L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgCQ7Hush-02 の変更点

FormID: 03104562	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part5Amulet	1	No, of course that's not what it's about. Something to protect her. A nice enchanted thing. If only I knew what to get her!	
FormID: 03104562	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part5Amulet	2	An Amulet of Firewalking? An Amulet of the North? An Amulet of Storms? Or an Amulet of the Viper?	
__Amulet of Firewalkingか?Amulet of the Northか?Amulet of Stormsか?それともAmulet of the Viper?
FormID: 0310456C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part5Amulet1Fire	0	Alright. Then now to the last part, a toy.	
FormID: 0310456D	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part5Amulet2Frost	0	Alright. Then now to the last part, a toy.	
FormID: 0310456E	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part5Amulet3Shock	0	Alright. Then now to the last part, a toy.	
FormID: 0310456F	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part5Amulet4Poison	0	Alright. Then now to the last part, a toy.	
FormID: 03104571	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part6Teddy	0	Yes, she certainly doesn't seem to be too old for this.	
FormID: 03104571	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part6Teddy	1	Not that I'm the best one to judge this. Mortal lifes tend to be so short. One day they're short little animals crawling around, next day they try to poke you with sticks, and the next day their entrails are decorating the walls of your cave.	
FormID: 03104571	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part6Teddy	2	Anyway. Beramkne told me that someone in Mir Corrup has teddy bears. Get her one. The color is your choice.	
__まあその話はいい。Beramkneに聞いた話によると、Mir Corrupの住人の誰かがteddy bears(テディベア)を持っているそうじゃないか。1つもらって来てくれないか。何色にするかはお前に任せる。
FormID: 03104571	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part6Teddy	3	Bring it to me first. Understood? Good!	
FormID: 03104572	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy	0	Oh, I'm sure I've seen someone having a few of them. Hm. I even managed to get one.	
__おお。teddy bearなら誰かが持っているのを見た事があるぞ。私自身も1つだけ持っている。
FormID: 03104572	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy	1	Here, you can take it. It's a blue one. Not everyone likes blue though. Well, their loss!	
FormID: 03104572	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy	2	I'm going to get a new one, once I figure out who had them.  I know it when I see the mortal, I'm sure of it!	
FormID: 03104572	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy	3	Oh well, you've got one now. So it shouldn't matter. Blue is the most beautiful color anyway.	
FormID: 03104573	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy	0	I like teddies.	
FormID: 03104574	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy	0	So, what about it?	
FormID: 03104576	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy1Blue	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 03104578	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy2Brown	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 03104579	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy3Lightbrown	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 0310457A	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy4Panda	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 0310457B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy5Pink	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 0310457C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy6Purple	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 0310457D	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy7White	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 03104575	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy0None	0	Then get going!	
FormID: 03104575	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy0None	1	Really, do I have to do everything myself? Be happy you didn't need to fetch the other stuff!	
FormID: 0310458A	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part8Lastthing	0	You're going to give Jo'beala the presents, of course!	
FormID: 0310458A	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part8Lastthing	1	Should be obvious.	
FormID: 0310458B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present0Start	0	Presents? For me? That's nice!	
FormID: 0310458B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present0Start	1	From Karashivuel you say? Why? She's, she's scary!	
FormID: 0310458B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present0Start	2	Oh, let me have a look!	
FormID: 0310458C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	0	My home? Elsweyr? That's, that's cruel!	
FormID: 0310458C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	1	I always wanted to visit Elsweyr, but was never able to do so.	
FormID: 0310458D	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	0	High Rock? That isn't my home! Though I visited it a few times. Nice memories. Though past, far beyond now.	
__私がHigh Rock生まれですって?違いますよ!確かに何度か訪れた事はありますし良い思い出ですが、ずっと昔の話です。
FormID: 0310458E	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	0	Oh Hammerfell. Not everything was bad in Sentinel, oh no. I miss it. From time to time.	
FormID: 0310458E	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	1	At least I've got something to remind me on it now!	
FormID: 0310458F	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	0	Oh! Response to Bero's speech!	
__おお!Response to Bero's Speech(Beroへの回答)ですね!
FormID: 0310458F	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	1	A very, very true book!	

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