L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZCQMCDialog-14 の変更点


FormID: 0310C2B7	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	2	Not that I would stand a chance against her. It is hard to admit, especially for me, but this Mazken is far more powerful than I could ever hope to be.	
FormID: 0310C2B9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	0	You've made the right decision. I'm happy here, the people are happy, what more is there to say? They don't know what I am, but they don't need to. For them I'm just the best looking Dunmer in town. And everyone wants to be my friend.	
FormID: 0310C2B9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	1	Which just helps me in my endless quest. You know, and we don't need to talk about this again.	
FormID: 0310C2B6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	0	I am not sure if I can approve of what you have done. By allowing her to stay in Skingrad, you may have cleared the situation in Bravil, but planted the seed for future problems.	
FormID: 0310C2B6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	1	Keneriel is a dangerous Mazken. She won't kill or harm people, but she will try to bring them down the golden road into madness. She likes to take her time, but she is very successful. Never once did she had to fight in a Greymarch therefore.	
FormID: 0310C2B8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	0	Oh, don't mind her. She's a joke! What's up with dancing around, sweet talking mortals? If you want them, just hit them with a big club and be done with it.	
FormID: 0310C2B8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKeneriel	1	There isn't even work for her here. The alchemist already has a thing for the recently deceased. Bosmer are funny around here as everywhere. The people serve a vampire. What more Sheogorath could ask for?	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	Oh, our saviour! Always nice to meet you!	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	1	I've recovered. Mostly. Still a bit shaky in the morning, but that's because I'm pregnant. We expect a nice little toddler Scamp next summer.	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	2	(...)	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	3	Just kidding.	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	4	Though I must say my relationship with Llen develops greatly. At first it was just passion, and, well. He really cared for me. And we talked so much. Now it's passion and talking.	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	5	I love him. I appreciate every second I spend with him. If only mortal life's wouldn't be so short.	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	6	For now he's young, and I will still be at his side when he'll be old.	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	7	And so we enjoy the short time we have together, until his soul departs. And when it return, in whatever body, in whatever form, I will search him.	
FormID: 0310C2BD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	8	Even if then he won't remember me. Such fate is mortal life.	
FormID: 0310C2BE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	Our savior. You're always welcome here.	
FormID: 0310C2BE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	1	Lesh has made some great progress. Our relationship, too. All this talking involved with her illness, it had felt strange at first, though many good things came from it.	
FormID: 0310C2BE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	2	I know it sounds weird, but I love her. Never will I regret that I have saved her, that I spend my life with her. I don't know if you understand, but, well. I can't explain.	
FormID: 0310C2BF	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	You've helped them. Cured her, in a way. Even if this couple may not be the best example for mortals living together with Daedra, it shows that it can work. Even if it requires some work from time to time.	
FormID: 0310C2BF	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	1	If only he wouldn't be a follower of the Meat Mandate. Ever visited the Shivering Isles? Well, if you asked yourself why there are so many Bosmer, the Meat Mandate is the answer.	
FormID: 0310C2C0	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	They're great customers! I mean, Llen is. His wife, how-she's-called?, never leaves the house. Must be ill or something. He's very happy and content with this life nevertheless.	
FormID: 0310C2C1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	I never saw that Lesh, but Llen once was a great customer. I haven't seem him in ages, and I actually become a bit worried about him.	
FormID: 0310C2C1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	1	Do you know what happened to him? Oh well, I'm not sure if I want to know. I've lost most of my customers after what has happened to Kvatch either way.	
FormID: 0310C2C2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	They didn't need to die. The night Karashivuel told me the news I wept for them. She couldn't understand it, and I'm not sure if you can. All this death and banishment, it didn't need to happen. It was a mistake. My mistake.	
FormID: 0310C2C3	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	What do you expect to hear? An illness that couldn't be cured, that's always a harsh fate. I hope that she will get better in time. It's sad that we weren't able to help them.	
FormID: 0310C2C3	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	1	I must confess, my self-confidence took a hit.	
FormID: 0310C2C4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	We will continue. We must. It gets harder each day. Though what alternative do we have? Our time is so limited. I'm sorry for poor Llen to him wasting his life with me.	
FormID: 0310C2C5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCULeshLlen	0	Rest didn't helped her. She tries to continue her life, but it pains her. She's not feeling any better, and not getting any better. A struggle, day after day. It pains me to see my beloved Lesh like this.	
FormID: 0310C2BA	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKiyana	0	I don't regret coming here. It's great! I like the snow! Oh and thanks for getting Erline to accept me. We get along nicely!	
FormID: 0310C2BA	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKiyana	1	Well, she complains about my hairs from time to time, but it's not my fault that she's bald and doesn't have a healthy fur like myself. Of course I loose more hairs.	
FormID: 0310C2BC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKiyana	0	There's now fur everywhere. And she barely talks. I think she isn't listening to me at all.	
FormID: 0310C2BC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKiyana	1	I'm still as lonely as I was at the day before she moved in. This is not what I had hoped for.	
FormID: 0310C2BB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKiyana	0	I don't regret coming here. It's great! I like the snow! Oh and thanks for letting me sleep in your house! It's cozy, warm, and homely. Need a sweep more each week.	
FormID: 0310C2BB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCUKiyana	1	Night life is also great. I love spending time in the taverns around here. You should come with me from time to time. Then you surely is going to look less stressed than now.	
FormID: 0310DED3	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingTLFreezingLight	0	You want it, you get it. Just don't complain to me afterwards!	
FormID: 0310DED6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZICTherian	0	At least paintings don't sing!	
FormID: 0310DED9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZAnvilBosmer	0	A reminder to not cross the border over to Valenwood? A good idea. One false step and you can end up as dead, cold fish. Or a roasted feast.	
FormID: 0310DEDC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZBravilUntyr	0	As always: You want it, you get it.	
FormID: 0310DEE1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZBrumaFreezingLight	0	At least the environment is fitting.	
FormID: 0310DEE2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZBrumaLeshruzay	0	You really want to freak visitors out, right?	
FormID: 0310DEE5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZCheydinhalUntyr	0	Money doesn't smell.	
FormID: 0310DEE8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZChorrolFreezingLight	0	Well, the place gets some snow from time to time. Oh well. If you insist.	
FormID: 0310DEEE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZLeyawiinSpider	0	Horrible, crawling beasts. Make me shiver.	
FormID: 0310DEED	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ2PaintingZLeyawiinTherian	0	Sometimes silence is a blessing.	
FormID: 0314387D	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure1Yes	0	Take the medicine. Don't try it on anybody else. It will only work for her. Curing madness, especially daedric induced one, is tricky. Has to take both the kind of madness and the individual's mind into account.	
FormID: 0314387D	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure1Yes	1	Make her drink the medicine. She should have some time of clarity then. Ask her to leave the isles. But don't force her! I don't want to know her hurt, or be the cause for further suffering.	
FormID: 0314387D	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure1Yes	2	And then, however it went - I'm not entirely sure if the potion will work - tell me what has happened. Good luck!	
FormID: 0314387C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure2No	0	That is unfortunate. She wasn't quite right in her head. With the medicine she might have had a chance. Now her fate will be to stay in the Shivering Isles forever. Poor dear.	
FormID: 0314387C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure2No	1	At least I think I can make some coins with the medicine's recipe.

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