L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZAQDemoQuest の変更点

FormID: 0305C0ED	bgZAQDemoQuest	GREETING	0	Not there yet. Please come along.	
FormID: 0305C0EE	bgZAQDemoQuest	GREETING	0	Do you see the big statue towering over Merendin?	
FormID: 0305C0EE	bgZAQDemoQuest	GREETING	1	It's quite ironic. Please, take a look at it. Walk around it. Try to understand what worldview the old Ayleid are sharing with us here.	
FormID: 0305C0EF	bgZAQDemoQuest	GREETING	0	And, what do you think? What does this statue show?	
FormID: 0305C0F6	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue1	0	Ah! I see you know quite a bit about your old ancestors. Very good.	
FormID: 0305C0F7	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue2	0	Ah, I've see you've done your homework. Very good!	
FormID: 0305C0F8	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue3	0	Ever wondered why Ayleid artifacts have a certain [QUOTE]bird[QUOTE] feel to them? Likewise, why was the empire so ready to assimilate Akaviri styles?	
FormID: 0305C0F8	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue3	1	This hero and bird are like the two faces of the Aedroth [QUOTE]Akatosh[QUOTE]. In fact this is the Ayleid version of Akatosh depicted - Auriel, then man and the bird. Like Akatosh is the man and the dragon. Same being, different faces.	
FormID: 0305C0F9	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue4	0	Correct, it's Auriel, trapped in Mundus, willing to fly to Aetherius. Ayleid equivalent of Akatosh.	
FormID: 0305C0F9	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue4	1	Did you know? Or was it just a good guess?	
FormID: 0305C0FA	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue5	0	You should. This statue is dangerous.	
FormID: 0305C0FA	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatue5	1	We became quite popular. The number of hate letters and threats dropped a lot. Yet opinions like those expressed in this statue still linger. If they break out, it may be the end of the Stranded Light.	
__私達もそこそこ有名になって、嫌がらせや脅しの手紙がたくさん届くようになったわ。けれどこの石像が表しているような考え方は未だに根強いの。それが限界点を超えたらStranded Lightは終わってしまうわ!
FormID: 0305C0FB	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult1	0	The statue has three layers.	
FormID: 0305C0FB	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult1	1	The lowest depicts distorted and demonic faces, whirling flames. It's how the Ayleid see Oblivion and it's inhabitants, us Daedra. The lowest of the low, the most despicable aspect of existence.	
FormID: 0305C0FB	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult1	2	Then there's the liminal barrier. Blocking Oblivion from Mundus. But it's corrupted, full of fungus and vines, cracks and roots.	
FormID: 0305C0FB	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult1	3	And at last the soldier and the bird, which is Auriel, which is Akatosh. A being trapped in Mundus, the corrupted world bordering Oblivion. Yet still trying to escape, to fly away and trancend it's fate.	
FormID: 0305C0FD	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult2	0	Exactly. That's a big irony, isn't it?	
FormID: 0305C0FD	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult2	1	Nevertheless it shows the problem mortals and daedra have. We are vilified by a lot of mortals. Some of us with good reason, I might add.	
FormID: 0305C0FD	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult2	2	Although the same thing applies to mortals, too. There are good and bad, and a big grey area in between.	
FormID: 0305C0FD	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult2	3	Mortals working together with Daedra? Especially in these times? Unbelieveable, yet we show that it is possible. Unbelieveable, yet possible.	
FormID: 0305C0FF	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult3	0	Some hate letters claim that I never left Sheogorath's services, and am trying to drive people insane with this concept of a Stranded Light.	
__いまだに私がSheogorath様の使いとして人々を狂気に陥れようとしているなんて言い張る抗議文も来ているわ。Stranded Lightの目的を誤解してね。
FormID: 0305C0FF	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult3	1	I find it odd that their authors don't know anything about Oblivion, reduce it to a place of torment, despair, illness of body and mind.	
FormID: 0305C0FF	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult3	2	Yet even in this time there is hope. A new beginning, not affected by Dagon's attempt to destroy the current kalpa, or by Jyggalags resurfacing.	
FormID: 0305C101	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult4	0	Correct. Thanks to your help, we were able to secure the services of a few healers, roaming the landscape and doing the easy work that doesn't require your most special abilities.	
FormID: 0305C101	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult4	1	And while reading their reports I've heard of a heart warming story. A mortal and a daedroth living together, way outside of Stranded Light territory, so to speak.	
__そして各地から寄せられる報告書の中には、心の温まるこんなお話もあったわ。普段Stranded Lightの目が届かない所で、定命の男とDaedrothの女が一緒に暮らしているんだって。
FormID: 0305C101	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult4	2	Unfortunately the daedroth became sick, and our healer was unable to cure the disease. Didn't sound like a flu. Potions and magic failed.	
FormID: 0305C101	bgZAQDemoQuest	bgZAQDemoStatueResult4	3	I'd like you to see after this issue. Find out the cause of the sickness. And, if possible, cure it.	

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