L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgXQ3Dopple-03 の変更点

FormID: 03054472	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	0	No, not really. She was in Chorrol the whole time. Still around, just look out for her!	
FormID: 03054473	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	0	You've met another Chandra, but the second one was no doppleganger? Very interesting.	
FormID: 03054473	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	1	Maybe you should investigate, see if you can find any trace of Chandra left in Chorrol. For now thanks for letting me know.	
FormID: 03054474	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	0	So the [QUOTE]Chorrol Chandra[QUOTE] knows about the other Chandras? Something about a broken Dragon? Again?	
__ふむ。[QUOTE]ChorrolのChandra[QUOTE]は別のChandraについて知っていたとな?それにbroken Dragon絡みなのか?ああ、またか…。
FormID: 03054474	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	1	I hate it. Really. I hate it. That Akatosh breaks more often than Mehrunes Dagon was banished into the void.	
__アレは嫌いだ。本当に忌々しい。AkatoshはMehrunes Dagonよりも遙かに多くを破壊し虚無に還しているではないか。
FormID: 03054474	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	2	And believe me, he was banished a lot of times. That fool.	
FormID: 03054474	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	3	Anyway, thanks for letting me know!	
FormID: 03054474	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting1	4	Additionally, if you aren't already, I name you Diplomat of the Stranded Light.	
__あと、もしも昇進がまだなら、お前をStranded LightのDiplomatに任命しよう。
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	0	So there was additionally a doppleganger, which was not only banished, but trapped, too?	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	1	That's fantastic!	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	2	See, after meeting a few Dopplegangers, which for some reason mostly get the hair styles wrong, or in case of Ulasza and me even the names, you may have wondered what you can do against them?	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	3	The answer is [QUOTE]nothing[QUOTE].	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	4	As long as they find a way through the liminal barrier, through summoning, pacts or whatever else they find, they will cause mayhem.	
__召喚にせよ契約にせよ、奴らがliminal barrrierをかいくぐる手段を持っている限りは災いは止まぬ。
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	5	The only thing you can do is squash each one when you meet it.	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	6	You may have expected some big mechanism to get rid of them? No. You can't extinguish Daedra. You can't fight concepts with arrows.	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	7	But you can trap their essence, so they will not come back until freed.	
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	8	Daedra Seducer not being able to turn into dopplegangers are one thing. But these Daedra? Forget it. I will not free it.	
__dopplegangerになる事が出来ないDaedra Seducerなら話は別だが、こいつらは違う。とっとと忘れるに限る。私もこいつを自由にしてやるつもりは無い。
FormID: 03054477	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2	9	Give me the Soul Gem, so I can make sure that the Daedroth will NEVER be released!	
__そのSoul Gemを渡してくれ。このdaedrothを二度と外に出さない事を約束しよう!
FormID: 03054479	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2a	0	Alright, thanks. I'll make sure it won't be found again. Well, at least for a very, very long time.	
FormID: 03054479	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2a	1	Let us never speak of it again.	
FormID: 0305447B	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2b	0	As you wish. Just make sure that it's safe.	
FormID: 0305447D	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3FortMeeting2c	0	Hrmpf. Then I hope for you that you've chosen a safe place to hide it.	
FormID: 030558FC	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	0	Hm. Strange question. There's Fort Blueblood, far far south in Leyawiin. Then there's Fort Alessia. Don't know where that lies, though.	
__ふうむ。奇妙な事を聞かれるのですね。遠く南のLeyawiin地方にはFort Bluebloodという砦がありますけれど。あと、どこかにFort Alessiaという砦があると聞いた事もあります。
FormID: 030558FC	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	1	Fort Gold-Throat is also named after a color. Although, thinking about it. I do not believe my theories.	
__Fort Gold-Throatも色に因んだ名前ではありますが、どうも見当違いのような気がします。
FormID: 030558FC	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	2	Sounds more like a more exotic color, maybe a somewhat altered spelling. Like Fort Maglia for magenta, perhaps? And Maglia could also be mistaken for Magus, a mythic entity.	
__何かこう…もっとエキゾチックな色だと思うんですよ。Fort Magliaだったらmagenta(マゼンタ)とか、そういう色名の綴りを置き換えたようなトリックかもしれません。Magliaだったら神話に出てくるMagus神とも綴りが似ていますしね。
FormID: 030558FE	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	0	Hm. Sorry. That doesn't mean anything to me. I need a lot more infos. Like what exactly are you looking for? Be more specific. I don't have time for silly riddles!	
FormID: 030558FF	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	0	Hm. Sorry. That doesn't mean anything to me. I need a lot more infos. Like what exactly are you looking for? Be more specific. I don't have time for silly riddles!	
FormID: 03055904	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	0	Never heard of this!	
FormID: 03055904	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	1	Better ask Estelle Renoit. She's good with names. Or Honditar, he knows the area around Chorrol best.	
__Estelle Renoitに聞いてみた方が良いんじゃないかい?彼女は名前とかそういう事に詳しいんだ。Hoditarでもいい。彼はChorrol付近の事について詳しいから。
FormID: 03055905	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	0	Fort Carmala.	
__答えは、Fort Carmalaよ。
FormID: 03055906	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a	0	Bug Renoit or Honditar about it.	
FormID: 03055901	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b	0	We don't have much problems with them around here. There seems to be a vampire hunter around town. Sometimes I find ashes of obliterated vampires.	
__この辺りではあまりvamipireの被害は出ていないね。どうやら街の近くにvampire hunterがいるみたいでvampireの遺灰が落ちているのを見かける事はあるが。
FormID: 03055901	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b	1	Mostly around that Ayleid Ruin northeast of here, Nine and Dave or however it's called.	
FormID: 03055901	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b	2	And of course the other Ayleid ruin, north of here. Thornlips what's it's name.	
FormID: 03055901	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b	3	Around Hackdirt, well, there were some accidents. I've heard. But dealing with Hackdirt is difficult. Doesn't seem to fall under the vampire hunter's protection. 	
__Hackdirt付近については…あそこはいわく付きらしいな。Hackdirtの奴らとまともに会話するのは難しいだろうから、奴らがvampire hunterから保護を受けているとは思えないが。
FormID: 03055901	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b	4	I don't hunt around there, and I really don't want to know where and if any vampires may be hidden.	
FormID: 03055900	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a2	0	Sorry, don't know a thing.	
FormID: 03055900	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a2	1	Really. You could have read the book. Now it's too late, though.	
FormID: 03055900	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4a2	2	If you think your time is more valuable than mine, then I won't waste it with wild speculations.	
FormID: 03055903	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b2	0	I'm quite territorial.	
FormID: 03055903	bgXQ3Dopple	bgXQ3Contract4b2	1	Let's leave it at that.	

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