L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgSQ6Tesh-12 の変更点

FormID: 030DC75D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	A dragon statue, symbol of Akatosh, highest of the Aedra, on your table. Me, a Daedra Seducer, which some like Karashivuel consider to be the lowest of the sentient Daedra, in your bed. What a nice coincidence.	
FormID: 030DC75E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Some say [QUOTE]speaking is silver, but silence is golden[QUOTE]. I do not agree!	
FormID: 030DC75E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	I mean, look at your fishes. Are they made out of gold? Don't think so, even if they're silent the whole time.	
FormID: 030DC75E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	Just kidding, of course. Nevertheless I like talking to you. There was enough silence in Merendin for years. And I don't think I stayed that long there.	
FormID: 030DC75F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	You've got a quite interesting room here. It's so hot.	
FormID: 030DC75F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Is that a little hint for me to take my clothes off again?	
FormID: 030DC75F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	Asking would be easier, you know.	
FormID: 030DC760	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	You've got your own spa here. The spirit of old Mir Corrup lives on, if only in private.	
FormID: 030DC760	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Have you thought about opening it up for the public? They would surely love it!	
FormID: 030DC760	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	Although I can imagine things we both can do there, which wouldn't be possible with the public around.	
FormID: 030DC761	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Your bed in the lower sleeping room is very... exciting. What kind of fur is it made of? It does have a certain daedric quality, but I can't put my finger on it.	
FormID: 030DC761	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	It creates a different feel on your skin than the bed we have in the upper quarter. They're equally great, don't get me wrong.	
FormID: 030DC761	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	Though I can imagine the bed down here may have a certain impact when doing certain... deeds.	
FormID: 030DC762	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	It's interesting to have a Desert Walker outpost around here. As a tavern it's a nice contrast to Velerya's [QUOTE]Red Navel[QUOTE].	
FormID: 030DC762	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	I like visiting the place from time to time. It makes me wonder: How can it be that mortals take so different forms, yet most of them are unable to accept Daedra?	
FormID: 030DC763	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Three kinds of cat people. Lizard folk. Six kinds of elves, excluding the cats. And a lot of humans. A very interesting melting pot.	
FormID: 030DC763	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Even another Daedroth or two sometimes comes visiting the place here. That's nice, don't you think?	
FormID: 030DC764	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Isn't it sweet to see an Ohmes-raht and a Breton living together? I think it is.	
FormID: 030DC764	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Though I can't get rid of the feeling that something shady is going on around here. Maybe it's just my imagination.	
FormID: 030DC765	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	I love books. They gave me moments of solace in Merendin. Prior to that, in Shade Perilous, I didn't read as much. Books were a lot more valuable and rare. Most of all rare.	
FormID: 030DC765	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Now I'm happy to be in a city which has it's book store nearby. I love coming here, flipping through the pages. Oh yes.	
FormID: 030DC766	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Beyond the Veil. I know it's a metaphor for something, I just can't put my finger on it. Oh well. This mortal world knows a lot of veils, as does our daedric world.	
FormID: 030DC766	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Ever took a shower in a stream of Magicka? It looks like a veil made of clouds, golden and violet at the same time. It's blinding and confusing your senses. Afterwards though you feel like being reborn.	
FormID: 030DC766	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	Sometimes, when you look into the sky, you can see a far away stream of Magicka. This is something I do miss. Having you makes up for it, though.	
FormID: 030DC767	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Surprised to find me here?	
FormID: 030DC767	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Girovve wants to paint me, so she should know how I look like. I've seen enough images of me which hardly resemble myself. Better then if I visit her therefore.	
FormID: 030DC768	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Did you know that the Fighters Guild were founded by the Tsaesci, immortal snakemen vampires from Akavir? Times change. That's what I love about Mundus.	
FormID: 030DC768	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	I'm not into fighting. I had enough of it as Dagon's forces invaded Shade Perilous. Nevertheless coming here and looking at people simulating fighting has a certain primordial quality. Very interesting.	
FormID: 030DC769	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	I like the atmosphere here. So many people coming by and leaving again, it's very interesting to see. Don't you think?	
FormID: 030DC76A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	The Red Navel. Oh dear. How to put it? I hesitated coming here for a very long time. I know Velerya's history, which isn't one of the best to put it bluntly.	
FormID: 030DC76A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Though I must say it is an interesting place, and Velerya is alright. I've met far worse. In fact most other Seducers in Shader Perilous were worse than her.	
FormID: 030DC76B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Velerya gave me a few quite interesting hints for certain, uh, activities. Like dancing. And more.	
FormID: 030DC76B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	I hope to put them to good use someday!	
FormID: 030DC76C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Merendin. The place lost it's terror to me. Know that I'm only staying around ten hours a week here, it became far more bearable.	
FormID: 030DC76C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	And you should see the look on Karashivuel's face when she sees me. And you. Both of us. This is something she hadn't expected. Serves her right.	
FormID: 030DC76D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	The rarer I'm around here, the better. It's always nice to see you around, too. So I won't complain when I'm here, given the chance to meet you not only at our home.	
FormID: 030DC76D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	Merendin became quiter though. Most people now come to Mir Corrup, because there's a lot else to see and do. And so Kanaane and the rest sealed the fate of Merendin themselves. Maybe it's what they always wanted to do.	
FormID: 030DC76D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	2	Who knows?	
FormID: 030DC76E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Thanks to you I finally found the courage to not only wander around under the sky, but also visiting other people in the city. Your city. Our city. That's great.	
FormID: 030DC76E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	I still enjoy a stay under the sky though.	
FormID: 030DC76F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	In Shade Perilous there wasn't any kinds of weather. Feeling snow and rain on my skin is a very new and intense experience. Sometimes I'm close to taking my clothes of to experience it fully.	
FormID: 030DC76F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	1	And then I remember that this is something not accepted in this society. Makes me a bit sad.	
FormID: 030DC770	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	I know that I am, and that I am here. I don't know why I am here. Must have lost my train of thought. Sorry.	
FormID: 030DC771	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	Now why did I end up here? Hrmn. Strange. And interesting. Life's full of surprises, don't you think?	
FormID: 030DC772	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate1SmallTalk	0	I know, I know. I must restrain myself from talking your ears up. Don't tempt me to do so.	
FormID: 030DB0A7	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate0Nothing	0	Nice that came by. It's always delightful for me to see you.	
FormID: 030DB0A8	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate0Nothing	0	Oh. That's very thoughtful of you. I already felt the, uh, urge wanting to see you, too.	
FormID: 030DB0A9	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate0Nothing	0	A great way to spend your time. You should do it more often. A lot more often.	
FormID: 030DB0AA	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate0Nothing	0	Oh yes. While I could already feel you drawing in closer, it's always a lot more satisfying to actually talk to you.	
FormID: 030DB0AB	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6DSpiritMate0Nothing	0	Don't you stalk me!

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