L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgCQ6Refugium-01 の変更点


FormID: 0310294F	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1Start	0	For the time being Merendin and Mir Corrup are quite safe. Why are you asking?	
__とりあえずはMerendinもMir Corrupもきわめて安全な場所だと思いますが。どうしてそんな事を私に言うのですか?
FormID: 03102952	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1Where	0	Oh! That's a question I'd like to ask you. What place do you know that's both inhabitable, secure and far away from civilization?	
FormID: 03102951	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1Start2	0	True. If there are more than, say, three or four of us, the Renrijra Krin may be tempted to attack in full force. Just to get rid of us. We can't risk that. Merendin and Mir Corrup are out of the question therefore.	
__確かに。あと人数が3・4名ほど多ければRenrijra Krinが目を付け我々を根絶やしにしようと総攻撃を仕掛けてくる可能性はありますね。そのリスクは冒せません。ですから、彼らをMerendinやMir Corrupに住まわせるような事は考えられません。
FormID: 0310295B	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereA	0	Oh! I've heard from it. Fantastic idea. Really. Let's send them all into the realm of madness, to a place where they can be killed by goblets.	
__ええ!本っ当に、素晴らしいアイデアですね!いいでしょう。彼らをrealm of madnessに連れて行ってご覧なさい。きっと全員gobletsに殺されてしまいますよ!
FormID: 0310295B	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereA	1	No!	
FormID: 0310295C	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereB	0	Great idea, let's serve them as breakfast for a man eating Daedra Seducer and her pets!	
__ええ!素晴らしいアイデアですね!あそこに行けば彼らも立派に人喰いDaedra Seducerの餌になるかペットにさせられるかの二択でしょうね。
FormID: 0310295C	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereB	1	No!	
FormID: 0310295D	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereC	0	At the feet of Kvatch, all of them sealed into a small farm. Great idea.	
FormID: 0310295D	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereC	1	No!	
FormID: 03102960	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereD	0	A remote island, only a Maormer living there?	
FormID: 03102960	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereD	1	Sounds as if it could work. Hm. With the right preparation this is a viable possibility. Good though!	
FormID: 03102960	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereD	2	I already feared I have to send them to Valenwood or Oblivion, or some other hellish place.	
FormID: 03102960	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereD	3	Anyway, there's something you need to do first.	
FormID: 0310295E	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereE	0	Great idea! A single place, that is unlikely to experience any public traffic ever.	
FormID: 0310295E	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereE	1	No!	
FormID: 0310295F	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereF	0	Great idea! Convince a Telvanni wizard in a small house to share her space with a lot of Khajiit.	
FormID: 0310295F	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst1WhereF	1	No!	
FormID: 03102961	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst2Need	0	Go to the Maormer, talk with her. After all she has to agree to have some more people sharing the small island.	
FormID: 03102961	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst2Need	1	It should be no problem for you to persuade her.	
FormID: 03102961	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst2Need	2	And while you're on your way, there's another thing that's required.	
FormID: 03102962	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst2Requirements	0	Oh, that's simple. We have to get our people to the island, and they can't breathe underwater.	
FormID: 03102962	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst2Requirements	1	Of course this has to change. We can't use a boat, or have them swimming. They'd be seen, and if they're seen, the Renrijra Krin will know where they are.	
__そこの所をどうにかする必要があります。私達には船がありませんし彼らに泳いでもらうわけにも行きません。また彼らは面が割れていますので、移動中にRenrijra Krinに見つかってしまうと居場所がばれてしまいます。
FormID: 03102962	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6DoFirst2Requirements	2	Bring me fifteen bottles of Strong Potions of the Sea. They should do the trick.	
__ですから、Strong Potion of the Seaを15本持ってきて頂けませんか。それがあれば敵を欺くことが出来るはずです。
FormID: 03102966	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Potions	0	I have a few. Not many. I've reserved them for those people wanting to swim back from Merendin to more civilized areas. You can have them, of course.	
FormID: 03102967	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Potions	0	I've got some for sale, if you're interested. I mix up new ones from time to time.	
FormID: 03102967	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Potions	1	Here, take a sample!	
FormID: 03102968	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Potions	0	You don't have enough yet.	
FormID: 03102969	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Potions	0	Great! These are very good news!	
FormID: 0310296B	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginA	0	I hate it when people speak in multiples about themselves.	
FormID: 0310297B	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginA	0	Oh dear, what do people do without me?	
FormID: 0310297C	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginA	0	Be quick about it.	
FormID: 0310297D	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginA	0	Sigh. Just... sigh.	
FormID: 0310297E	bgCQ6Refugium	bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginA	0	So...?	

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