L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZCQMCDialog-07 の変更点


FormID: 030A0311	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	Bad thing: Try explaining that you've got nothing to do with the inner workings of House Telvanni to the beast people running around here.	
FormID: 030A0311	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	3	I have the feeling even Skeshad hits extra hard in our sparring.	
FormID: 030A1129	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I've joined the Imperial Legion only a few years ago. Originally I was about to go to Fort Frostmoth, but the Skaal, well, Fort Frostmoth is not under our countrol anymore.	
FormID: 030A1129	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	My next assignment was to watch the Morrowind border for smugglers, but the border is long, and I'm only one person.	
FormID: 030A1129	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	And then, as Mir Corrup was declared to be a city again, I volunteered to come here. It's good to finally have a roof over my head again. Much better than tents in this region.	
FormID: 030A112C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	Oh. Not much to tell. I came here from Corinthe, but seriously I hadn't expected how cold it is here!	
FormID: 030A112C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	So I'd offered to take care of the guard quarter. That way I don't have to set out a paw very often.	
FormID: 030A112F	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I came here from Blackrose. Had a nice little forge there. Several times. Was lost in floods at least twice per year. Got tired of it.	
FormID: 030A112F	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	Spend a few months making swords and cuirasses for the Legion, but the payment got worse each week. And really, it's unbelieveable how we're treated in Morrowind.	
FormID: 030A112F	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	In Leyawiin there were too many rats for my taste, so I looked around. Then as rumors about Mir Corrup went around I was on my way.	
FormID: 030A1132	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	Duygu and myself come from the Sea of Ghosts. Dreugh became unbearable, more and more aggressive. Couldn't take it any longer. Became too dangerous.	
FormID: 030A1132	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	Surprised? Pyandonea is not the only places where our kind settled. There are independent small settlements all over the oceans.	
FormID: 030A51F0	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	Do not be fooled by typical loyalities of my kind. I never was in Dagon's service, and I don't intend to ever be so.	
FormID: 030A51F0	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	Until the events at Hogithum Hall I served Lady Azura, but Moonshadow is closed now. I was running an errand for Her, and so couldn't return.	
FormID: 030A51F0	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	That Dagon started an invasion right now didn't make things easier. Before the Stranded Light appeared, I had to hide in caves, hoping that no random traveller would find me.	
FormID: 030A51F3	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	Not much to tell, really. I'm not from Pyandonea, in fact I never saw it. My grandparents moved out of it, many years ago.	
FormID: 030A51F3	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	I lived on a small island in the Sea of Ghosts, but Dreugh became too dangerous around there. Hard to find a spot on Nirn where no Altmer comes running screaming bloody murder to you.	
FormID: 030A51F3	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	So as the chance of Mir Corrup presented itself, I though [QUOTE]why not take it?[QUOTE], and so here I am.	
FormID: 030A51F6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I used to live in the Mages Guild chapterhouse in Windhelm, but with the recent troubles between Skyrim and Morrowind it became a little too hot for me, so I asked the council for a new station.	
FormID: 030A51F6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	Couldn't imagine that they would put me here, of all places!	
FormID: 030A51F9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	It has been ages since I've set foot into the Isles. I barely remember their sky. Or Pinnacle Rock.	
FormID: 030A51F9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	In the last decades I've served as a bodyguard to a wizard clan in Narsis. As the Oblivion crisis began the citizen there grew restless, finally forced my masters to release me. 	
FormID: 030A51F9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	Which is to say [QUOTE]toss me out into the wilderness with threats of soultrapping me if I ever come back[QUOTE].	
FormID: 030A51F9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	3	And then I've met Zerreshju. The rest is history.	
FormID: 030A51FC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I'm one of the Desert Walkers, Elsweyr Agents or however we're called. Hard to say. Our names change like the dunes of our home.	
FormID: 030A51FC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	To be honest this is my first post outside of Elsweyr. Err. My first mission at all.	
FormID: 030A51FC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	Do'leandra said I can learn here how to work and live with completely different people. So I'm learning?	
FormID: 030A58E1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I've been a servant of the Nines for all my life. This city is just another station in my life, another burden waiting to be shouldered.	
FormID: 030A58E4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I'm always surprised about this question.	
FormID: 030A58E4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	I'm the hero of Solitude. Oblivion gate opened, I went in, closed it, and brought this nice armor with it. I'm a celebrity in Skyrim!	
FormID: 030A58E4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	Just kidding. These are heirlooms. I am from Solitude, yet, well, let's say there was nothing for me to do there. Skyrim is in a turmoil, and I'm happy to be away from it for a while.	
FormID: 030A58E7	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	For an eternity or two I've guarded the street between New Sheoth and the Fringe. Yet I was tasked with another order years ago. I've followed Staada. She failed. I failed. We all did.	
FormID: 030A58E7	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	I was not banished. I survived, what should have killed my body back then. And this was my undoing.	
FormID: 030A58E7	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	I couldn't return to the Madhouse afterwards. Wandered aimlessly through Morrowind, through Skyrim, through Cyrodiil. Until I saw the flame above Merendin, and then I knew my new place.	
FormID: 030A58E7	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	3	Still I feel uneasy not wearing my helmet. Wearing my hair like Tesserayiel suggested seems to be so wrong to me.	
FormID: 030A58EA	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	It was me who suggested Shenara her little spot in the mountains. Of course she wouldn't confess this.	
FormID: 030A58EA	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	I'm working with the Desert Walkers. Had to leave Morrowind because of this, after my loyality to my house was questioned. Still have some contacts to Sadrith Mora and Tel Branora, though.	
FormID: 030A58EA	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	I like this city. It's okay. And quite honestly people don't expect a dunmer with Telvanni ties to work with Khajiit. This helps. Unless you get uncovered. These things happen.	
FormID: 030A58EA	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	3	And now I'm here, enjoying the spoils of war. So to speak.	
FormID: 030A58ED	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	I've met Girovve back in Gideon, and ... well, I always liked to paint. Don't get me wrong, there are still worlds between me and her. But I'm learning. Each day.	
FormID: 030A58ED	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	Oh and you may have noticed, I'm no Bosmer. Had to play one back in Blackmarsh, due to that cursed Suthay Decree.	
FormID: 030A58ED	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	I'm an Ohmes. A Khajiit without most feline features. I never was discovered there, but, well, it's good that the fear of being discovered is gone.	
FormID: 030A5FD4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	Are you asking about me?	
FormID: 030A5FD4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	I've had done quite some travels. I grew up in Rimmen, but, how to describe it? Too many 'smiling mercenaries' around there. Which drew attention of the Desert Walkers, Mane's task force.	
FormID: 030A5FD4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	It became too hot for me, so I moved to Riverhold. There I met my hubby. Made a vacation there. His parents were quite surprised as they met me.	
FormID: 030A5FD4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	3	We moved to High Rock, where my Khajiit phase still was allowed. But I wanted to see snowy mountains! And, well, only snowy mountains there were the Wrothgarians. New Orsinium.	
FormID: 030A5FD4	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	4	Oh and I always wanted to see those great Telvanni architecture. As we heard of Mir Corrup, we just had to move! So here I am.	
FormID: 030A5FE1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	0	Surprised? Yes, you don't meet many female Dremoras. Some regard us therefore to be similar to the male Aureal and Mazken. Nothing could be further from the truth.	
FormID: 030A5FE1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	1	Lord Dagon's armies are divided into clans. Those that let themselves be willingly slaughtered usually are made up of your usual suspects. The clan I once belonged too chose battles it could win.	
FormID: 030A5FE1	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGBackground	2	That's at least how I remember it. It's been quite some time since I last had anything to do with Lord Dagon's troops.

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