once had my own shop in the Imperial City. The place to go for art. Yes, one as young as me can still run a business. Unless a Bosmer comes around and gets you kicked out.	
FormID: 03129166	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	1	And my poor shop became some hutch for people. Are there any artists left in Cyrodiil, or did they succeed in wiping out the whole culture?	
FormID: 03129166	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	2	As if I should care.	
FormID: 0312B4F8	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	The realm has changed since I last walked on it. I'm happy about meeting so many new people, but I can't stop asking myself what has happened in the mean time?	
FormID: 0312B4F9	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Not all Xivilais are walking engines of destruction. Take my [QUOTE]sister[QUOTE] in the figurative sense as an example. She wouldn't hurt a soul. And I'm not into the destroying mood either.	
FormID: 0312B4FA	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Mehrunes Dagon and Sheogorath don't get along. That's why a considerable number of Xivilais search sanctuary here, if they fear to have invoked Mehrunes Dagon's wrath.	
FormID: 0312B4FA	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	1	Many of the other Daedric Princes don't offer the same protection. When going to Coldharbour, you could directly stay in the Deadlands. Many rulers of other realms would allow you to be taken back. Bad business.	
FormID: 0312B4FB	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	We Daedra living here are not necessarily insane. That's only a trait many mortals aquire. However I wouldn't call many mad .	
FormID: 0312B4FB	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	1	Just eccentric. I've seen true lunatics. This realm is nothing in comparison.	
FormID: 0312B4FC	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Once this realm was called Madhouse, and considerable bigger. As I last walked on it, New Sheoth was just a days walk from here. And Zendria wasn't an island, lieing on a land tongue.	
FormID: 0312B4FD	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	I can imagine what some Xivilai would think about my behavior. Know what? I don't care!	
FormID: 0312B4FE	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	0	Want to hear a little advice? Slow down, enjoy the realm, spend time at the beach and feel the sand between your toes.	
FormID: 0312B4FE	bgZPQDialog	zbgRumors	1	Much better than fighting beasties, don't you think?	
FormID: 03117C1A	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I've been in worse places. Yes, it is a ruin, and in a state of decay, but at least there's no ash in the air, or Mabrigash's around. Even those daedric guards less threatening than them!	
FormID: 03117C1B	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Zendria used to be one of the few deserted ruins in the Shivering Isles. During a past cataclysm the hill it stands on sank, and so the living quarters became partly submerged.	
__ZendriaはかつてShivering Islesでも数少ない無人の遺跡でした。けれど建っていた丘が大洪水で水没してしまったから、今でも居住区の一部は浸水したままなんですよ。
FormID: 03117C1B	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	Which seem to be too uncomfortable for most Mania residents. Only a few Scalons lurk around here from time to time. A quiet place in the ever buzzing Mania. Bearable.	
FormID: 03117C1C	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Zendria is the name of this ruin.	
FormID: 03117C1C	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	What did you expect? A history lesson? I can't give you any. It's my first assignment at this location.	
FormID: 03117C1D	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	It was one of several possible locations for our artists. The others didn't have useable ruins left, or were too dangerous. It's a bit far off from society, but so at least the artists aren't disturbed so often.	
FormID: 03117C1D	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	I'm quite happy to have aquired Zendria. It's a bit rundown, shoddy, but more than good enough. There's nothing more inspiring than seeing the sun rising through an ocean of stars, reflected in the sea.	
FormID: 03117C1E	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	A terrible place. So much light, stinging in your eyes. Colors that don't match anywhere. On too many days the sun gets through fogs and clouds. And don't let me get started on those self proclaimed [QUOTE]artists[QUOTE] from Mania.	
FormID: 03117C1F	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	This place lacks some good decorations, like old bodies and remains of slain heroes. What's a true ruin without a graveyard for those lucky to be taken away? What a disgrace!	
FormID: 03117C20	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I'm very lonely around here. The demented? They're no fun. Barnard? Nah, he's like a non-housetrained puppy. Longius? Tries to hold up some [QUOTE]professional distance[QUOTE]. What a bother. And a waste.	
FormID: 03117C22	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Have you seen the picture besides my bed? A big, sturdy Telvanni tower. One of the few things the Great Houses got right. It reminds me of sex.	
__私のベッドの近くにある絵はもう見た?がっしりとした巨大なTelvanniの塔の絵よ。あの塔は、Great Houseが成し遂げた数少ない正しい行ないだと思うわ。あれを見る度にセックスの事を思い浮かべてしまうわ。
FormID: 03117C24	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I don't want to complain, but living together with Yan-Tissam isn't easy. She tends to be quite loud at nights. And always leaves our place in a mess. Day after day I have to clean up after her.	
FormID: 03117C25	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	I swear if we had a place to train spells at in our cave, I wouldn't visit this hole here. How can anyone live in this barren, shallow hole? Only cold stone all around.	
FormID: 03117C26	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Most citizen in Mania prefer to live in light, lofty places. This ruin doesn't offer much for them, and I heard a couple of complaints about the lack of windows and fresh air. Fortresses aren't built for this, as you surely understand.	
FormID: 03117C26	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	I just wished they would.	
FormID: 03117C27	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Most citizen of Dementia prefer dark, small places. Well, this ruin is certainly dark, but not exactly small. This seems to be a natural cave that was integrated into the fortress. Not in my power to change it.	
FormID: 03117C27	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	1	If only those living in here would understand.	
FormID: 03117C28	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	Acceptable at best. More tolerable, if you ask me. I'm no fan of this big, open spaces everywhere. They make me feel uneasy from time to time. Especially when the Bosmer has one of it's fits of madness again.	
FormID: 03117C29	bgZPQDialog	bgZPQ0Zendria	0	This cave doesn't come even close in reaching it's potential. All those thorns and hooks, yet no blood dripping from it, no crunched bones littering the floor. It has no flair.	

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