L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgSQ2Yana-04 の変更点

FormID: 0306FD50	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	5	Luckily I don't have to do this myself!	
FormID: 0306FD50	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	6	Sstennri and Ravuet take care of this. They know the Isles far better than poor old lonely me.	
FormID: 03070435	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	0	I don't know. Stennri and I are working together. If we're going to sprinkle Mania, I pack together all packages and she carries them out. Otherwise she packs them and I carry them out.	
FormID: 03070435	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	1	Your belongings were destined to go to dementia. A fitting choice, if you ask me.	
FormID: 03070435	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	2	Although I've got no idea in which crate, urn, chest, box or whatever your belongings were. You could look all around in Dementia, if you like.	
FormID: 03070436	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	0	I don't know. Exactly. A complicated problem. See, Ravuet and myself are working together. When junk is carried out to Mania, I go, and she packs it together. If it goes to Dementia, it's the other way around.	
FormID: 03070436	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	1	Your thrash is in an urn, which was to be carried to [QUOTE]Swampgas Hole[QUOTE], one of Dementia's tourist attractions.	
__あなたの荷物は甕に詰めました。多分[QUOTE]Swampgas Hole[QUOTE]に流れ着いていると思います。Dementiaでは観光地として知られる場所の一つですね。
FormID: 03070436	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff	2	Do not dare to ask me where it lies. I've got no idea, and I don't want to know. Dementia is just a bleak, stinking swamp.	
FormID: 03070438	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff2	0	Why would you... oh. I get it. It may be the cave where your belongings went to.	
FormID: 03070438	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff2	1	It lies on an island in eastern Dementia. Draw a looong line on your map between the Howling Halls and Xedillian. From it's middle walk in a ninety degree line southish.	
__Swampgas HoleはDementiaの東にあります。地図を開いてHowling HallsとXedillianとを長い直線で結んでみて下さい。そうしたら、中間地点から南に向けて直角に線を伸ばします。
FormID: 03070438	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff2	2	Then you get to the [QUOTE]middle spike[QUOTE] of a triangle between Swampgas Hole, the Howling Halls and Xedillian.	
__すると、Swampgas HoleとHowling HallsとXedillianとを結ぶ三角形が出来ます。Swampgas Holeはその三角形の[QUOTE]middle spike(真ん中の頂点)[QUOTE]に当たりますね。
FormID: 03070438	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff2	3	Good luck.	
FormID: 03070438	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Stuff2	4	And next time when you're dinner here, I hope I'll get to nibble on you, too.	
FormID: 03070447	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	0	Me got it, me got it!	
FormID: 03070447	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	1	Me had it. Was dangerous. Me could not sleep.	
FormID: 03070447	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	2	Me broke it in two. Hid it in Bliss and Crucible!	
FormID: 03070447	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	3	Me then was scared of them. Never go to Crucible again. Changed sleeping locations in Bliss, too.	
FormID: 03070B3B	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	0	I've heard a rumor of a former Mages Guild member in Bliss. If I were you, and I'm so glad I am not, it may cross my mind to talk with her.	
__Mages Guilidの元会員がBlissにいるとの噂を聞いております。それにしても、彼女の相手が私でなくて良かった。私だったら好んで彼女と話をしようとは思いません。
FormID: 03070B3D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	0	You've got my rose? Great!	
FormID: 03070B3D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	1	But what's this? Broken? BROKEN?	
FormID: 03070B3D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	2	BROKEN!	
FormID: 03070B3D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	3	Arg! I cannot believe it!	
FormID: 03070B3D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	4	Who has the nerve to destroy something so wonderful?	
FormID: 03070B3D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose	5	What a place this world has become.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	0	You no be sad, you never took it!	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	1	People fight bam boom, Arriasha jumped to nearby roof, lost it there.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	2	Others was hidden in Bliss. Arriasha always looki looki when snorty snorty. But me grew nervous. Couldn't be seen with it.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	3	Therefore me made other bedroll.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	4	But me often forgets. Sometimes goes backs.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	5	Mustn't forget password. Password necessesary to open boxes. Lead and Orc.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	6	Arriasha also must not tell anyone password!	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	7	Oooh.	
FormID: 0307044C	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	8	Arriasha stupid.	
FormID: 03070B3E	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	0	Exactly. Oh no. Not your fault, I hope.	
FormID: 03070B3E	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	1	Ah well. I have to repair it, then.	
FormID: 03070B3E	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2	2	At least I've got the parts.	
FormID: 0307044D	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2a	0	Me what? Me good at climbing, jumping and eating. Me master! Me can't get better!	
FormID: 0307044E	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2b	0	You no take Rose. Rose dangerous! Rose broken. Arriasha not help. Arriasha won't tell anything!	
FormID: 0307044F	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose2c	0	No, me no ill. You ill. You see healer!	
FormID: 03070B40	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose3	0	You're so egocentrical. No wonder you were so uncompassionate in our playtime. How about thinking about your significant other once or twice.	
FormID: 03070B40	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose3	1	Ah well. There's still a bit nectar left in my broken rose. I'll give it to you. It will remedy some parts of our love's marking.	
FormID: 03070B40	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose3	2	The rest a healer will be able to remove.	
FormID: 03070B40	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose3	3	Now if you excuse me...	
FormID: 03070B40	bgSQ2Yana	bgSQ2Rose3	4	(The Daedra Seducer lifts the head of her rose, catches a drop of syrop with her tong. She licks her lips and smirks.)	
__(Daedra Seducerは髪にさしたバラをかかげ、蜜を一滴ほど舌ですくい取ると舌なめずりして得意げな笑みを浮かべた。)

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