L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZHQHiddenDialogue-10 の変更点


FormID: 031523CB	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	There is solace in this world. Something I haven't felt in an eternity. For this I am grateful.	
FormID: 031523CC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	I know what they did, what they tried to do. Even though they failed in their first attempt, I cannot help but admire them.	
FormID: 031523CC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	I've lived long enough in mortal society. Maybe some day Tesserayiel will listen to a few of my suggestions. It will take time, after all she is still an Aureal. A forgiveable condition.	
FormID: 031523CD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	They feed the Baliwog queen!	
FormID: 031523CD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Completely nuts, but you don't bite the hand giving you delicious cookies!	
FormID: 031523CE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Bravil. Oh why did it have to be Bravil?	
FormID: 031523CF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	I've tried to get away from Brellach, where a male Aureal is worth less than a bucket. Where did I end up? Bravil.	
__私はBrellachから逃げようとしたんです。あそこでは男のAurealはバケツよりも価値が無りませんから。そして行き着いた先? Bravilですよ。
FormID: 031523CF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Lesson? Shouldn't have listened to Tesserayiel. Worst mistake ever.	
__教訓ですか? Tesserayielの話を聴くべきではないということですね。これまでで一番の間違いでした。
FormID: 031523D0	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	My work is never done.	
FormID: 031523D1	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Ever been in Pinnacle Rock? In my former station? Cheydinhal is a paradise in comparison.	
__Pinnacle Rockにいたことはありますか? 私が以前いた? それと比べたらCheydinhalは楽園ですね。
FormID: 031523D1	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Golden Saint or not, Tesserayiel is true to her word. Maybe Zerreshju has a good influence on her, who knows?	
__Golden Saintだからか、Tesserayielは自分の言葉に忠実です。多分Zerreshjuは彼女にいい影響を受けているんじゃないでしょうか。分かりませんが。
FormID: 03152AB5	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	See? They're Daedra, they get things done.	
__ほら? 彼等はDaedraよ、成し遂げるでしょうよ。
FormID: 03152AB5	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	In completely wrong ways, doing nothing that would actually be of any value. Still they at least try. Challenging the Mages Guild, what a move! More than the Imperial Cult has done in six years or so.	
__完全に間違っているのは、価値があるのに何もしないことだ。それでも彼等はとにかく試す。Mages Guildへの挑戦は何て進展だろう! Imperial Cultが成すのに6年以上はかかったのに。
FormID: 03152AB6	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Aren't they the ones who sent a Xivilai into our fair city? I'm not impressed.	
__彼等は私たちの清らかな都市にXivilaiを送り込んできたものなんじゃありませんか? 感心はできませんね。
FormID: 03152AB7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	I do recall an advertisement leaflet about them. However I have no clue what good they can do.	
__それらに関しては広告ちらしを思い出しますね。 しかしながら、彼らができる事がどう良い事なのかが分かりません。
FormID: 03152AB7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	And there are rumors. I can't believe they're true however. What guild would hire a Xivilai?	
FormID: 03152AB8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	They've sent us a Xivilai. Which happens to have the contenance to go into the other inn. I didn't dared to believe the rumors after what has happened to Kvatch, but now, oh dear!	
FormID: 03152AB8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	I wonder what they're up to.	
FormID: 03152AB9	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Deep in Blackwood, in an old ruin. I wonder what plants grow around there.	
FormID: 03152AB9	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Oh? Well, I don't care much about any new guilds. Black Tree Company, Stranded Blight, they're all the same either way.	
__おぉ? えぇと、私は新しいギルドというものが好きではないですね。Black Tree Companyなり、Stranded Blightなり、どれにしたって同じようなものでしょう。
FormID: 03152ABA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	The Xivilai is one of them, isn't it? I still recall the scene between her and her date in here. What a mess.	
__あのXivilaiは彼等の一員ですね? 私はまだ彼女の事や彼女とここでデートしたことを思い出せますよ。もうめちゃくちゃだ。
FormID: 03152ABA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Using a Xivilai as a Guild Guide. Innovative, yes. Smart? Decide yourself. Encouraging it to be social, oh dear!	
__Guild Guideの為にXivilaiを使う。それは革新的でしょう。賢明かどうか? それは自分で決めることですね。これは社会の励みになります。いやはや。
FormID: 03152ABB	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	I haven't thought much about them. The Xivilai came here to eat and drink, but kept quiet. And then she appeared one evening with Dion.	
FormID: 03152ABB	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	It was kind of sweet. Dion, shy for once, intimidated I think. The Xivilai, restraining herself. I never thought it would work out, but it did. Both left with a smile.	
FormID: 03152ABB	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	2	The best kiss ever that did not happen, if you ask me.	
FormID: 03152ABC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	What are they thinking? Offering OUR services to the public?	
__彼等は何を考えているんです? 市民に『私たち』のサービスを提供する?
FormID: 03152ABC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Well, when the next kid blows himself up on some self made enchantment, you know who's to blame.	
FormID: 03152ABD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Yes, I know, they've got some strange members. However as a blight threatened my grapes, one of them helped me. Can't say the same about the Imperial Cult.	
__えぇ、知ってます。彼らは変わったメンバーがいるそうですね。しかし、私のブドウが病気に脅かされた際、彼らの1人は私を助けてくれました。Imperial Cultについては同じような事を言うことができません。
FormID: 03154D6F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	I must confess, I had my doubts. We only allowed the Golden Saint here, because we have the means to deal with a Daedroth going rogue. After all we're specialized in Conjuration.	
__実は、私には疑いがありました。Daedrothを悪者として扱う手段があるので、Golden Saintだけここにいるのを認めました。何せ我々はConjurationが専門ですから。
FormID: 03154D6F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	The Golden Saint however was nothing like stories of her kind would have suggested. If the others are like her, I doubt they pose a danger to our world.	
__しかし、Golden Saintは、物語のような行動をほのめかす事はありませんでした。 他のGolden Saintも彼女みたいならば、私は彼らが我々の世界に脅威をもたらすという事を疑います。
FormID: 03154D70	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	The Golden Saint was unsettling at first, however have you seen the look in her eyes? I am not afraid of her. Not anymore.	
__Golden Saintということに最初は動揺しましたが、彼女の目を覗き込んだことはありますか? 私は彼女を恐れません。最早ね。
FormID: 03154D71	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	A dangerous development.	
FormID: 03154D71	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	What are they supposed to be? Some kind of mix between the Imperial Cult and the Mages Guild? Or some kind of daedric cult? Could even be a prank of Sheogorath himself!	
__彼らは、何であると思われますか? Imperial CultとMages Guildの混成の何かですか? それともdaedric cultの何か? Sheogorathのいたずらは彼自身に向かうことさえありえました!
FormID: 03154D71	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	2	I may be old, but even I recognize old structures falling apart. [QUOTE]May you live in interesting times[QUOTE] used to a curse in times passed.	
FormID: 03154D71	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	3	And we live in interesting times. The Stranded Light? Another linchpin.	
__そして、私たちは面白い時代に生きています。Stranded Light? それはもう一つの要ですね。
FormID: 03154D72	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	As much as their efforts to help mankind have to be admired, their open tolerance of daedric beings is a great hazard.	
FormID: 03154D72	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	While many Daedra are mindless beasts, some know trickery, deceit, seduction. Due to their involvement the Stranded Light cannot be trusted, and we advice everyone to not use their services.	
__多くのDaedraが思慮のない獣であり、何かを欺き、偽り、誘惑することを知っています。 当然それに関与するStranded Lightも信用などできませんので、私たちは人々に彼等のサービスを受けぬよう、勧告します。
FormID: 03154D73	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Yes, yes, yes. I've done some research. Out of pure boredom. Did you know that there isn't any mortal being in its inner circle at all?	
__はい、はい、はい。 私は調査をしましたよ。退屈しのぎにね。 そのサークルには定命の者がまったくいないことを知ってましたか?
FormID: 03154D73	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	I don't exactly care. They get the job done, so they get the task. No questions to be asked.	
FormID: 03154D74	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Aren't they the ones who couldn't even get a book back? How hard could that be? Incompetent idiots!	
__彼らは本を取り戻すことさえできなかった人じゃないですか? それがどれだけ難しいことだったというんです? 役立たず共め!
FormID: 03154D75	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	I've seen her before, so many years ago.	
FormID: 03154D75	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	After what has happened at the Battlespire, she was questioned by the Blades. I just saw how she was escorted. I was a child, so I could take a glimpse under her cloak, see the red skin, and her eyes like molten flames.	
__Battlespireの事件の後、彼女はBladeによって質問されました。 私は、ちょうど彼女が護送される様子を見ました。 私は子供であったので、彼女の外套の下の赤い皮膚と、熱した炎のような瞳を一見をすることができた。
FormID: 03154D75	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	2	I wasn't part of the Blades back then. It is all a big secret. For years I thought I merely imagined everything.	
__私は、当時Bladeの一員でありませんでした。 それはすべて重大な秘密です。 長い間、私は単にすべてを想像したものだったんだと思いました。
FormID: 03154D75	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	3	Then I saw a picture of her, that she's now with this new guild, and I was like [QUOTE]uh, huh?[QUOTE]	
FormID: 03154D75	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	4	If you know what I mean.	
FormID: 03154D76	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	The first daring to stand against the Renrijra Krin. I don't know what they are, but they are either reckless, foolish, or a lot more powerful than they want us to believe.	
__Renrijra Krinを逆らって立つことが最初の勇気。私は彼らが何であるか知りません、しかし、それは向こうみずであるか、愚かであるか、いずれにせよ我々が信じるよりもっと強力です。
FormID: 03154D76	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Talasma doesn't know. If two storms are about to collide over your roof, you stay indoors.	
__Talasmaは知りません。 2つの嵐があなたの屋根の上に衝突しようとしているならば、あなたは屋内にいなさい。
FormID: 03154D77	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Fishy. They've even got a Xivilai in there.	
FormID: 03154D77	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	Don't know what they're up to, but it can't be good.	
FormID: 03154D77	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	2	Daedric cults are something for the Mages Guild to look over. Or the Blades. Oh I don't care!	

__Mages Guild全体を見れば、Daedra信仰もその一部なんだろうな。もしくはBladeの。まぁ、俺は気にしないがな!

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