L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgEQ1Lost-01 の変更点

FormID: 030513E7	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	0	Obviously I have survived, otherwise I wouldn't be here talking with you.	
FormID: 030513E7	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	1	Or do I look like a ghost? A wraith? A zombie?	
FormID: 030513E7	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	2	Don't tell me I look like a zombie! I know I'm pale, but... not like a zombie!	
FormID: 030513E8	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	0	Help me with a pumpkin to nudge my memory.	
FormID: 030513E8	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	1	I have to eat, after all.	
FormID: 030521A2	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	0	Don't mention it, please.	
FormID: 030521A2	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	1	I don't even want to get on a ship again! It was a carnage. Akaviri pirates above you, sharks drawing closer.	
FormID: 030521A2	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	2	Ssenkstri was even catched by some kind of underwater Netch. They're kept as cattle in Morrowind, but live on land!	
FormID: 030521A2	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	3	I'm more or less content around here. No ships all around. Good.	
FormID: 030521A2	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	4	Errallius was a different story. As soon as our ship sank, he headed for the nearest port. At least he tried to, then was carried by an undercurrent westwards.	
FormID: 030521A3	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	0	Errallius is here.	
FormID: 030521A3	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	1	Not like a certain Marralte, who thought it would be a good idea to swim even farther into northern territory.	
FormID: 030521A3	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	2	Can you believe it? Passed by, said hello, swam on.	
FormID: 030521A3	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	3	Idiot.	
FormID: 030521A3	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	4	Not that better than Tiridar. I've heard she makes a vacation on a nice island somewhere near Leyawiin? Another way to spend your strandedness caused holidays!	
FormID: 030521A4	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	0	You've found out something?	
FormID: 030521A4	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1Survivors	1	Tell me!	
FormID: 030513EB	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsTiriPump1	0	Thanks!	
FormID: 030513EB	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsTiriPump1	1	Well, what can I say?	
FormID: 030513EB	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsTiriPump1	2	I, Tiridar, survived. It's written te ei ar ei de ai ar. I swear I'll skin the next one spelling it de ei ar te ei ar ar!	
__私はTiridar。綴りは『te ei ar ei de ai ar』よ。正確にはこの後『de ei ar te ei ar ar』って続くけど、省略するわ。
FormID: 030513EB	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsTiriPump1	3	As for others I'm not sure. I've seen our twins diving back to our home. Ahtize hides on Tamriel's main land. Oraggel, I'm not sure. Haven't seen him while we were attacked.	
FormID: 030513EB	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsTiriPump1	4	Hrm. Maybe if you can bring me a name or two, I can help you more.	
FormID: 030513EE	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsTiriPump2	0	Then get me one. A big, fat tasty one?	
FormID: 030513EF	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsOraggel	0	Bad news. I saw him beginning an exploration of a giant shark's digestive tract.	
FormID: 030513EF	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsOraggel	1	What did you expect? Do you really think there are only slaughterfishes out there in the ocean?	
FormID: 030513EF	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsOraggel	2	The shark was so big it swallowed him alive, with a lot of debris. Crazy animals.	
FormID: 030513EF	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsOraggel	3	Paoles tried to save him by cutting the shark open. Don't know if he was successful or not. I tried to get away as far as possible.	
FormID: 030513F0	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsDeshri	0	She hooked herself under the Akaviri ship, trying to track down these pirates. A suicide mission, if you ask me.	
FormID: 030513F0	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsDeshri	1	Obviously she didn't ask me though.	
FormID: 030513F0	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsDeshri	2	Even Suhliv warned her, but none ever listened to him. May have been a bad thing.	
FormID: 0305219B	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsPaoles	0	Last I know he landed on the shores of Valenwood and was prepared as [QUOTE]big roasted slaughterfish[QUOTE].	
__彼を最後に見たのはValenwoodの海岸だったわ。Paolesは上陸して[QUOTE]big roasted slaughterfish(巨大な焼き魚)[QUOTE]として現地の人々に出迎えられたわ。
FormID: 0305219B	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsPaoles	1	Luckily I warned Wrenek to stay away from the shore if he gets drifted westwards. I don't know what has happened to him, though.	
FormID: 030521A0	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsSuhliv	0	Ah yes, this kid. Smart, but annoying. More annoying than anyone can bear.	
FormID: 030521A0	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsSuhliv	1	He used the waterform to get away from the wreckage, then swam south. He didn't care for the others of us, nor for Vrendre who was quite close to him.	
FormID: 030521A0	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsSuhliv	2	Don't know what happened to him. Got myself in a strong undercurrent as I last seen him	
FormID: 0305219F	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsWrenek	0	Hm. I don't think he made it. Was pierced by a big chunk of wood, dragged to the surface where the Akaviri pirates waited. Either he died, or was captured. Which, when dealing with Akaviri, means dead.	
FormID: 0305219F	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsWrenek	1	Deshri tried to dive after him, but I couldn't see what happened to her. Had to save my own scales.	
FormID: 030521A1	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsVrendre	0	He accompied me for a while, then we met a couple of dreughs. I fled.	
FormID: 030521A1	bgEQ1Lost	bgEQ1SurvivorsVrendre	1	He tried to parlor with them, and well. It didn't end well.	

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