L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgPBQ3Mania-02 の変更点

FormID: 03130FB1	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage5A	0	What humanoid daedric enemies do I recall fighting?	
FormID: 03130FB2	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage5B	0	What humanoid daedric enemies do I recall fighting?	
FormID: 03130FC1	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	I can't believe how much you got wrong. And you pretend you have any interest in me? Let me remain undisturbed. Do not bother me for a week to come!	
FormID: 03130FC2	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	Do you have a really bad memory, or are you under a bad luck charm? Even by chance you should have been able to fare better!	
FormID: 03130FC3	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	A single pair of right answers does not create the right picture. This was lousy. Even by chance most would have been more accurate!	
FormID: 03130FC4	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	What I don't get is, did you even try, or just picked answers randomly?	
FormID: 03130FC5	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	Above average, yet far from good. Nothing to be proud of. What exactly do you know about me?	
FormID: 03130FC6	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	You have some knowledge about me. A lot it seems. Yet still it was missing somewhere. Now where could that have been? Think a couple of days about it.	
FormID: 03130FC7	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	You're good. Only one thing was wrong. Can you guess my secret? Or am I still an enigma to you?	
FormID: 03130FC8	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil3Result	0	You're good. Better than I had anticipated. Few, if any, know my secret. Do you, could you guess? Or don't you even care about it, merely about - me?	
FormID: 03130FC9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil4Conclusion	0	I haven't always been a Golden Saint. I lost everything, and was too afraid to look back. For eternities I drifted through nothingness, hoping the waters of Oblivion would wash away the pain in time.	
FormID: 03130FC9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil4Conclusion	1	They never do. They only gnaw even more on your mind, on your sanity, on your very being. You change. There is madness, sickness, despair.	
FormID: 03130FC9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil4Conclusion	2	A mortal had done the deed, to save it's friend. And I suggested it, to save my mistress from her selfimposed hell, and through her our realm, and those beyond.	
FormID: 03130FC9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil4Conclusion	3	Mehrunes Dagon was defeated, through the help of my mistress. Our realm was saved, as was Mundus. I couldn't find my way back. And in time I landed here, and Staada welcomed me in her arms. My new mistress.	
FormID: 03130FC9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil4Conclusion	4	I am Deianeira of the Aureals. Once I was Deyanira of the Nocturnals. Maybe I should begin trying to find a way to close my past and leave it behind. Why not here?	
FormID: 03130FC9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil4Conclusion	5	There's still a bed for me, where once an entirely different Aureal slept. However her painting I will donate to the gallery.	
FormID: 03130FB3	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage6A	0	And what was I to their eyes?	
FormID: 03130FB4	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage6B	0	And what was I to their eyes?	
FormID: 03130FB5	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage6C	0	And what was I to their eyes?	
FormID: 03130FB6	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage6D	0	And what was I to their eyes?	
FormID: 03130FB7	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage6E	0	And what was I to their eyes?	
FormID: 03130FB8	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7A	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FB9	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7B	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FBA	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7C	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FBB	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7D	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FBC	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7E	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FBF	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7F	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FC0	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage7G	0	Hm.	
FormID: 03130FBE	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3Unveil2Stage6F	0	And what was I to their eyes?	
FormID: 03130FE0	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3SucessTopic	0	Oh! I've already seen! That's great to know! You've done all of us a great service - and likely even her, even if she doesn't know about it yet.	
FormID: 03130FE0	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3SucessTopic	1	We will see how this works out at the end. For now have my thanks.	
FormID: 03130FE0	bgPBQ3Mania	bgPBQ3SucessTopic	2	And, as a good news, the Dementia artist's opinion likely has improved a bit. Congratulations!

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