L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZCQMCDialog-05 の変更点


FormID: 030A51FD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	I confess it's difficult for me to grasp the behavior and mindset of the unclawed people. Their mind works so differently compared to our own. I'm here to learn, as Do'leandra always like to say.	
FormID: 030A51FD	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	And I'm trying, stupidconceptedly.	
FormID: 030A58E2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	I think it speaks for itself how this daedra-run-city treats us.	
FormID: 030A58E2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	It's one thing to not grow a mushroom for us - we don't need any. But they outright deny us to rebuilt the chantry, or even set up a tent.	
FormID: 030A58E2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	Who will give comfort to people in need? A Xivilai? Who will counsel someone who's relative has been killed by Mehrunes Dagon's forces? A Dremora?	
FormID: 030A58E2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	3	This [QUOTE]city[QUOTE] is a travesty of a settlement, nothing else.	
FormID: 030A58E5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	It's alright. After hearing that there's a heavy daedric involvement I had expected the worst. If it was this quite in Solitude, I had stayed there.	
FormID: 030A58E5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Of course I would love to see the chantry rebuild, or at least a new house for the Nine, but if I learned something then that you have to take what you get.	
FormID: 030A58E5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	So many cities have been destroyed in recent times. First all those wars due to the Imperial Simulacrum, then the trouble in Morrowind and Solstheim, now the Oblivion invasion. It's good so see a city build for once.	
FormID: 030A58E8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	It's no adequate replacement for the beauties found on the Shivering Isles. Someday the achievements of Daedra and mortal alike may spread over into these desperate lands.	
FormID: 030A58E8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	May this city be a first step into the right direction.	
FormID: 030A58EB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	Oh, I'm used to Telvanni architecture. Luckily I was able to convince Shenara to leave out anything requiring levitation magic. That would have been a mess.	
FormID: 030A58EB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Telvanni cities can be seen as gardens. This is only a very small one. If the walls would have been built differently, with more space inside them, well. Telvanni cities can get very, very big.	
FormID: 030A58EB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	Ever were in Sadrith Mora? If you ever feel confused here, keep in mind that then you would be utterly lost there.	
FormID: 030A58EE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	Not having to fear floods is great!	
FormID: 030A58EE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	It's very cold up here, quite unlike Gideon. Yet there aren't swarms of mosquitos buzzing around. And no diseases running rampage. Oh and if I have to travel, the Guild Guide is exactly to my liking!	
FormID: 030A58EE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	Ever read how you travel in Blackmarsh? Disgusting, simply disgusting.	
FormID: 030A58EE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	3	Living in giant mushrooms is nothing in comparison!	
FormID: 030A5FD5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	Everyone still seems to be a bit tense, stressed, less relaxed than the citizen in Riverhold. Yet at the same time they're less reserved than the people in Glenpoint. You wouldn't believe the look they gave my hubby!	
FormID: 030A5FD5	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	It's great around here. A very mixed lot. I like that. The city could use a bit more colors, but the giant 'shrooms make that up.	
FormID: 030A5FE2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	I don't have much experience with mortal cities. Last time I was in Mundus the elves had just finished building their towers. This time it's a lot less bloody though.	
FormID: 030A5FE2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Could have ended up in a worse place, though. It's still... difficult... for me though to overcome prejudices. Mortals on the one hand, servants of Sheogorath on the other.	
FormID: 030A5FE2	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	And don't let me get started on Krazzt and Beramkne. I had good reasons to not step outside of Mundus again, but these two? Pathetic.	
FormID: 030A5FE6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	Skeshad hadn't thought he would ever see a Telvanni city. Only because the Fighters Guild chapterhouse in Rimmen was given up Skeshad was forced to take a new place.	
FormID: 030A5FE6	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Dunmer and daedra, Skeshad don't think both are a good combination. A fitting one, perhaps.	
FormID: 030A5FE9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	This city is no surprise. A lot of unrest is rising throughout the Empire. At least these daedra act subtle and don't leave a trail of blood and broken bodies behind them.	
FormID: 030A5FE9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Yet there is danger in this. Good citizen shouldn't turn towards these spirits in times of trouble. They've got no place in our world, and should go back where they have come from.	
FormID: 030A5FE9	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	At least through working against each other, Mehrunes Dagon against Sheogorath or whatever is happening here, they take a bit of the burden from the Legion's shoulder.	
FormID: 030A66DC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	Whatever will stand in the history books, joining forces with the daedra of the Stranded Light was the best decision Do'leandra has ever chosen.	
FormID: 030A66DC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	It's a place for us to go that have no other sanctuaries left. Not only for daedra that aren't currently trying to destroy the world.	
FormID: 030A66DC	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	The methods used may be questionable, like using Telvanni mushrooms, but the end justify the means. In this case at least.	
FormID: 030A7BD8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	I once read that Cyrodiil was supposed to be jungle. This was in the first pocket guide to the empire, rephrased in countless other books. No one seems to have checked it, though.	
FormID: 030A7BD8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Plant life could have been much more diverse otherwise. Cyrodiil ain't the alchemist's heaven I expected.	
FormID: 030A7BD8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	City's alright though. I get some ingredients which would be outright impossible to get otherwise. Daedra have their uses.	
FormID: 030A7BD8	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	3	And I don't have to rebound Jariv day after day because he got chopped in half by some angry Orc. Unless he dissatisfies me, but I think he learned his lessons.	
FormID: 030A7BDB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	Living in giant mushrooms. What lunatic had such an idea? Telvannis. Of course. Whenever you think it can't get anymore insane a Telvanni comes along. Typical.	
FormID: 030A7BDB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	People aren't so bad though. Lots of other Khajiit around. If only the rest of the people wouldn't mistake me for a Bosmer so often.	
FormID: 030A7BDB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	I swear I'm going to roast the next one offering me some beer brewed out of rotten meat and milk.	
FormID: 030A7BDB	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	3	Of course I wouldn't eat him afterwards. Why? Because I AM NO BOSMER!	
FormID: 030A7BDE	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	I've lived in far worse environments. Yet I wonder how long does these mushrooms last?	
FormID: 030A7C0C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	The [QUOTE]Happy Wog[QUOTE] cellar reminds me of Black Marsh. True, there aren't any Baliwogs but other critters in Black Marsh, but the thick and damp air, the sound of running water, you know.	
FormID: 030A7C0C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	This is most that I remember from my home. I was taken as I was barely a hatchling. Had to spent most of my life in Morrowind.	
FormID: 030A7C0C	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	Yet I had heard of the mushroom towers of House Telvanni, but never seen them before I came to Mir Corrup.	
FormID: 030A7C11	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	It's alright. You got to breed what lives here, and Baliwogs seem to be the only ones. I should have taken my bow with me, though. There are some impressive deers around town.	
FormID: 030A7C11	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	Oh and business is running great! The Argonian is selling our smoked Baliwog legs.	
FormID: 030A7C11	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	2	I just wished they had grown separate mushrooms for the Baliwogs and us. Those creatures get loud at night!	
FormID: 030B39BF	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	I don't know. I'm kind of used to Coldharbour, and this city is different. Not better or worse, just different.	
FormID: 030B39BF	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	After my recent past I accept that it's better when I don't leave the tower. Much more room than in the torment that is a soul gem either way.	
FormID: 030B5572	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	0	It is our gift to Cyrodiil. I don't know what the future holds, in which direction the Empire will steer. Yet Mir Corrup will remain, even if we don't.	
FormID: 030B5572	bgZCQMCDialog	bgZCGMirCorrup	1	We are, as free daedra, at best tolerated. This can change. For the better, what we're trying to nudge the Empire to do. Or for the worse, which can result in us getting banished.

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