L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgMQ3Interview-04 の変更点


FormID: 030307E9	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	0	I don't know much about Morrowind. I'm a painter, travelling through Cyrodiil. Morrowind? Too much blight.	
FormID: 030307E9	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	1	What I do know is that the flora and faune there is entirely different. Cyrodiil has trees, Morrowind has giant mushrooms.	
FormID: 030307E9	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	2	Cyrodiil has wolves and horses, Morrowind cliffracer and guars.	
FormID: 030307E9	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	3	Oh and Silt Striders. Titanic insects, which shell has been broken up. You're literally sitting in bug innards when travelling in one. Blerg.	
__ああ!Silt Striderもありましたね!馬鹿でかい虫を使った旅客用の乗り物なんですが、殻の上部を割って内臓を座席にしているんですよ。うがぁ…。
FormID: 030307EA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	0	Cyrodiil is not a city state, but a state of cities. I remember Morrowind. Wherever you've travelled, you stumbled upon a small cozy village.	
FormID: 030307EA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	1	In Cyrodiil? Not so much. Everything is much more concentrated. And outside? There's deserted land, left to wilderness.	
FormID: 030307EA	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	2	Sometimes I do wonder if Vvardenfell with it's ash desert doesn't contain more dots of civilization than Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0303314D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	0	I'm quite good at talking to myself. Thank you.	
FormID: 0303314D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	1	No please get going, I've got important research to do!	
FormID: 03033EFB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Yeah, you know how it is. People see you, uhh, big green brute and expect that you can smash their teeth out.	
FormID: 03033EFB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	Many Orcs are like this. And it can be fun.	
FormID: 03033EFB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Times are changin'. I don't wanna this anymore. I'm a knight now!	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Most people think of our kin only as Malacath worshippers, but is this true?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	What about the legionairs in Morrowind, under Talos' banner?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Those misguided souls worshipping Nocturnal?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	3	Myself. priestress of the Nine Divines?	
__では私はどうか。私はNine Divinesのpriestressです。
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	4	Even Gorthwog prefers Trinimac as a separate entity. While Malacath is a popular belief, not every Orc is a worshipper of him.	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Nova Orsinium is so different compared to Cyrodiil. Gortwog's attempts to build a new Imperial province be honored, but it's not the same.	
__Nova OrsiniumとCyrodiilとはまるで違うね。Gortwog王はImperial風の国を建てようと努力しているけれど、全く同じというわけではないんだよ。
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	Can you imagine me, a retired adventurer, now trader, in Orsinium?	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	No you can't, because you were never there. Or you wouldn't ask. Influence and wealth were sacrificed for some ideas about honour and legislation.	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	3	And for what? The Empire is breaking apart. Miracle of Peace my boot!	
__では何のために?帝国はばらばらになりつつある。Miracle of Peaceはもう足下まで来ているんだ!
FormID: 03033EFE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	What can I say? I've got a red thumb. Or whatever it's called. Well, I'm good at raising crops. Err. Animals. Horses, yes, horses!	
__何と言えばいいんだ?red thumb?とにかく、私は作物…いや、動物を育てるのが得意なんだよ。馬…そう!馬だ!
FormID: 03033EFE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	In Orsinium we don't have horses. We have stews. And ragu. 	
FormID: 03033EFE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	I was quite surprised here in Cyrodiil, but that's how this world is, isn't it?	
FormID: 03033EFF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Unknown to many is that I'm by far not the first Orc butler. We're famous for our loyalty. Know how Orsinium passed to Gortwog?	
FormID: 03033EFF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	It was a duel, and the former landowner had an Orc employee. Now he could have betrayed his master, not teaching him how to fight in Orcish equipment.	
FormID: 03033EFF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	But he didn't. In the end the fight lasted for hours. Gortwog won, as expected, but it was a worthy fight!	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	We're the big green pigs pulling the Hogfather's wagon.	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	No?	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Never heard of the Hogfather?	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	3	             We're warriors, what more is there to say?           	
__             俺たちは戦士だ。それ以上、何を説明する必要がある?
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	4	Except maybe that a few more warriors would help this joke of a guild a lot.	
FormID: 03033F01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	I am very pleasing telling you the tallest archives of our kin!	
FormID: 03033F01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	Orc novelty is know to be valourful and great in warcraft. The siege of Orsinium lasted for three decadences!	
FormID: 03033F01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Who else could have residued the combined armies of several races parchronosticly?	
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	0	I'm from a Skyrim village, near Solitude. It's different here, in southern Cyrodiil. Take the weather, for example.	
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	1	Most people, myself included, would freeze to death with the clothes we have here.	
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	2	Although, as you can see in Bruma, Skyrim architecture is completely different, too.	
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	3	Home, fire, a warm place, even cozyness, that's much more important in a harsh environment like Skyrim. Here you'll mostly need to take care to not get wet to the bone. A death sentence in Skyrim.	
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	4	Many Nords still stick to the old Atmoran traditions, worship Shor instead of Akatosh. I think they fear losing their identity.	
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	5	Hjalfi Early-Beard was a Nord, but the line of Septims now is Imperial. Was even Dunmer for a short while. Maybe they fear that what has happened to the Imperials, may happen to them, too?	
__Hjalfi Early-BeardはNordでしたが、現在のSeptim王朝はImperialです。短い期間でしたがDunmerが帝位に就いた事すらあります。彼らはImerialと同じ目にあうのではないかと恐れているのでしょうか?
FormID: 0303539B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	6	I don't know. I'm content around here. Except for the weather.	
FormID: 0303539C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	0	There are not many Nords in the Mages Guild, as you may have noticed. Studying magic is like being the only one in school loving math.	
__もう気付いてるかも知れませんが、Mages Guildに在籍しているNordはあまり多くありません。数学が大好きな人が学校に一人くらいしかいないのと同じように、魔術を研究しようとするNordは少ないのです。
FormID: 0303539C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	1	There's always this picture of a mead and beer loving warrior when most people think of Nords. And in parts it may be correct.	
FormID: 0303539C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Nord	2	Many Nord prefer using their physical potentials to solve problems, instead of some obscure elven craft.	

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