L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgXQ2Void-02 の変更点

FormID: 030AF358	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet2A	0	Some say the light will win against darkness, because a candle can enlighten an entire room. But the candle needs wax, and will burn down. Darkness prevails.	
FormID: 030AF359	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet2A	0	A single fire may illuminate a house, but outside the door night still lingers.	
FormID: 030AF35A	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet2B	0	A fate that will be rewritten.	
FormID: 030AF35B	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet2C	0	Then you would have stayed in the Madhouse.	
FormID: 030AF35C	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet2C	0	You've already spread their will.	
FormID: 030AF35D	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet2C	0	Tamriel always was a contested ground. By Princes, by lesser daedra. Forever it will be the Arena.	
FormID: 030AF360	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet3A	0	No, some are not. Like not all undead are to be destroyed. The Ideal Masters come to mind. Yet it doesn't matter. Not anymore.	
FormID: 030AF361	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet3B	0	So you know the Monomyth. The blood of Padomay spawned the Daedra, the mixed blood of Padomay and Anu the Aedra. What of those spirits though only aligned to Anu?	
FormID: 030AF362	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet3B	0	Half-knowledge, only reading parts of disrupted views does not bring wisdom.	
FormID: 030AF363	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet3C	0	No. You didn't even begin to find out how far their influence reaches.	
FormID: 030AF364	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet3C	0	You may have won two battles, but the war lies still ahead. You can't kill a god by displacing his avatar. Nor can you kill a daedra, much less a daedric prince.	
FormID: 030AF35F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet4A	0	And this is the only constant of mortal life. Death. Even against itself. Life is chaos. Chaos is death. Death is life.	
FormID: 030AF366	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet4A	0	It is always fascinating that mortal life turns against each other. There is a structure in this chaos, and along it's lines mortal life will find it's place. And end.	
FormID: 030AF367	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet4B	0	This is nonsense. Worthless words of someone who never faced true darkness. Never seen the true light.	
FormID: 030AF368	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet4B	0	And even those considered to be darkest ones can and will bring peace.	
FormID: 030AF369	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet4C	0	This is the only way you can think of? True victory lies elswhere.	
FormID: 030AF36B	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet5A	0	You only know what I let you know. And until now you knew nothing.	
FormID: 030AF36C	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet5A	0	[The apparition's voice change to Ulasza's] Curse you Tanaark!	
FormID: 030AF36D	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet5B	0	Ending madness, bringing sanity is the only good deed there is.	
FormID: 030AF36E	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet5C	0	Their appearance, maybe. What's in their core is always the same. Before the beginning of time. Today. And until the end of the last kalpa.	
FormID: 030AF36F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet5C	0	The only change is through madness and despair. Just like mortals only learn through pain.	
FormID: 030AF371	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet6A	0	Math is law. Math is the only truth there is.	
FormID: 030AF372	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet6A	0	No. Nothing can compete with logic. The only opposite is madness. And madness leads only to your own destruction.	
FormID: 030AF373	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet6B	0	So you delved into the darkness of my past? Were you shocked? Embarrased? Amused? Just emotions clouding your mind!	
FormID: 030AF374	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet6B	0	You cannot know. You only assume. This leads to bad planning. To bad strategies. Failure is imminent.	
FormID: 030AF375	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet6C	0	No, it can't. Everything happens exactly as calculated. Exactly as predicted.	
FormID: 030AF376	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet6C	0	You may have foiled fate once or twice, but these were just sprinkles of ink on the calculations of our future.	
FormID: 030AF378	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet7A	0	Of course I am. Or maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you?	
FormID: 030AF379	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet7A	0	You may look beyond what most lesser beings see. Yet continue your path and you'll break with sanity, and you spirit will be mine.	
FormID: 030AF37A	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet7B	0	Uhm. Did you look into a mirror? You could use a bath, but you're no chimp.	
FormID: 030AF37B	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet7B	0	You may have replaced an old version of me, but you still are no daedric prince. Therefore you will fail here. Like all do. Should have spent more time on the Isles.	
__確かにお前は昔の私の地位を奪ったが、daedric princeになったわけではない。だから他の奴らと同じように、お前の運命もここまでだ。Islesでの滞在をもっと楽しんでおけば良かったのにな。
FormID: 030AF37C	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet7C	0	And why is that so? Remember, Sheogorath is also considered to be a corner of the House of Troubles. Mehrunes Dagon is not the only destructive Prince.	
__どうしてそういう話になる?思い出せ。Sheogorathはcorner of the House of Troubles(災禍の四天王)の一柱なのだ。破壊的なPrinceはMehrunes Dagonのみではない。
FormID: 030AF37D	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2Meet7C	0	You fail to understand the basics. If there shall be order, first old structures have to fail. Madness. Destruction. Passion. They're... outdated.	
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	0	No more. I've transcended my old self. All remnants of it are gone. All weakness purged. All emotions lost. Thanks to you I was finally able to burn out my taints of Dagon. Find back to what I was.	
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	1	In a way I wished that Karashivuel wouldn't be so single-mindedness, sending you to your demise.	
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	2	Without her you may have witnessed what boons Order can bring to Mundus. Or Oblivion. When my crusade is over Mehrunes Dagon won't invade any other realm again, regardless of where it lies.	
__奴さえいなければ、お前もOrderがMundusにもたらす恵みを享受出来たものを。私の聖戦が終わったあかつきにはMehrunes Dagonが他のrealmを侵略する事も無くなるだろうに。
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	3	And after Dagon is dealt with, the enslavements of souls by Molag Bal will end. Afterwards Vile will have the last poor soul damned through his deals. Through Order he will make a final one.	
__Dagonの次はMolag Balだ。奴に隷属された魂たちを解放させてやる。その次はVile。Orderの力で奴の所業によって堕落させられる者をこれ以上出さないようにするのだ。
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	4	Try to understand: Jyggalag is what was missing in Mundus. In Oblivion. His absence is the reason why the history of the realms is overloaded with strife, war, despair and chaos.	
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	5	This will finally change. Yet there's only a small issue left. You. I cannot let you go. Predictions show that you'd disturb me further, and try to undo my work.	
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	6	The only tragic is that unlike our last meetings you stand no chance. It was your choice to come though. And now you will need to pay the price for it.	
FormID: 030AF37F	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2MeetUlasza	7	Rest in peace. You've been a fitting antagonist.	
FormID: 030AF352	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2ZStart3	0	There is no [QUOTE]we[QUOTE]. You have to go. I am ill-prepared to face Lord Dagon's deadlands again, order infested as they may be. It would be too dangerous, too tempting.	
__[QUOTE]私達[QUOTE]だと?行くのはお前一人だけだぞ。そもそもLord Dagonの領域であるdeadlandsにまた戻るのは気が進まないし、orderによる汚染を受けてしまう危険性も大いにあるからな。
FormID: 030AF352	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2ZStart3	1	You have to go. I was able to put together a spell which will bring you to whatever pocket realm she currently lingers in.	
__お前だけが頼りだ。現在奴が滞在しているpocket realmに転送する為の呪文も用意してある。
FormID: 030AF352	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2ZStart3	2	Be warned. It will be a very dangerous place. Even the Deadlands usually have a host of life, but Order destroys all. Sooner or later.	
FormID: 030AF352	bgXQ2Void	bgXQ2ZStart3	3	I'll teach you the spell. Use it whenever you like. Be aware though that it will only work when cast in Merendin. Prepare yourself. And know, once cast there's no turning back until she's dead.	

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