L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZOQOhmesDialogue-03 の変更点


FormID: 0310537F	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	As I arrived in Cyrodiil and heard where I have to go, I was shocked. It didn't turn out so bad as I had feared. It's a great opportunity to learn. Far more than hearing lectures at the Arcane University.	
__Cyrodiilに着いてから赴任先を聞いた時にはすごくショックを受けましたよ。けれど、結果的にはそんなに悪くはありませんでしたね。ここに来たおかげで沢山の事を学ぶ機会を得られましたから。Arcane Universityで授業を聞いているより、よほど良かったと思います。
FormID: 0310537F	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	After all, in here new knowledge can be found, by living with the Daedra. That is research, not reading through moldy tomes. I know it was a prank that brought me here, but it did backfire!	
__とどのつまり、この場所でDaedraたちと寝食を共にする事によって新しい知識を得られたと言う事です。ある種の研究調査とも言えましたね。かび臭い本を読解するのとはまた別の意味での。私がここに連れてこられたのはMages Guildにとっておふざけみたいな事だったと言う事は理解しています。けれど、彼らの予想は見事に裏切られたと言えると思います!
FormID: 03105380	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	It's the place I entered this world. Often locations like this are overrun by Conjurers, Plane Summoners and similar shady people. Not Merendin, though! It is now our headquarter! The place from which we will carry a light into the world!	
__私はここで初めてこの世界に召喚されたの。こういう場所って普通はConjurerとかPlane Summonerとかそういう胡散臭い人たちの根城になっているけれども、Merendinは違うわ!今となっては私たちの本部なのよ!私たちはここから世界に向けて光をもたらしていくの!
FormID: 03105380	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	A mortal would have only seen a ruin in disrepair and decay, but I immediately saw the possibility, saw what this place can become. And had become since then. Now it is our home.	
FormID: 03105381	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	Tesserayiel's choice. She knew the place, so she took it. And it serves it's purposes well. I could have imagined a more lively place, but this is what we got, and we're going to make the best of it.	
FormID: 03105381	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	Now we're doing our best to make the ruin more cozy. Repair damage where it's possible. Put candles to the important parts. After all mortals and Daedra are supposed to be able to live here.	
FormID: 03105382	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	Time's different now. If we had to choose our headquarters today, I doubt Tesserayiel would pick Merendin again. It's just too removed from the cities.	
FormID: 03105382	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	Back then, as Tesserayiel started, I think she was more concerned with not having a mob with pitchforks and torches immediately before her doorstep. I can understand that, even if I think this decision made of fear was a wrong one.	
FormID: 03105383	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	Better than a hole in some rock. We've got a roof over our head. We've got beds. It's dry, only the air tends to be a bit humid most days. Could have been far, far worse.	
FormID: 03105383	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	The main thing I don't get is why we didn't close of one of the rooms. This place is too big for all of us, and the dark corners will make some visitors uneasy.	
FormID: 03105383	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	2	Anyway, I like it here. Compared to the place I stayed before it's a paradise, plain and simple.	
FormID: 03105384	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	A lot better than the partly submerged cave I hid in after the shipwreck. And as a bonus, it's close to Black Marsh and the place I stayed, so it didn't took me long to get here.	
__私は船が遭難した後、海中に半分水没したような洞窟で暮らしていました。その頃と比べれば余程良い環境ですね。それに、ここは以前暮らしていたBlack Marshとも近いので、異動にそれほど時間もかかりませんでしたから。
FormID: 03105384	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	It's interesting to study these Daedra. Often Daedra only appears either as menace, or as servants. You don't see the full scale of their behavior then. Here? Well, in addition to a roof and a dry bed I can learn a lot, too!	
FormID: 03105385	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	If there is one thing sure, then it is that the Renrijra Krin won't dare to attack this ruin. The Daedra would drive their agents back. It's good to be finally able to sleep again, and not awake by the quietest noise.	
__一つだけ確かに言えるのは、さすがのRenrijra Krinもこの遺跡を攻める度胸はないだろうという事ですね。彼らのエージェントが来てもDaedra達が追い返してしまうでしょうから。安眠出来る場所を得て嬉しく思っていますよ。それにここは静かすぎて逆に目が覚めるという事もありませんから。
FormID: 03105385	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	I don't have problems working with the Stranded Light. Other members help us in Elsweyr, so why shouldn't I help them here in Cyrodiil? And Merendin may not a palace, it's still better than a tent in the desert.	
__Stranded Lightと協力して働く事に異議はありません。Elsweyrでも彼らは私達を手伝ってくれているのに、Cyrodiilにいる私が彼らを手伝わない理由がありませんしね。Merendinの居心地は宮殿並みとまではいきませんが、少なくとも砂漠にテントを張って暮らすよりはずっと良いです。
FormID: 03105386	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	I've got a bed, a steady supply with strawberries, a roof over my head, and it looks like I'm safe here. What more could I ask for?	
FormID: 03105386	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	I'm even able to do a little bit of business. I just wish it would be a bit brighter in here. Candles can't substitute the sun. Though digging through the swamp and those walls? No, just no. So it's candles.	
FormID: 03105387	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	This place is better than a soul gem. And that's about it. Merendin is nothing compared to the halls in Shade Perilous. And a bad example of Tamriel's style of living, from what I recall.	
__Soul Gemの中よりは良い場所だと思います。Shade Perilousの広間とは全然違いますね。Tamriel様式の居間としては、あまり良い出来ではありませんが。
FormID: 03105388	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	I am confident that you will find a place to bring me out of here. Know that I trust you, my friend. This place ought to be only a short stay for me. Please.	
FormID: 03105389	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	It's always depressing being here, knowing that I could also be at our tower, in our place. This comes hand in hand with the sweet expectation of being back there in a couple of hours, which makes staying here bearable.	
FormID: 0310538A	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	I'm glad that I don't have to stay for long here. Only a few hours, and then I can be at our place again. In our city. Where we both should be. Not here. Though I cannot say I'm unhappy to see you, wherever it may be.	
FormID: 0310538B	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	Oh don't mention it! I still don't like being here, but dreaming of you makes it bearable. Though I cannot get the image out of my mind of both of us intermingling right here, just to freak them out.	
FormID: 0310538B	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	Won't happen, though. I'm not into this kind of activities. After all our most special meetings should be celebrations for both of us, not presentations to annoy others.	
FormID: 0310538C	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	Please, don't spoil my mood by mention that place. I'm happy to be out of it for once.	
FormID: 0310538C	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	I know I have to go back to there. Now I'm not there, and that's all that counts.	
FormID: 030298E5	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou	0	Karrizy's here to do a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.	
FormID: 030298E5	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou	1	There's a lot to be done here, don't you think, too?	
FormID: 030298E7	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou2	0	Well, this one just does a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.	
FormID: 030298E7	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou2	1	Nothing important, Karyzzi can assure you	
FormID: 030298E8	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou2	0	Give freely to the people, of course. What else is there to do?	
FormID: 030298E8	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou2	1	There's a lot of important things needed to be done. Not able to finish it in this one's lifetime, probably.	
FormID: 030298E8	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou2	2	Maybe you can help this one?	
FormID: 030298EA	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	0	Karyzzi's a Khajiit of old thought. Q'zi no vano thzina ualizz. This one does, and does not mind.	
__Karyzziさんはこう見えて古風なKhajiitでな。Q'zi no vano thzina ualizz。気にしていると言えばしているし、していないと言えばしていないよ。
FormID: 030298EA	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	1	There's the issue of the Suthay act. While this one doesn't fall under it, she knows a lot of brothers and sisters that do.	
__そうだな、Suthay actの問題がある。アタシ自身には無関係だが、多くの兄弟姉妹達が規制されているんだ。
FormID: 030298EA	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	2	One Ohmes-raht is already working against it, though. Help her. She's in the Imperial City. Revendri's the name. It would help us all greatly to get it removed.	
__とあるOhmes-rahtが反対運動を繰り広げているがな。奴はImperial Cityにいるから、手伝ってやってくれ。名前はRavendriだ。あの法律が廃止されたらすごく助かるよ。
FormID: 030298EA	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	3	Aside from that there's the issue of a missing tax collector.	
FormID: 030298EB	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	0	Karyzzi's a Khajiit of old thought. Q'zi no vano thzina ualizz. This one does, and does not mind.	
__Karyzziさんはこう見えて古風なKhajiitでな。Q'zi no vano thzina ualizz。気にしていると言えばしているし、していないと言えばしていないよ。
FormID: 030298EB	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	1	This one's already happy that the Suthay Decree is history. That has helped us a lot. Well, not yet, but it will. Some day.	
__とりあえず、Suthay Decreeが廃止になって嬉しく思うよ。凄く助かる。まあ、今のところ目に見える効果は無いけど、その内にはな。
FormID: 030298EB	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	2	If you like to help, I've heard that there's already an Ohmes-raht in Pell's Gate looking for a new home.	
__そうだな。良かったらでいいんだが、Pell's Gateにいるという一人Ohmes-rahtが滞在しているそうだ。家探しをしているそうだから、手伝ってやってくれないか。
FormID: 030298EB	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	3	Aside from that there's the issue of a missing tax collector.	
FormID: 030298EC	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	0	Karyzzi's a Khajiit of old thought. Q'zi no vano thzina ualizz. This one does, and does not mind.	
__Karyzziさんはこう見えて古風なKhajiitでな。Q'zi no vano thzina ualizz。気にしていると言えばしているし、していないと言えばしていないよ。
FormID: 030298EC	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	1	This one's already happy that the Suthay Decree is history. That has helped us a lot. Well, not yet, but it will. Some day.	
__とりあえず、Suthay Decreeが廃止になって嬉しく思うよ。凄く助かる。まあ、今のところ目に見える効果は無いけど、その内にはな。
FormID: 030298EC	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	2	Karrizy's very anxious to find out what good will come out of it.	
FormID: 030298EC	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou3	3	Aside from that there's the issue of a missing tax collector.	
FormID: 030298F2	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou4a	0	While this one thinks that honors you, that's not what it's about.	
FormID: 030298F2	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou4a	1	It's about justice. How else to show the population of this occupied lands who's on their side, and who're corrupt bureaucrats?	
FormID: 030298F3	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou4b	0	Unfortunately this one thinks you're not really an explorer. Finding something in Blackwood is like looking for a flee on a Pahmar.	
FormID: 030298F5	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou4b	0	Great! Well then, it's important to know who you're looking for, isn't it?	
FormID: 030298F5	bgZOQOhmesDialogue	bgZRQ1Doforyou4b	1	He was an Imperial, fair hair, a shadow of a beard, brown eyes, in his middle age. Probably wore some kind of green dress.	

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