L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgOQ10Depoisoning-01 の変更点


FormID: 03044BBD	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step1	0	You need to get a sample of S'drassa's [QUOTE]cure attempts[QUOTE]. Easier said than done, he's not really into selling them.	
FormID: 03044BBD	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step1	1	Try to convince him, try to find and take a sample, just get one. He's using some imported ingredients from Sumurset I can't get my paw on.	
FormID: 03044BBE	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2	0	The missing ingredients are a lot harder to get. Be prepared to travel to Oblivion and back.	
FormID: 03044BBE	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2	1	The heart of the oversoberness are the so-called [QUOTE]Hearts of Order[QUOTE]. Hard to find in Tamriel. The Daedra here told me that they can be found on the Shivering Isles. I do not dare to go there.	
__肝心要は[QUOTE]Hearts of Order[QUOTE]という素材です。Tamrielで発見するのはやはり困難でしょう。入手するためにはShivering Islesにしか存在しないDaedraを倒す必要があるそうです。私にはIslesに行く勇気もありませんし…。
FormID: 03044BBE	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2	2	Alocasia fruits are needed, too. I swear I've seen samples on Tamriel, but they're native on the Isles, too.	
__あと、Alocasia fruitsも必要です。Tamrielでも見かけた事はありますが、元々はHearts of Order同様Islesが原産の素材ですね。
FormID: 03044BBE	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2	3	Void Salts, Daedra Silk and Scamp Skin is needed, too.	
__他にも、Void Salts、Daedra Silk、Scamp Skinが必要です。
FormID: 03044BBE	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2	4	Lastly Ambrosia itself. This'll be quite a challenge. All samples in Tamriel have otherworldly origins.	
FormID: 03044BBE	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2	5	Some were taken from Moonshadow, before Vivec banished Azura. Others came from the gardens of Pyandonea, that are said to cultivate blossoms which seeds were stolen from Meridia itself.	
FormID: 03044BC1	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step3	0	This'll be the hardest step. You need to pour it into the Renrijra Krin's Skooma stash, locked away in Smiling Camp.	
__きっと次の工程が一番の難関でしょうね。Smiling Campに行ってRenrijra KrinのSkooma在庫に出来た解毒薬をふりかけるのです。
FormID: 03044BC1	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step3	1	One of their agents has the key on her body, day and night. While you could just slay her, I doubt the Skooma would be distributed in time. This is not an option!	
FormID: 03044BC1	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step3	2	Both Renrijra Krin agents know you by now. They won't give you the key. But you need to get the key. Maybe your paw is quick enough. Or you know the right spells. Maybe even others will be able to help. I can't say.	
__それに今となってはあなたの顔もRenrijra Krinのエージェントたちに知られてしまっています。大人しく鍵を渡してくれるとは思えませんが、鍵が無くては始まりません。素早い手業で解決するか、もしくは魔法を駆使して何とかして下さい。私には見当が付きませんが、誰かが力になってくれるかも知れません。
FormID: 03044BC1	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step3	3	Anyway, if you've got the key, pour the potion into the locked Skooma stash. Do not let yourself be seen by any Renrijra Krin agent.	
__とにかく、入手したらSkooma在庫の鍵を開けて解毒薬を振りかけるようにして下さい。くれぐれも任務中はRenrijra Krinのエージェントたちに見つからないよう気を付けて下さいね。
FormID: 03044BC0	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2a	0	Then you bring them to Sinderion in Skingrad, to let him brew the antiskooma.	
FormID: 03044BC0	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10Step2a	1	It's not that he can be trusted. It's that he's got no interest in anything beside Alchemy. That has to be expl-, used.	
FormID: 0304605E	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngHeart	0	Me found non yummi heart. You want non yummi heart? Bring Arriashe yummi heart!	
FormID: 0304605E	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngHeart	1	Biting on non yummi heart makes Arriashe's teeth ache.	
FormID: 03046063	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngHeart	0	Hearts of Order are the remnants of Jyggalag's minions.	
__Hearts of Orderを入手したいのですか?それならば、Jyggalagの兵士達を倒せばよろしいかと。
FormID: 03046063	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngHeart	1	If they're behind your grasp, who else does have an interest in hearts?	
FormID: 03046063	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngHeart	2	You know that. If your Highness can't keep track of things, I'd recommend to take down notes. Starting with your name.	
FormID: 030452A2	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	Do you see any Mana Blooms here?	
__この地でMana Bloomsの花を見たことはありますか?
FormID: 030452A2	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	1	Me neither. While it is true that in my home some gardeners were able to cultivate them, it's not like we're drowning in Ambrosia.	
FormID: 030452A2	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	2	Or have some with us after being on a sunken ship, then staying hidden for ages in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 030452A2	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	3	I don't have any Ambrosia with me. A few seeds perhaps, but I wasn't yet able to convince Tesserayiel to have my own small flower bed around here.	
FormID: 030452A3	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	I'm happy that I was able to rescue the clothes I'm wearing. No Ambrosia. I don't even have apples here!	
FormID: 030489AC	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	I'm happy that I was able to rescue the clothes I'm wearing. No Ambrosia. I don't even have apples here!	
FormID: 030489AC	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	1	Although, you've helped me before, so, well. I think there's no harm in sharing a secret with you: Some alchemist in Anvil buys samples of Ambrosia from us every now and then. Maybe he or she still got some?	
FormID: 030489AC	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	2	Sorry, I don't know any details. I was never part of those dealing with outsiders.	
FormID: 030452A4	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	I've used the nectar of my hair flower long ago, it's dry now.	
__確かに私はMana Bloomの花を髪飾りに使っているけれど、この花はとっくの昔に蜜を枯らしてしまっているわ。
FormID: 030452A4	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	1	Yes, you've heard right. The flower in my hair? A Mana Bloom. Which once hold Ambrosia. Maybe you can find someone with a flower not yet dried?	
FormID: 030489AB	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	I've used the nectar of my hair flower long ago, it's dry now.	
FormID: 030489AB	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	1	Yes, you've heard right. The flower in my hair? A Mana Bloom. Which once hold Ambrosia. Maybe you can find someone with a flower not yet dried?	
__たしかに私の髪飾りに使われている花はMana Bloomに違いないけれどね。もともとはAmbrosiaの蜜を湛えていたけれど、今はもう無いの。乾燥前の花を持っている人を探してみたらどう?
FormID: 030489AB	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	2	Hm. I do remember something. There's an inn on the Isles, called the sixteen worlds or something. It's run by a Daedra Seducer, and I know she's got a sweet for Ambrosia.	
__私自身、多少の心当たりならあるわよ。とある宿屋がIslesにあってね。名前は確か、the sixteen worldsとか何とか言ったかしら?そこの女将がDaedra Seducerなんだけど、彼女がAmbrosiaを持っていたはず。
FormID: 030489AB	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	3	Be careful, though! She had fed a lot remains of [QUOTE]visitors[QUOTE] to her dancing pet, after being done with them.	
FormID: 030489AB	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	4	She likely won't kill you, just because she's not allowed to do so. Although whatever you ask of her, you will pay dearly. If you've got any other idea where to get Ambrosia from, use it instead.	
FormID: 030452A7	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	The flowers used in Jo'beala's hair are small Mana Blooms, but they never developed any Ambrosia.	
__私はMana Bloomの小さな花を髪飾りに使っていますけれど、ここからAmbrosiaを採取するのは無理ですよ。
FormID: 030452A7	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	1	I've heard Ma'meria once had a full grown Mana Bloom. This one's uncertain what's happened to it. Her pictures with it are a couple of months old. I liked her old hair style more.	
__以前、Ma'meriaが満開のMana Bloomを持っているという話を聞いた事があります。その花が今どうなっているのかは知りませんけれどね。少なくとも数ヶ月前に描かれた彼女の絵にはその花が一緒に描かれています。個人的には彼女には前の髪型の方が似合っていると思うんですけれど…。
FormID: 030452A8	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	Flowed like jelly out of my pockets. We're underwater. Haven't you noticed?	
FormID: 030452A9	bgOQ10Depoisoning	bgOQ10IngAmbrosia	0	You've helped me, so here you have some.	

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