L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-13 の変更点


FormID: 030D0A94	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Reliquary	1	That wasn't so long ago, but, well, the Shivering Isles are a strange place. No need to go all logic on it.	
__それほど昔の話じゃない。とはいえShivering Islesは妙な場所だから、いちいち理由を詮索する必要もないな。
FormID: 0314B510	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Reliquary	0	Barred from using it? Lost all your belongings? Well, let us fix this. Prepare to be overburdened!	
FormID: 030D4FB0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa1Who	0	That's me. I've just arrived from Vvardenfell. It's all very exciting in this big city for a young Dunmer like myself!	
FormID: 030D4FB6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa1Who	0	You know about me. Let's not dwell on it.	
FormID: 030D4FB1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2A	0	Thank you!	
FormID: 030D4FB2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	0	What makes you think?	
FormID: 030D4FB2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	1	Oh. My eyes. They always create some confusion. It's difficult. And, well, I don't like to talk about it.	
FormID: 030D4FB2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	2	My father was a Bosmer. As you probably know, a lot of them have pitch black eyes. Combine this with the typical Dunmeri eyes, and you can get all kinds of funny results.	
FormID: 030D4FB2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	3	Like mine. Don't mind them please, it's hard enough already.	
FormID: 030D4FB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	0	What makes you think?	
FormID: 030D4FB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	1	Oh. My eyes. They always create some confusion. It's difficult. And, well, I don't like to talk about it.	
FormID: 030D4FB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	2	My father was a Bosmer. As you probably know, a lot of them have pitch black eyes. Combine this with the typical Dunmeri eyes, and you can get all kinds of funny results.	
FormID: 030D4FB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B	3	Like mine. Don't mind them please, it's hard enough already.	
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	0	Not so loud!	
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	1	It was hard enough for me to get a mission outside of the Shivering Isles, so I don't have to go through the Greymarch. I'm just keeping an eye here on some potential candidates for Sheogorath's realm. I'm not doing anything else.	
__Greymarchに巻き込まれないようShivering Islesの外に出る事さえ私にとっては大変な苦労だったんです。私はここでSheogorath様の領域に連れて行くべき人物の候補を探しているだけで、他意はありません。
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	2	I don't want to be revealed. And you and your endeveaours neither, I can imagine.	
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	3	So let's just say you're going to keep my secret, well, secret, and I'm keeping yours secret.	
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	4	Additionally I can also help you. If you absolutely need to speak so someone who has met an unexpected death - this world is dangerous after all - I may be able to replace him or her. Just come to me then.	
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	5	And don't ever call me a Mazken in public again. I'm a Dunmer. Always keep this in mind!	
FormID: 030D4FB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZBiffa2B2	6	Oh. And before I forget: I need some resources to fix the threads of fate. Expect 50.000 gold pieces for a normal case. So don't mess with fate if you're unwilling to pay the price.	
FormID: 030E51B6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestions	0	Yes? What would you like to know?	
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	0	Do you mean something like the clear criminal record for the Fighters Guild, or the murder for being granted entry into the Dark Brotherhood?	
__Fighters Guildへの加入における犯罪歴の審査やDark Brotherhoodへの加入における殺人行為のような条件についてですか?
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	1	Obviously it works differently for us. You've secured our place here, so none of us would object your joining of our guild.	
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	2	As for others, it depends. We don't want people that will ruin our names by doing bloody stupid things, like going out and razing a village. This applies to both mortals and Daedra.	
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	3	Additionally those mortals joining us should have a positive opinion regarding Daedra, and likewise Daedra joining us should have a positive opinion regarding mortals.	
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	4	Especially considering those visiting Merendin for more than a few hours it will sooner or later become obvious that Karashivuel isn't the only daedroth.	
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	5	Likewise we've got no use for someone considering a mortal visiting us to be a great feast.	
FormID: 030E51B8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMembers	6	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsDaedra	0	There are conflicts in our ranks, like there are conflicts between mortals. Example given none of us approves of Mehrunes Dagon's attempts to destroy Mundus even a little bit.	
__人間社会同様、私達の社会にも階級間の争いがあります。たとえば私達はみんなMehrunes DagonによるMundusの破壊を是としていませんが、
FormID: 030E51BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsDaedra	1	Unfortunately there are Daedra out there that don't agree with us. I feel the urge to point out that this is also true for the Aedra. Ever read the Aldudagga?	
FormID: 030E51BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsDaedra	2	Both Dagon and Akatosh are destroyers of worlds, yet one is revered, and the other despised by mortals. They don't know what they're doing. Their view on Daedra is as misleading as is their view on Aedra.	
FormID: 030E51BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsDaedra	3	We do not suffer the same misunderstandings. I, and the other members of the Stranded Light, know how different et'ada can be.	
__もちろん、私達はそんな誤解をしたりはしません。私も含め、Stranded Lightのメンバーはet'adaがどれだけ多様なものか分かっています。
FormID: 030E51BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsDaedra	4	We lesser Daedra are also not like the Princes, or their counterparts the Divines. Our counterparts are the Earthbones. Only that we remained, while they became today's mortals.	
FormID: 030E51BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsDaedra	5	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMortals	0	Personally? I pity them for their short existence, and for the fate that awaits every one of them not achieving immortality in one way or the other.	
FormID: 030E51BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMortals	1	Of course the views on mortals in the Stranded Light differ a bit. As Tesserayiel put it we have to play by their rules, lest we get banished.	
__もちろん、ここStranded Lightにおける定命の存在に対する見方は少し違います。Tesserayielが言うように、私達は彼らのルールに従って活動しなければなりません。さもないと滅ぼされてしまうでしょう。
FormID: 030E51BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMortals	2	After all it's their world, and we are guests. Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51BC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsGoals	0	Are you asking about me, or about the Stranded Light?	
__私個人の目的ですか?それともStranded Lightの?
FormID: 030E51BC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsGoals	1	Me? I'm just happy that I've got a secure place to live. And I'm working to keep it that way.	
FormID: 030E51BC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsGoals	2	As for the Stranded Light itself, that's something Tesserayiel is responsible for. I don't want to answer for her, so I'm just going to say that there's more on her mind than only her own well-being.	
__Stranded Lightの目的については、どちらかというとTesserayielに聞くべき質問でしょうね。私は彼女の気持ちを代弁するつもりはありませんよ。とりあえず、彼女が良い行いをした時は、その行い以上の善意が彼女の中に生まれているのだという事だけ言っておきましょうか。
FormID: 030E51BC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsGoals	3	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51B7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestions0None	0	Have a good day.	
FormID: 030E51BB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMerendin	0	Tesserayiel knew about this place, and it seemed suitable. We cannot settle in a city, as you hopefully understand. Building houses would have taken too long. Additionally the place is very secure.	
FormID: 030E51BB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMerendin	1	True, it is problematic how hard Merendin is to reach, but it's better than dealing with an angry mob with torches and pitchforks.	
FormID: 030E51BB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMerendin	2	So we are here, and we're here to stay. Of course we're trying to bring Merendin into a better shape. However restoring it to past glories, that is something we cannot achieve.	
FormID: 030E51BB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsMerendin	3	Anything else you like to know?	
FormID: 030E51C6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism	0	There are. I'm no expert when it comes to mortal races, but I know that a lot of them react... reserved regarding us. And they also don't react favorably to each other. Take Bosmer and Khajiit, or Argonians and Dunmer as examples.	
FormID: 030E51C6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism	1	We try to build a bridge between everyone. Daedra and mortals, Daedra and Daedra, mortals and mortals. It's not the easiest task. Even for us working together isn't without problems. Just take a look at the Daedric races!	

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