L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgPBQ5Dementia の変更点

FormID: 0313EF61	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5DDarkSeducerTopic	0	Oh! You must have met her! She's guarding the western gate of Zendria! Hard to miss, just step outside!	
FormID: 0313EF62	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior0	0	You're quaint. Do you even know what happened at Zendria?	
FormID: 0313EF62	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior0	1	Thing is, I don't. I've only heard rumors. And I won't venture inside before I know if there's any truth to them.	
FormID: 0313EF63	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1	0	Something happened here to a lesser Daedroth like myself. It was not seen again. I do not know why it was sent to here, nor what happened.	
FormID: 0313EF63	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1	1	Yet you can find out what has happened.	
FormID: 0313EF63	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1	2	The Daedroth had written down it's thoughts. A diary, which it took with it. However a little spell can make these lingering thoughts manifest again.	
FormID: 0313EF63	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1	3	I will cast the spell. You will go and collect them. I have the feeling that there should be around ten of them. Crystallized again into tiny pieces of paper. Collect them all. Bring them to me.	
FormID: 0313EF63	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1	4	Do this, and I will evaluate if it's save to change behavior. Or not.	
FormID: 0313EF65	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1a	0	For that I'd need to enter the ruin, which I do not want to do. Simply as it is.	
FormID: 0313EF66	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1b	0	I am free of expectations. They just cloud your judgement.	
FormID: 0313EF64	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1c	0	Good. May you find what you're looking for.	
FormID: 0313EF67	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Success	0	And do you feel dirty, for reading what was not written for your eyes to see?	
FormID: 0313EF67	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Success	1	Give them to me.	
FormID: 0313EF67	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Success	2	(...)	
FormID: 0313EF67	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Success	3	Ah. I see. She was here to heal, but the wound was too deep. So she left the Realm. Not what I expected.	
FormID: 0313EF67	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Success	4	Very well. The ruin seems to be harmless in itself. I - Anatrii of the Mazken - will adapt my behavior accordingly.	
FormID: 0313EF67	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Success	5	However the strange painting I found under the possible bed to relax I will donate. I find little beauty in it.	
FormID: 0313EF59	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I'm not aware of any details, because there are moments in which I cannot enjoy watching someone walking in circles.	
FormID: 0313EF59	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	However I have the feeling that Zendria's former resident did not walk outside of it's walls.	
FormID: 0313EF5A	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I do not know what to tell you. I haven't met whoever stayed here before we arrived.	
FormID: 0313EF5A	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	However there is a lingering throughout the whole ruin. I cannot pin it down. It's just everywhere.	
FormID: 0313EF5B	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I know what you mean. It's everywhere, isn't it?	
FormID: 0313EF5B	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	One of the reasons Zendria was so cheap to aquire. And likely not overrun by Heretics or other malevolent beings. They feel the presence of a guardian everywhere, even if this guardian had long since left.	
FormID: 0313EF5B	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	2	It's spiritual footprints still linger, so to speak.	
FormID: 0313EF5C	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I've felt it. Everywhere. Just a whisper in the air, thoughts unspoken, of searching and letting go of things past.	
FormID: 0313EF5C	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	It's even in the caverns and halls that serve now as living quarters. You may want to look there too.	
FormID: 0313EF5D	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	Don't bother looking through the grass. I've felt what you're looking for, throughout the ruin. Yet only near the walls. Nowhere else. Places where you can actually write.	
FormID: 0313EF5D	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	Ever tried to write while sitting in grass? Or worse yet, in water? Does not work. So keep close to the walls.	
FormID: 0313EF5E	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I noticed what you meant. A whisper in the air, a lingering presence of something that left long ago.	
FormID: 0313EF5E	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	What could have happened to a Daedroth to trigger such a reaction? What pain and loss is strong enough to even unsettle an immortal spirit?	
FormID: 0313EF5E	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	2	And it's all surrounding. Everywhere. Yet mostly it's walls that whisper. In a voice without sound.	
FormID: 0313EF5F	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I'm not sure why you're asking, but if you look for something, keep along the walls. Just saying.	
FormID: 0313EF60	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	(...)	
FormID: 0314D0D8	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	Oh great, and why exactly should I care?	
FormID: 0314D0D8	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	There's a bit of magic to help. [QUOTE]Detect magic items[QUOTE], because whatever was left behind certainly has a bit of magic in it.	
FormID: 0314D0D8	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	2	Oh. I forget. The spell isn't taught in Cyrodiil. How typical. Let me cast it for you. And now stop bothering me with your silly tasks!	
FormID: 0314D0D9	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I know how it feels! Seaching for something all over the place, turning every stone upside down. And then there's just a little thing missing, and you begin to search the place again. And again. And again.	
FormID: 0314D0D9	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	No need for that! I have just the right little spell. You've helped us before, so let me help you. Good luck!	
FormID: 0314D0DA	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	I have other matters on my mind. Sorry, can't help right now. See, me, stranded here? Not good!	
FormID: 0314D0DB	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	Sometimes I wonder, why have I never wrote down what was on my mind? What happened to me? What I have made to happen?	
FormID: 0314D0DB	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	I do not know. It would have been an interesting lecture around here, indulging in times past.	
FormID: 0314D0DB	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	2	However I do know how to find what was lost. I'll use a little spell. May you find what you're looking for, because about Zendria's former resident, well. I don't even know where Zendria lies.	
FormID: 0314D0DC	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	0	Oh sweet dear, I am not responsible. I wasn't even in this realm as it happened.	
FormID: 0314D0DC	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5FormerResident	1	I got my chance concerning Aureals later. Take my best regards to Nareyla, if you ever meet her.	
FormID: 0313EF58	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Start0	0	Oh sweetie, that should be easy!	
FormID: 0313EF58	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5Start0	1	Just talk with her. Mazken are more forgiving and open to discussion than your average Aureal. No offense meant. Just an observation.	
FormID: 0313EF69	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5SuccessLongius	0	Oh, that's very great to hear!	
FormID: 0313EF69	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5SuccessLongius	1	This will release some stress of the Mania artists. And who knows? It may also help the Mazken in the long run.	
FormID: 0313EF69	bgPBQ5Dementia	bgPBQ5SuccessLongius	2	You've done well. Have my thanks!

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