L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgPBQ8Letter の変更点

FormID: 0314231C	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Forget it. It's certainly not meant to be given to me. I have nothing in common with this sentimental weakling.	
FormID: 0314231D	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Uhm. Did you fall on your head or anything? I don't want to have my own letter. That's just crazy!	
FormID: 0314231E	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	I am sorry, but I don't leave the house. Try someone else who could actually deliver the letter for you.	
FormID: 0314231F	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	I am sorry, but I don't socialize with other Xivilai anymore. Best keep the letter.	
FormID: 03142320	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Alright, give it to me.	
FormID: 03142320	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	1	Ah. Not for me. But I think I'll be able to find the right recipient. Have no fear.	
FormID: 03142320	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	2	And thanks.	
FormID: 03142321	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Alright, give it to me.	
FormID: 03142321	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	1	I am not the one this letter should go to. But I'll make sure it will reach it's destination. Have no fear.	
FormID: 03142322	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Sure, gimme the letter!	
FormID: 03142322	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	1	Ah, not for me. Was kind of surprised, never heard of someone named Jesmin to begin with. Oh well. I'll make sure the letter reaches it's correct target.	
FormID: 03142322	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	2	Hmpf. Now I'm not only a Guild Guide, but also a delivery girl. What a disgrace.	
FormID: 03142323	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Forget it. Not as long as I'm sitting in jail. Can't deliver anything while I'm stuck here.	
FormID: 03142324	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	You freed me, so I will help you. Know that it wasn't me who should get the letter. Neither should give it away. The messenger bringing this letter will be rewarded. So look more closely.	
FormID: 03142325	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	Gladly! Finally something to do for me!	
FormID: 03142325	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	1	Hm. Not written for me. Though I will make sure it will reach it's recipient, you can count on me. And that Jesmin too!	
FormID: 03142326	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	0	What? That's impossible! She disappeared hundreds of years ago!	
FormID: 03142326	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	1	Do you mean she's back again? Let me have the letter!	
FormID: 03142327	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic1	0	Ah! I see. Many, many thanks!	
FormID: 03142327	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic1	1	Still her old self I see, as if nothing had changed.	
FormID: 03142327	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic1	2	The both love water, oceans, lakes, rivers, beaches. It's good to know her back on a shore. And she'll be delighted to hear that I'm now living underwater. So to speak.	
FormID: 03142328	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic2	0	That will not be necessary. I have other means to get in contact with her, now that I know she's back.	
FormID: 03142328	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic2	1	Your work should not go unrewarded. Jesmin asked me to give the courier of her letter something that I have kept safe for her.	
FormID: 03142328	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic2	2	For a long time. It's good to be finally rid of it. It began to be... tempting.	
FormID: 03142329	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic3	0	It's a sword, simply called Shadow. However the sword itself is not so simple. Mephala once sent an assassin after poor Jesmin, one of her most powerful servants. Jesmin proved to be more clever, and tricked the assassin into his downfall.	
FormID: 03142329	bgPBQ8Letter	bgPBQ8LetterTopic3	1	In a way Shadow is for Mephala what Moon Reaver is for Mehrunes Dagon. Use it with caution.

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