L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgMQ3Interview-07 の変更点


FormID: 0303682B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	2	It's a bit like the whole Empire. It certainly has it's flaws, but people often overlook the good it brings them.	
__Mages Guildは帝国それ自体と少し似た所がありますね。確かに少々の欠点こそありますが、それを補って余りある美点をないがしろにするべきではありません。
FormID: 0303682C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	0	Cyrodiil is pretty tame compared to other provinces. We don't have Great Houses fighting for more land.	
__他の地域と比べると、Cyrodiilは非常に温厚な土地柄ですね。領地拡大のために互いに戦いあうGreat Houseもいませんし、
FormID: 0303682C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	1	Or chieftains forming and breaking alliances, just to get their favorite candidate enthroned.	
FormID: 0303682C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	2	Or dozens of city states. Or a strange shift between cities and nomads according to the moons.	
FormID: 0303682C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	3	Compared to this Cyrodiil is quite, hm, bland. And a big bureaucracy.	
FormID: 0303682D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	0	Cyrodiil is said to be tolerant of other faiths. I've read the books too. And where are all those cults talked about? All those different interpretations and beliefs?	
FormID: 0303682D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	1	Not there. Not even existing. We've got the Imperial Cult and their Nine Divines, and we've got Daedra worshippers.	
__いいえ、そんなものはどこにも存在しません。あるのはただNine Divinesを信仰するImperial CultとDaedra信者だけです。
FormID: 0303682D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Imperial	2	I wonder how this could have happen? Even the Dunmer had a richer belief map back then, before their temple collapsed.	
FormID: 03037CFA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	It was back then, the days of Haymon Camoran, first sacking of Kvatch. Thinking about it, the Camorans must surely have something against Kvatch.	
__Haymon CamoranがKvatchに最初の侵攻作戦を掛けたときの話だ。今思えば、奴はKvatchに対して何か特別な恨みでもあったんだろうな。
FormID: 03037CFA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	1	While most of us were fighting, some of those Daedra Seducer actually managed to use their gifts, sneak into the fortifications and opened gates and other barriers.	
__侵攻の間、私と同族たちが戦う中、Daedra Seducerたちの中には隠密の才能を生かして敵の防御を抜け、城門を開けたりその他の障壁を取り除くなどして加勢をしてくれる者たちもいたが…
FormID: 03037CFA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	2	Most of them however were flirting, kissing and, err, riding men, while we were slaughtering and getting slaughtered.	
FormID: 03037CFA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	3	Well, they did suck out the life of their, errr, affairs. Nevertheless it was a bit embarassing.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	I already told you most details of my kin. Or didn't I? We're wanderers in the void, always searching for a place, a new mission, whatever. None of us is like the other.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	1	We're one of the few free spirits out there. Maybe the only the free spirits at all. Atronachs and beasts are free, but don't have a mind to appreciate this.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	2	Most humanoid Daedra can think, but are also in long lasting bindings. They've got spirit, but no freedom.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	3	Trust me, being free and have a spirit may have it's disadvantages, but there's also so much to experience, to live for. In it's own twisted way it's great!	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	Well, if you lie down beside me, we'll crawl together under my imaginary blanket, I could moan something in your ears.	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	1	Oh, wait, what was I thinking?	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	2	I already was interviewed. Several times. And not only for Mirilli.	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	3	Nevertheless for her, too. I hope you'll have better luck next time!	
FormID: 0305060F	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	The form this image takes is of no matter to me nor you.	
FormID: 030315AB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	0	Clever.	
FormID: 030315AB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	1	Although misguided. Mirilli already knows about us and our views about ourselves.	
FormID: 030315AB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	2	Better luck next time!	
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	0	We're the guardians of Dementia, securing it from both outside and inside threats.	
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	1	Sheogorath has chosen wisely, because we succeed, where others have failed.	
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	2	Look at the other Daedric Princes! They envy Mundus, try to occupy or destroy it, while Sheogorath enflamed the spark that is free will and creativity on the Isles, too.	
__他のDaedric Princeたちを見てご覧なさい!彼らはMundusをうらやみ、支配あるいは破壊を目論みますが、Sheogorath様はIslesで自由の精神と創造性が盛り上がる事をただ望んでいるだけです。
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	3	Mortals are necessary. Without them everything becomes purposeless. Sheogorath understood. Others? Still fighting against those giving them purpose to begin with.	
FormID: 03037D04	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	0	Aureals are, let me be honest, not the best when dealing with mortals. Too proud, too arrogant. That is something you'll drive every mortal away with.	
FormID: 03037D04	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	1	So we Mazken have to keep the show that are the Shivering Isles running. A bit sad, isn't it, fighting alone against the cold, bleak logical fallacies, while the Aureal ram their heads against Order priests?	
__だから、Shivering Islesで日夜繰り広げられるショーは私達Mazkenが維持しなくちゃならないの。AurealたちがOrder priestたちと角突き合わせて戦っている間、私達は厳しい頭脳戦を孤独に戦い抜いているのよ。考え出すと少し悲しくなっちゃうけどね。
FormID: 030315AC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	0	Since being stranged in Mundus I've always dreamed about opening my own restaurant. I love cooking!	
FormID: 030315AC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	1	For all the children around here. Just think about it!	
FormID: 030315AC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	2	Boys in a Cream Sauce, Baby Flambe, Girl Necrom with Bonemeal Gravy, Deep-Fried Twins, Lemon Teenager and Wild Rice, Newborn Ragu with Powdered Deer Penis! 	
FormID: 030315AC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	3	Just kidding. You really fell for it, didn't you?	
FormID: 030315AC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	4	Being tasked to interview people, and trying to ask the people giving your this assignment. Wow.	
FormID: 030315AC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	5	Better go to healers and let them check your head. Otherwise I may have some brain soup soon.	
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	0	It's difficult. People look ... funny at me.	
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	1	I think they only tolerate me, because they think I'm bound by the Mages Guild or some other nonsense.	
__思うに、彼らはただ単に私の存在に我慢しているだけなのだ。おそらくMages Guildやその辺の有象無象に召喚されたDaedra程度にしか思っていないのだろう。
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	2	Sometimes I wish to punch out a few teeth.	
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	3	I've fallen far, being in service to mortals. Nevertheless it's my choice, by the Nineteen Voids!	
__まったく。人間の為に働くなど、私もひどく落ちぶれたものだ。もっともこれが自分の選んだ道なのだがな。Nineteen Voidsの手引きがあったとはいえ…。
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	4	And better than the alternative, getting slaughtered time and again for some foolishness. No, thank you. Have a nice day now!	
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	0	People assume we're all working for Mehrunes Dagon. That's not true. We tend to be where the fun is, and being with Dagon usually leads to a lot of fun!	
__人々は我々の事をみなMehrunes Dagonのしもべだと考えがちだが、それは間違いだ。我々はただ「より楽しめそうな場所を好む」がために、多くの楽しみを享受出来るであろうDagonのもとに身を寄せる者が多い。ただそれだけの事なのだ。
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	1	At least in prior times. He grew impatient. There's something affecting him, driving him mad in it's own way. And those associated with him will have to suffer.	
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	2	I remember the Battlespire incident. Very bad planning. The start of a revolt, even. Some of us even helped the mortal trying to defeat him.	
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	3	Which for some reasons was erased from mortal history books.	

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