L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-15 の変更点


FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	0	Do you know what one of the first thing was that Karashivuel said to me?	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	1	[QUOTE]If you've got an urge, go outside and grab a bandit![QUOTE]	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	2	Should tell you how they really see mortals. They play by the rules, but only as far as it is necessary. No step further.	
FormID: 031101CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	3	That is of course something they won't write in their introduction. Who would have guessed?	
FormID: 0310D107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2	0	Yes, we tried, and we all have failed. Except you with Martin. That's why I've waited before getting started until he was either saved or the daedric incursion apparent.	
FormID: 0310D107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2	1	It was necessary. If Martin would have died at Kvatch, everything we aimed to do would have been foiled and in vain.	
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	0	None except you. See, you were there as the Emperor died. You had the Amulet of Kings in your hand. That's what I knew, so you were the only one that deserved to be trusted.	
__あなた以外には誰にも教えていないわ。あなたが皇帝の死に立ち会いAmulet of Kingsを預かっていた事を知っていたから、信用出来る人物はあなただけだと思ったの。
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	1	For everyone else I was just an odd visitor to the Imperial City.	
__他の人にとっては私は単なるImperial Cityにやって来た奇妙な観光客という事にしていたの。
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	2	I am pretty sure that the Mythic Dawn didn't know about Martin. Both Mankar and Mehrunes Dagon held a certain grudge against Kvatch. And destroyed it to push the Empire into a turmoil.	
__Mythic DawnはMartinの事なんて知らなかったと思うわ。だってMankerもMehrunes DagonもKvatchに恨みを抱いていたし、帝国を混乱に陥れる為に破壊しようとしただけだと思う。
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	3	If they had known about Martin being there, he wouldn't have survived the first night. He would have died as all other heirs have died. Killed by a horde of assassins.	
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	4	Anyway, there is just something I have to say to you.	
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	0	You've likely heard the stories how the Nerevarine had to fight numerous Golden Saints in Vvardenfell. Have you ever asked yourself why?	
__あなたもNerevarineがVvardenfellで大量のGolden Saintとの戦いを強いられたという話は聞いた事があると思うけれど、どうしてそんな事になったのか考えてみた事はある?
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	1	Of course, anyone of us that had anger management issues was sent there to cause trouble. Lord Sheogorath had some quarrels with the false gods of ALMSIVI. That's only half of the truth, though.	
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	2	Several task forces were sent to destroy Dagoth Ur and secure the Heart of Lorkhan. We knew about the plan of the Dagonites to destroy zero tower, Red Mountain, how they used the Nerevarine.	
__Dagoth Urを倒しHeart of Lorkhanを確保する為の特殊部隊も編成されていたの。私達はzero towerとRed Mountainを破壊する為のDagonitesの計画について予め知っていたわ。彼らはNerevarineを利用したのよ。
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	3	However we were unable to stop him, and clear the situation with Dagoth Ur ourself. So the Nerevarine destroyed not only Dagoth Ur, but also Zero Tower. This has destabilized the Liminal Barrier.	
__知ってはいたけど彼を止める事が出来なかった。Dagoth Urの討伐もね。だからNeravarineはDagoth Urを討伐するに止まらず、Zero Towerまで破壊してしまった。そのせいでLiminal Barrierが弱まってしまったのよ。
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	4	Without this event the end of the Septim lineage would have never been enough to cause the Oblivion crisis. This world is precious to Lord Sheogorath, as it is to many of us lesser Daedra.	
__あの一件がなければSeptim家の血筋が途絶えたくらいでOblivion Crisisなんて起きなかったわ。この世界はLord Sheogorathにとっても他の低級Daedraにとっても大切なものだから、守りたかったのに。
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	5	We always tried to keep it safe. This was just another occasion.	
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	6	Anyway, there is just something I have to say to you.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	0	In Cyrodii around hundred, twice as much world wide.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	1	Or should I say [QUOTE]worlds wide[QUOTE]?	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	2	Thanks to our actions and achievements we've gained quite some popularity. That's why I feel confident enough now to reveal myself to new members.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	3	Of course we're still nothing compared to the other guilds. For them we're still just a Baliwog on a bridge. Though we're not here to compete with them, but turning this world to the better. And secure our place in it.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	4	Anyway, there is just something I have to say to you.	
FormID: 0310D10B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3	0	Thank you.	
FormID: 0310D10B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3	1	Just [QUOTE]thank you[QUOTE]. Whatever happens in the future, in these days we've planted the seed for a better world. Without you, I don't know if it would have been possible.	
FormID: 0310DEF2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3a	0	We will wait and see what the future holds. Exciting, isn't it?	
FormID: 0310DEF3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3b	0	You're more than welcome!	
FormID: 0310DEF4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro3c	0	Is that so? You were very helpful and willing considering this. Oh well, we'll see what the future brings.	
FormID: 0310ECF6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	0	It is nothing we Daedra should ramble about.	
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	0	That is a very, very difficult question. Most Daedra, lesser and Princes alike, have an innate understanding of certain mechanisms of the world at large. Even this knowledge is rare in mortals.	
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	1	However there is more. More than just mere knowledge. An understanding and revelation about the very being of the world at large and itself.	
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	2	However this revelation is not without cost. Those that cannot cope with it are reaching Zero Sum. This is the annihilation of body and spirit. They cease to exist. They fade out of existence. The only way for a lesser Daedra to truly die.	
__しかし、この知覚は代償なしで得られるものではありません。知覚を得られない者はZero Sum、つまり肉体と魂の消滅へと至るでしょう。存在そのものの消滅です。私たち下位のDaedraにとって唯一の、真の意味での死です。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	3	You could imagine it as the question [QUOTE]Am I?[QUOTE] asked, followed by an understanding of [QUOTE]I Am Not![QUOTE]. Chim is the opposite. The keen and clear knowledge and revelation of that you are. [QUOTE]I Am![QUOTE]	
__「自分は違う!」という前提に立ちながらも「では自分はどうなのか?」とあなたは疑問に思うかもしれません。Zero Sumの対極にある概念が「Chim」です。自分自身に対する鮮烈で明快な理解のことですね。「これが私なのだ!」という。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	4	Which, in the context of understanding what this world with all it's layers of existence is, is an apotheosis. Few have achieved this. Tiber Septim and Vivec are the two most known examples in this world.	
__この世界と世界に存在するもの全てに対する理解の延長上にある一種の悟りですね。これを成し遂げられる者はあまり多くありません。Tiber SeptimとVivecの2人はよく知られた例ではありますが。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	5	However it is not about mere knowledge, but achieving an innate understanding of the world. Few come as far. I've heard the Moth priests, those that read the Elder Scrolls, are prone to Zero Sum. For all others the risk is extremely low.	
__とはいえ、これは単なる知識レベルの問題ではなく、生まれながらに世界の成り立ちを理解しているか否かに関わる問題です。そしてそれが成し遂げられる者の数はあまりに少ない。Elder Scrollsを読むMoth priestたちはZero Sumに向かってしまう傾向が強いと聞いたことがありますが、普通の人間がZero Sumに向かうことはほとんどありません。
FormID: 0310ECF7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsChimZero	6	So to say, don't panic.	
FormID: 0312180E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7Healing	0	Alright. Know however that I can only heal your body, not the scars on your souls.	
FormID: 0312180A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7Erlaiss	0	I am of no consequence. Exiled from Sumurset, worked as healer in Elsweyr, and then run into trouble with groups who like to keep people hurt and broken down.	
FormID: 0312180A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7Erlaiss	1	No I am making my living here instead. My Lady Azura gives me comfort in this cold and dark country.	
FormID: 0312180B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZXQ7BrindleHome	0	Unfortunately I had to take whatever house I could get. Officially it once belonged to Brindle Home, but it seems to be closer to Hackdirt. A terrible place, worshipping old terrors. Do not let yourself be drawn into their webs.	
__どんな場所であれ、私には住む場所が必要でした。この家は確かにかつてBrindle Homeの一部でしたけれど、どちらかと言えばHackdirtに寄りの場所にあります。あの村は古くから怖ろしい存在を信仰しています。あなたも彼らの魔の手に落ちないよう気を付けて下さいね。
FormID: 03143865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog0Start	0	It's an important decision. On the one hand you'd need to help a Daedric Prince. They vary greatly. And making a wrong decision could cause a lot of damage for this world.	
__Artifact入手の過程であなたはDaedric Princeたちの手伝いをする事になるでしょう。けれどPrinceたちの性格はそれぞれ大きく異なります。重要な決断なのですよ?もしも間違った選択をしたら、この世界に深刻な悪影響を及ぼしかねません。
FormID: 03143865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog0Start	1	Then there's the issue of the artifact. Some are harmless, others outright evil and dangerous. Another decision of grave impact.	
FormID: 03143867	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince0	0	Some Princes are indifferent about mortals, they will not cause harm to this world. Others are even a bit benevolent, and will enrich mortal lifes without causing permanent damage.	
FormID: 03143867	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince0	1	And some are malevolent, serving them will bring great harm upon everybody involved. Lastly some are just idiots, who will cause great damage without intending it.	
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	0	Most importantly, Clavicus Vile. Surprised? I've heard what he's after, but it will tear him asunder - and will create a great evil in the future. Do not help him in his quest.	
__最悪なのはClavicus Vileですね。意外ですか?彼が何を探しているのかは承知しています。けれど、彼はその事によっていつか引き裂かれることになるのではないかと危惧します。そして将来、それが巨大な悪を生み出す原因になるのではないかと…。いいですか?決して彼の要求を飲んではなりませんよ。
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	1	Molag Bal, King of Rape. He'd likely ask you to corrupt souls. Do not do this.	
__それとKing of Rape(強奪の王)であるMolag Balですね。彼は魂を堕落させる手伝いをあなたに頼むでしょう。引き受けてはなりませんよ。
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	2	Azura. She may appear benevolent, but in reality she's just vain and wants to be loved. Her indifference towards actual consequences will some day or another cause great grief. Azura only cares about Azura, and nothing else.	
FormID: 03143868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	3	Hermaeus Mora. The kind of knowledge he seeks can only be gained through the darkest magics. Don't let yourself be drawn into it.	
__Hermaeus Moraはどうでしょうか。彼が追い求める類の知識は、ひどく邪悪な魔術の行使によってのみ得られる性質のものです。決してそんな所業に手を染めてはなりませんよ?

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