L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgSQ6Tesh-06 の変更点

FormID: 030D262C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	6	Depends also how often you come in here.	
FormID: 030D262D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	With the kind of beds you have here? Who wouldn't like it?	
FormID: 030D262E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	You have an interesting selection of statues here. Sheogorath, Prince of Madness. Azura, Prince of Dawn and Dusk. And Nocturnal, my former lady, Prince of Darkness.	
FormID: 030D262E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	1	There are worse choices possible.	
FormID: 030D262F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	I can spend hours walking through these halls. There is so much to explore, to enjoy. I could watch the fishes for hours, smell at flowers I've never seen before. Or sit in a room full of flames.	
FormID: 030D262F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	1	Very, very interesting.	
FormID: 030D2630	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	I'm a bit sad that this luxury around here isn't put to more use. It's a grand place. Much more than I had expected.	
FormID: 030D2631	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	If only I wouldn't have to come to here.	
FormID: 030D2632	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	A lot better than the small corner I inhabitated here. I mean, now there's no Karashivuel looking over my shoulder the whole time.	
FormID: 030D2633	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	I like the surrounding of your tower. As you may remember, I was in Mir Corrup before. This is all new. Nothing of the old one remains.	
FormID: 030D2633	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	1	Which isn't a bad thing. The old city had it's charms, but it was so... uncomfy.	
FormID: 030D2633	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	2	Hard to explain.	
FormID: 030D2637	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	It's a bit cold around here. Which has it's benefits. There are fires and candles in every hut you look into. People sharing their houses, instead of living alone. No one should be spend their existance alone.	
FormID: 030D2634	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	Do you take [QUOTE]yes[QUOTE] as an answer?	
FormID: 030D2634	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	1	There are certainly aspects which can be improved upon, but all in all  I really like it here.	
FormID: 030D2636	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	Why shouldn't I? It's an improvement in every possible way.	
FormID: 030D2635	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Like	0	We've already shared our thoughts.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	Take a look above you, to the sky. I see stars. And moons. Clouds. And more.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	1	In Shade Perilous the sky was only darkness. No sun. No moons. No stars. No clouds.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	2	Maybe there were clouds, but without light they couldn't be seen. Nocturnal and her servants have a thing for darkness.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	3	Here, now, thanks to you again I see the beauty of Tamriel's sky. I confess, it unsettled me at first. During my first visits to Mundus I avoided looking at the sky, especially the night sky.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	4	Now I see the beauty of it. Of all weathers.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	5	And look at your city! It's lovely! I'm so happy to be here, words can't express how I feel.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	6	Thank you so much for allowing me to live here. I'm comfortable with living in Mir Corrup. There are far worse places in this world and beyond.	
FormID: 030CE7FC	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	7	And the best aspect of Mir Corrup? You're living here, too!	
FormID: 030CE7FD	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	Unfortunately I'm not there. I like to be there, though. And thanks to you I can. And will. Soon. Merendin has lost it's terror to me.	
FormID: 030CE7FE	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	It's only a portal away. And for that I am very thankful. My time in Merendin now is very limited. Even Karashivuel doesn't bother me as much anymore.	
FormID: 030CE7FF	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	You certainly have a very nice bedroom here. It's sad how few use it sees.	
FormID: 030CE800	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	A dragon as a lamp on your table, and a Daedra Seducer in your bed. That's what I call irony.	
FormID: 030CE800	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	1	A good one, though. One I would never like to see solved. Although, maybe a statue of myself, and you, and a flame between us, now that would be an interesting lamp!	
FormID: 030CE801	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	Hm. Fishes. And plants. Lots of plants! Another aspect that was far underestimated in Shade Perilous. Their smell alone, isn't it fantastic?	
FormID: 030CE802	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	A very interesting trophy room you have here. Hot.	
FormID: 030CE802	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	1	And I mean [QUOTE]hot[QUOTE]. There fires alone, you can bathe in their heat! I love it!	
FormID: 030CE802	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	2	Want to tear my clothes from my body, though. Hm. Oh well, I shouldn't dwell on it.	
FormID: 030CE803	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	Very mushroomy. A unique architecture. I like it.	
FormID: 030CE803	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	1	Sticks and stones, yes, normal mortal houses can be cozy. These mushrooms, well, they have the certain something. They are dark, have a bit wetness in the air, are warm, a bit cramped. Perfect for certain activities.	
FormID: 030CE804	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	I'm just happy to be here! Just look around! So many people, houses, a play of light and darkness. A place to dream, and to dream about.	
FormID: 030CE805	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	I was in far worse places. And only few better ones. Someday, maybe after we both share a bottle of wine, lie side by side in your tower, I'll whisper stories about those better places in your ears.	
FormID: 030CE805	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	1	Let's just say today that I feel content about being here.	
FormID: 030CE806	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	I still can't believe I'm finally here. Thank you, thank you so much!	
FormID: 030CE807	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Opinion	0	I'm not sure if it was a heartbeat or an hour ago, but I'm quite confident that you've already asked me this question not long ago. I'm a daedroth. While daedra can change, it takes more than a blink of an eye.	
FormID: 030D0398	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	0	I like fishes. Fishes are pretty.	
FormID: 030D0398	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	1	One of the little joys you won't find in Shade Perilous. Oh well. I've got them here. In front of me.	
FormID: 030D0398	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	2	Hm. There is something I'd like to have. In Shade Perilous one of the few belongings I had was a small void pocket, looking like a black pearl. I'm in Mundus now, so could you bring me a flawless white pearl?	
FormID: 030D039A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	0	Oh! You may have noticed that I'm reading. I love the sky of this world, and I want to learn more of it. The stars, and star signs. Didn't find a book about it. Could you keep your eyes open? Thanks!	
FormID: 030D039C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	0	Have you seen S'ariana? One of the Ohmes-rahts living here? She had a toy with her. Some kind bear sculpture, only it was not made of stone or wood, but of wool.	
FormID: 030D039C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	1	And it had a cute little heart on it. Would you try to get me one?	
FormID: 030D039C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	2	Oh. Please don't misunderstood me, I just wish to prevent misunderstandments. I do not want to wish S'ariana hurt just to get a toy. Do not steal her toy. I wouldn't want a bloodstained toy.	
FormID: 030D039C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	3	Adventurers sometimes get this wrong, so I thought about warning you. I trust you to never even considering doing so.	
FormID: 030D03A9	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6CCompanion1Present	0	Yes, I fear there is something. A very small and easy task. Which is nevertheless very dangerous.

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