L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-04 の変更点


FormID: 031045AF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	As if her appearance wouldn't be enough. She's as monstrous in the inside as she is on the outside. Scary.	
FormID: 031045B0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	She's scary. Though she doesn't seem to mind her surroundings much. I get the feeling she simply doesn't care about most people around her. Maybe she will leave me in peace?	
FormID: 031045B0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	I'm afraid of her, but if she simply doesn't care about me, maybe that's not necessary?	
FormID: 031045B1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	She's not what she appears to be. So scary looking, but it seems she has a genuine interest in the feelings and well-being of her room mates. Maybe I have misjudged her.	
FormID: 031045B1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	She's scary. Maybe only to scare others away? I don't know. Though I feel I don't need to be afraid of her. Much.	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	I am Karashivuel.	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	Do not fear. I am not here to kill, maim, torture, eat or eviscerate anyone.	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	2	*sigh*	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	3	No, this time I've got nothing to do with the sacking of Kvatch, the Battlespire incident or the feast of Saint Jiub.	
__この時代に関して言えば、私はKvatchの件にもBattlespireの件にもSaint Jiubの宴にも関わっていない。
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	4	And you...	
FormID: 0305C7E2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	I am Karashivuel.	
FormID: 0305C7E2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	And I've got the feeling we already had this discussion, hadn't we?	
FormID: 0305C7E2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	2	What else there is to say?	
FormID: 03012BA0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	0	While I was bound by a Conjurer to help clean out this mess of a ruin, which didn't work quite out as expected, her story is different.	
FormID: 03012BA0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	1	Let's just say someone took the name the Mazken are known as too literal. Didn't end well.	
FormID: 03012BA0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	2	And now she's stuck here.	
FormID: 03012BA0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	3	Strange seeing Aureal and Mazken working together, isn't it?	
FormID: 03025AE8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	0	She reminds me of a tragic tradition of a certain eastern country, with people who look quite similar to her.	
FormID: 03025AE8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	1	Suffice to say it doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.	
FormID: 03025AE8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	2	At least her eyes are blue, not red.	
FormID: 030E51B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	0	That would be me.	
FormID: 030E51B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	1	I've got a lot to do. Keep the place running. Tesserayiel takes care of the macro managing, the visions so to speak. I'm responsible for the micro managing.	
FormID: 030E51B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	2	Like keeping the place supplied, making sure the walls are kept intact. Or at least don't get in any worse conditions. And of course keeping in contact with our associates throughout the worlds.	
FormID: 030E51B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	3	And evaluating the tasks people ask of us. You wouldn't believe what some people think we do. Only because we've got Karashivuel we're no cheap substitute for the Dark Brotherhood. But I digress.	
__ギルドへの依頼の吟味も私の仕事。私達の仕事について人々がどんな想像をしているか、あなたに言ってもきっと信じてもらえないでしょうね。Karashivuelがいるからこそ、私達は『安上がりなDark Brotherhood』みたいな仕事をこなさずに済んでいるの。おっと、話が逸れましたね。
FormID: 030E51B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	4	Are there any questions you like to have answered?	
FormID: 03012BA1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFew	0	We're growing! Just wait and see!	
FormID: 030E51AF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFew	0	We've already expanded quite a bit, don't you think?	
FormID: 030E51B0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFew	0	Don't forget that many of the Guild Guides are also members.	
__でも、沢山のGuild Guides加入してくれたわ。そこの所、忘れないでよね。
FormID: 030E51B1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFew	0	We have even expanded already. Just think about the outposts. There are also members of our guild living in them.	
FormID: 030E51B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFew	0	We even have our own city. Can't say the same about any other guild in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 030E51B3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFew	0	Don't think so. We even have Maormer and Ohmes-raht in our ranks. That's pretty impressive, don't you think?	
FormID: 03012BA2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Just coincidence. No one summons male Aureal or Mazken. Well, nearly no one.	
FormID: 03012BA2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	It was to be expected that the two of us would be female.	
FormID: 03012BA2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	2	As for the Xivilai, just a coincidence. We're open for everyone!	
FormID: 0307D859	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Yes, Kanaane is female, too. As I've said, it's no surprise. Most Aureal serving somewhere in public are females. That's just how our society works.	
FormID: 0307D859	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	Men are usually kept locked away, for their own good. While this won't be true for the Stranded Light, it's true for the Aureal who may or may not come to Cyrodiil.	
__通常、そういう仕事から男たちは閉め出されるわね。それが男たち自身のためなのよ?まあthe Stranded LIghtについて言えばそんなことはないけれども。Cyrodiilに来ると来ないとに関わらず。
FormID: 0307D85A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Teshekru was an unexpected, but quite welcome addition to our ranks.	
FormID: 0307D85A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	I'm not surprised that she's female, too. Seeing a male Daedra Seducer, well, that's even more rare than seeing a male Golden Saint. It happens from time to time, but... it's not common.	
__彼女が女だからといって驚くことはないわ。男のDeadra Seducerを見かけることは男のGolden Saintを見かけるよりもずっと珍しいことなの。ごく稀に見かけはするけれどもね。
FormID: 0307D85B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Jo'beala, well, she wasn't chosen by us. The Council of Mages decided that she's the best candidate. They may have had their reasons.	
__Jo'bealaのこと?彼女を選んだのは私達じゃないわ。彼女を適任だと考えたのはThe Coucil of Magesよ。彼らには彼らなりの考えがあるのでしょう。
FormID: 0307D85B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	It's just coincidence that she's female. I'm not trying to build up an amazonian order here. If I'd like to live in one, I could try to get back into an Aureal stronghold.	
FormID: 0307D85C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Do'leandra came to us, seeking our aid. Who would I be to set her out of the door? She's trying to make the world a better place, as do we.	
FormID: 0307D85C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	That she's female, well, these things can happen.	
FormID: 0307D85C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	2	Can't control who comes to us, can I?	
FormID: 0307D85D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Ahtize is a valuable addition to our guild, regardless of her gender. While yes, I begin to see the impression the Stranded Light can make.	
__性別はどうあれ、Ahtizeがギルドに加入してくれたのは喜ばしいことよ。Stranded LIghtの底力を見た気がするわ!
FormID: 0307D85D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	The Stranded Light is open to everyone, regardless of gender or race! You know that!	
__The Staranded LIghtは誰でも歓迎よ。性別も種族も関係ない。それはあなた自身よく分かっているはずよ!
FormID: 0307D85E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	0	Actually you could argue that both Gever and Frondre are members of the Stranded Light.	
__あなたはそう言うけれど、Stranded LightにはGeverとFrondeもいるじゃない?
FormID: 0307D85E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	1	True, they aren't staying in Merendin. Though should places be that important?	
FormID: 0307D85E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFemale	2	I guess they're far happier where they currently are.	

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