L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-11 の変更点


FormID: 03076FDE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ8SanctumB	1	Don't you burst the bubble of my dreams.	
FormID: 03077E62	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharUrenvre	0	She's working in our Bruma outpost. Quite a nice woman.	
FormID: 03077E62	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharUrenvre	1	For a Dark Seducer.	
__ま、「Dark Seducerにしては」だけど。
FormID: 03077E62	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharUrenvre	2	Uhm. What I wished to say is that she lived in Mundus for quite a long time, until she was banished at Kvatch. She was living there as a Dunmer before Mehrunes Dagon came.	
__うーん…。彼女はMehrunes Dagonがやって来た後にKvatchで討伐されたんだけどね。それ以前はDunmerとして長い間Mundusで暮らしていたのよ。
FormID: 03077E62	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharUrenvre	3	Now that she has found her way back to Mundus, we needed to find another place for her. Bruma is just perfect, don't you think?	
FormID: 03077E64	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFirstande	0	She's a Xivilai that fell onto Sheogorath's realm a long time ago. I don't know what brought her down the golden road, and I'm not sure if I care.	
__彼女はずいぶん前にSheogorath様のrealmにやって来たXivilaiなの。どんな手段を使ってgolden roadを通って来たのかは知らないし、興味も無いけれどね。
FormID: 03077E64	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFirstande	1	I think the last three centuries she lived with Baliwogs in what she thought was an underwater city. Oh well.	
FormID: 03077E64	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFirstande	2	With the Greymarch approaching she began to think more clearly. It's good that we were able to give her a purpose. That way she didn't get any funny ideas.	
FormID: 03077E64	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFirstande	3	Because, trust me, her [QUOTE]funny[QUOTE] ideas are not funny at all. More scandalous. After the last Greymarch she jumped around naked in Bliss, thinking about herself as a bouncy ball.	
FormID: 0308E265	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol1	0	It's a bit embarassing for me to say so, but I've forgotten something. I'd like to have it back, but I can't go there. So, would you bring it to me, if you pass by?	
FormID: 0308E266	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol2	0	Only my diary. You can keep the rest, like my armor and weapons. They are of no use to me anymore. Just my diary. Please?	
FormID: 0308E268	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol2a	0	After I left Brellach I lived in a cellar under New Sheoth for a while. I can't remember where the door was. Somewhere along the walls, a bit away from any houses.	
__Brellachを離れてからしばらくの間、私はNew Sheothの地下に住んでいました。入口がどこにあったかは思い出せませんが、家の立ち並ぶ区画から少し離れた、壁沿いのどこかだったと思います。
FormID: 0308E268	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol2a	1	You will need this key, though. You can take whatever you want from there. I don't need it anymore. Yet, well, my diary. That I'd like to have back.	
FormID: 0308E268	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol2a	2	And, err, the diary is protected. I had to make sure that no one passing through would be able to read it.	
FormID: 0308E267	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol2b	0	Not anymore, I know. Should have asked earlier, but didn't dare to do so. Aw.	
FormID: 0308E269	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol3	0	It will unleash a strong magical surge when touched. Strong enough to destroy any body.	
FormID: 0308E269	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Chorrol3	1	Of course I made it so that it wouldn't go off when I touch it. You need to have something making you more easily tired than usual. And something of our Aureal's greatest blessing.	
FormID: 03090863	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1	0	Banishing a Spectral Warrior. It harasses and endangers citizen of the isles, but the saint commanders couldn't be bothered to send anyone to clear the sitation.	
FormID: 03090863	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1	1	I tried to take care of it myself, unfortunately I was sucked into Mundus before reaching my destination. So the Spectral Warrior is still out there, and needs to be dealt with.	
__私自身なんとかしようとしたのだが、不運にもそこに辿り着く前にMundusの中へ吸い込まれてしまった。そう、Spectral Warriorがまだいる、対処せねばならない。
FormID: 03090863	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1	2	Up for the task?	
FormID: 03090864	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1a	0	Hmpf.	
FormID: 03090865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1b	0	Last I heard near the Nineteen Voids, an inn on an island northeast of Bliss. You can't miss it.	
FormID: 03090865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1b	1	Although you should. That place is dangerous. Do not venture inside.	
FormID: 03090865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1b	2	Just kill the Spectral Warrior. Should be easy to spot. It even has a name for itself, something like [QUOTE]Crushing Knight[QUOTE] or other nonsense.	
__Spectral Warriorを殺す事。それだけが君の仕事なんだ。見つけるのは簡単だと思う。確か奴には[QUOTE]Crushing Knight(粉砕の騎士)[QUOTE]とかいう馬鹿げた二つ名があったかと思う。
FormID: 03090865	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil1b	3	Good luck!	
FormID: 03090868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil2	0	No, of course not. We're talking about a simple [QUOTE]seek and destroy[QUOTE] mission.	
__特に無いな。単純な[QUOTE]seek and destroy(探し出して討伐する)[QUOTE]だけの仕事だから。
FormID: 03090868	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Bravil2	1	Go out and kill it. Good hunting!	
FormID: 03090F7A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1	0	A diamond was stolen. Not a usual diamond, but some kind of heirloom of the count. I already found out who took it, for whom, and where it lies.	
FormID: 03090F7A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1	1	Yet I can't go there to bring it back, because I can't leave my post for a week.	
FormID: 03090F7A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1	2	And we really don't want that the city guards get involved. A Daedra Seducer stole it, and that's something we should deal with.	
__街の衛兵に頼むわけにもいかない。何せ犯人はDaedra Seducerだからね。だからこそ私達自身の手で何とかしないといけない。
FormID: 03090F7A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1	3	So, would you be willing to help?	
FormID: 03090F7B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1a	0	Oh well, not good. Then I have to issue an report to Karashivuel. Maybe she can help, then. If it's not too late then. Grmpf.	
FormID: 03090F7C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1b	0	There's not much to tell, really. A servant of Molag Bal sneaked into the castle, ravaged the man guarding the heirloom, then took it into the Jerall Mountains.	
__実際、話せる事はあまり多くないよ。とあるMolag Balのしもべが城に侵入し、警備の衛兵を襲い家宝を盗み出してJerall Mountainsまで持ち去って行ったんだ。
FormID: 03090F7C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1b	1	A debt collector sits there. I'm not sure if the diamond is part of any debt, but... well, let's just say we should make sure it comes back. 	
__犯人はdebt collector(借金取り)の元へ向かったはずだ。あのdiamondが何の借金に関係しているのかは分からない。しかし、取り戻さなければならない事は確かだ。
FormID: 03090F7C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1b	2	Not a good idea having it stay missing, especially if a daedric involvement could be discovered.	
FormID: 03090F7C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMG2Cheydinhal1b	3	As I said the debt collector sits in the Jerall Mountains, somewhere east of Bruma. I don't know exactly where. There's a place named after Gnolls. My bet is that he's somewhere in it's vicinity.	
__さっきも言ったが、debt collectorはBrumaの東、Jerall Mountainsのどこかにいるはずだ。正確な居場所は私にも分からないが、私の勘ではGnollsに因んだ名前の場所の近くにいると思う。
FormID: 030A911D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation	0	I'm not sure if I want to know how you've found out.	
FormID: 030A9122	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation	0	We already talked about this, didn't we?	
FormID: 030A9123	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation1	0	That I have not been entirely honest. I didn't lie. I just... left out some details.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	0	It is true that I got stranded in Mundus after being called to Merendin by an unlucky conjurer. It wasn't involuntarily, though. I know what would happen to me. I've planned for it, waited for it.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	1	Not always do we emerge unchanged from the void. There is sickness. Madness. Change. I was one of the last Aureal that was banished to Oblivion during the last Greymarch.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	2	The void is living hell. No sensory information: No seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling. Nothing. And no change of doing anything at all. Every seconds stretches to eternities.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	3	After the last Greymarch, as the Isles were restored, I lived a hermit's life. I couldn't go back to my old station. I may have been a legend, but a burned out one.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	4	And I had a lot of time for pondering. As I saw the signs of the next Greymarch I just wanted to get out.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	5	I've talked with Sheogorath, proposed a plan to broaden His influence in Mundus. He agreed. I think he knew I lied, but he let me go nevertheless.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	6	And so I went, escaped the Greymarch. Thinking here became easier, less burdened by knowing what lies inevitably ahead.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	7	First goal: Securing my own survival, as to not being banished again. Second goal: Helping other daedra in the same situation as mine.	
FormID: 030A9124	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZSQ4Revelation2	8	That's when I had the idea of the Stranded Light. We can't live against mortals in their very world. But, as the Isles showed, we can live WITH mortals. We just needed a vessel to get accepted.	
__こうして、Stranded Lightの設立構想は生まれたの。私達には定命の存在たちと反目しながら各々別々の世界で暮らす道もあるけれど、Islesみたいに共存する道だってある。その為には受け皿さえあればいい。

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