L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZHQHiddenDialogue-17 の変更点


FormID: 0314A72B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Don't want to overshadow another poor soul. Don't understand why some culture enthusiasts ask if I would do pictures with others.	
FormID: 0314A72C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Yes, other than the Ohmes, we Ohmes-raht have fur. Nevertheless I won't run around like I do in my paintings. Ever got sand in your hair? Blerg! Clothing is a necessity.	
FormID: 0314A72D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Yes, other than the Ohmes, we Ohmes-raht have fur. Nevertheless I won't run around like I do in my paintings. Ever got sand in your hair? Blerg! Clothing is a necessity.	
FormID: 0314A72D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Oh wait, a lizard. Forget what I said. You won't understand.	
FormID: 0314A72D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	2	No offense meant!	
FormID: 0314A72E	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	She just stood there, holding her tail. What did she say?	
FormID: 0314A72F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Many people are weird. Some are afraid of us. Of us! It's not like we're going to bite or scratch. Well, most of us not, anyway. We may have some catlike features, but we are no predators.	
FormID: 0314A72F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Bosmer on the other hand? Weird little cannibals! Be afraid of them. Be very afraid!	
FormID: 0314A730	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Many people are weird. Some are afraid of us. Of us! It's not like we're going to bite or scratch. Well, most of us not, anyway. We may have some catlike features, but we are no predators.	
FormID: 0314A730	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Bosmer on the other hand? Weird little cannibals!	
FormID: 0314A730	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	2	Don't look offended. The Meat Mandate is your thing, not ours!	
FormID: 0314A731	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Anvil? I've lived long enough in an harbour town. Don't like it. The salt in the air, drunken sailors on the streets, skooma smugglers in dark corners, no. Not the place for me!	
FormID: 0314A732	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Bravil? No, just no. A fire would be the best thing for it. Smelly nest of gnats!	
FormID: 0314A733	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Cheydinhal? Too close to Morrowind. Don't know why the Empire tolerated the savagery there so long. Not going near it. Not at all.	
FormID: 0314A734	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Chorrol? A nice enough place. Only other place I considered. But it wasn't far enough north, not enough snow.	
FormID: 0314A735	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Imperial City? Too big, to crowdy, too noisy. Would have ended up in the Waterfront. Could have stayed in Elsweyr then. No good!	
FormID: 0314A736	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Leyawiin? It's like home, except ruled by clawless people. Both are not a good things. Except that there's no desert a couple of miles away. Which also doesn't make it better	
FormID: 0314A737	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Skingrad? Beautiful city. Everything looks very expensive. Not a place for a poor Ohmes-raht. And there's no snow! I wanted to see snow!	
FormID: 0314AE1B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Whenever you're not looking over my shoulder, I sneak out of my little mushroom and sneak around Cheydinhal, listening to the great gossip around there!	
FormID: 0314AE1B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Did you know they invented an ear tax?	
FormID: 0314AE1B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	2	You t'wit! What rumors do you expect to hear from me?	
FormID: 0314AE1B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	3	Do I look like going out much?	
FormID: 0314BBFA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Ship met pirates, ship sank.	
FormID: 0314BBFB	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Ever wondered why crocodiles taste like chicken? It's because chicken are feathered crocodiles. Isn't that obvious?	
FormID: 0314BBFC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	I've heard in Sumurset Altmer ride giant white warbirds. Can't believe this is true.	
FormID: 0314BBFD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Have you seen some of the walking trees around here? Imagine what happens if a whole forest decides to go to war! It'll be a carnage.	
FormID: 0314BBFE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	I'm a stranger in a strange land. Those Altmer guards around here haven't even tried to kill me! What's up with that?	
FormID: 0314BBFF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	We were driven into the sea! Who would want to live in water anyway? It's wet. Wet, I tell you!	
FormID: 0314BC00	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	I've heard in Morrowind the Dunmer are building cities out of mushrooms, or mushrooms out of cities? Either way, people say we're weird. Oh well!	
FormID: 0314BC01	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	You don't talk about who visits this place. It is a thing called [QUOTE]privacy[QUOTE]. One of the perks of the Guild Guide, visiting people all over the country in no time!	
FormID: 0314BC02	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	The Mages Guild always trafficked with Daedra, but not in ways like now. Can't say I hate the change.	
FormID: 0314BC03	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	What do I do in my free time? Read a bit, draw something. Not that I have much time for myself. There's always someone keeping me busy.	
FormID: 0314BC04	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Once I was part of the Mages Guild, back in Elsweyr. Small town. Was hit hard by a sand storm. Multiple times. They didn't want to rebuilt the chapterhouse, so I left. And here I am!	
FormID: 0314BC05	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	One thing I learned was that there are Daedra and Daedra, and not all are the same. Like not all Khajiit are like the Renrijra Krin thugs. That's not what they tell you in the books.	
FormID: 0314BC06	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Then Renrjira Krin may fight for a just cause, but their methods make things worse and worse. There is no sense in bringing further suffering.	
FormID: 0314BC07	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Why Bruma? As I met Urenvre and Zerreshju, I thought they were merely Dunmer. I was down, beaten by some rogues. These Daedra found me, nurtured me back to health.	
FormID: 0314BC07	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	I've overheard them talking about this outpost, that they were still looking for someone. I volunteered. It was the least I could do.	
FormID: 0314BC08	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Yeah, another female Xivilai in the Stranded Light. Why that?	
FormID: 0314BC08	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	It has something to do with Tesserayiel. More I will not say.	
FormID: 0314BC09	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Lord Dagon stepped on a lot of toes in the last couple of centuries. I was part of his forces for too long, so I hadn't much more places to turn to.	
FormID: 0314BC0A	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	If I enjoy some quality time with a mortal, than on my own free decision. Not on someone's order. So Molag Bal wasn't an option for me.	
FormID: 0314BC0B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Sheogorath may have been an option. After all my presence alone drives some people insane. With the whole Greymarch mess around though, I won't take the risk. Got banished too often in the last years already.	
FormID: 0314BC0C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Of course people are afraid of me! No surprise.	
FormID: 0314BC0C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Won't blame them. Other Xivilais would try to kill and eat them, if they're lucky in that order. A few years ago, well. Time have changed.	
FormID: 0314BC0D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	The Battlespire campaign was a mess. Although the Dremora clan betrayed Lord Dagon, helped the mortal morsel to succeed, we Xivilai took the blame an' Lord Dagon's wrath.	
FormID: 0314BC0D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	I couldn't take it anymore. So I left. And now I am here.	
FormID: 0314BC0E	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	It is alright. This world, I mean. Even a Xivilai like me can appreciate its perks. Like the warmth of the sun. Not freezing for once is a nice change.	
FormID: 0314BC0E	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Or mortals! They're amusing. Not the same kind of amusement they are when torn to pieces, but a nice diversion nonetheless.	
FormID: 031515F8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	0	Elven legends say that Daedra sprang forth from the blood of Padomay, and Aedra came from the mixing of Anu's and Padomay's blood. I wonder what may have originated from the pure blood of Anu, then?	
FormID: 031515F8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	zbgRumors	1	Not that it really matters. It's just a metaphor.

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