L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ8Mycelium-03 の変更点


FormID: 03077E1D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path2Choice4A	0	While our mushrooms themselves are not to be harvest, they can be used to experiment with the results of other alchemical experiments. Good guess.	
FormID: 03077E1E	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path2Choice4B	0	What do you know about Magicka? Nothing. That's what I though. Good luck next time.	
FormID: 03077E1F	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path2Choice4B	0	Our mushrooms do draw some magicka while growing, correct. And the crystals we use help them with this. Can have some inspirations for focus research, true.	
FormID: 03077E20	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path2Result	0	You obviously don't know what you're talking about.	
FormID: 03077E21	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path2Result	0	You had some good inspirations, true.	
FormID: 03077E22	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path2Result	0	Some good and some weak points. Blerg.	
FormID: 03077E24	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice1A	0	How so? No. I don't think so!	
FormID: 03077E25	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice1A	0	Now if you put it like this.	
FormID: 03077E26	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice1B	0	To get rid of you? No. Too much work, to little reward.	
FormID: 03077E26	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice1B	1	I could blow you to ashes, if you like.	
FormID: 03077E27	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice1B	0	In the long run I may need some additional money. And with the income I could pay the Morag Tong to settle some... debts.	
__長い目で見れば多少の金は稼げるだろうね。その金があればMorag Tongの奴らにも貸しが出来る…か。
FormID: 03077E28	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice2A	0	Which I don't need. And I would have to deal with noisy tax collectors. And all other complications. No thank you.	
FormID: 0307A0E2	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice2A	0	As if I want to deal with tax collectors day after day. Hrmpf.	
FormID: 0307A0E2	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice2A	1	Well, at least they're going to have a hard time finding me here. And I could use the money for some... thing.	
FormID: 03077E29	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice2B	0	And why should I care?	
FormID: 03077E2A	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice2B	0	And you all have to pay the taxes, deal with people, while I can live in peace and settle some ... debts. Doesn't sound too bad.	
FormID: 03077E2B	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice3A	0	I fear even I know more about Cyrodiil than you. Better luck next time.	
FormID: 03077E2C	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice3A	0	True. It would spice those boring province up.	
FormID: 03077E2D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice3B	0	Read the existing ones first!	
FormID: 03077E2E	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice3B	0	True. It may give people something to think and write about.	
FormID: 03077E2F	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice4A	0	Try close a few Oblivion gates instead, No-One.	
__それならOblivion gateを1つ閉じた方がよっぽどマシさ。
FormID: 03077E30	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice4A	0	True. It may help gather a few people, seeing what wizard lords can achieve, under the banner of the powerful. Good idea.	
__確かに。偉大なるWizard Lordの力を人々に見せつけるいい機会になるね。良い考えだ。
FormID: 03077E31	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice4B	0	What do you know? Nothing!	
FormID: 03077E32	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Choice4B	0	Seeing a giant mushroom appearing before your doorstep can be... awe inspiring, can't it?	
FormID: 03077E33	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Result	0	Would [QUOTE]yawn[QUOTE] be an answer?	
FormID: 03077E34	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Result	0	You had a lot of good points. Hm.	
FormID: 03077E34	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Result	1	Alright.	
FormID: 03077E35	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path3Result	0	Some good and some bad points. Ah well, what can you expect from a s'wit?	
FormID: 03077DFE	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path4Offer	0	Hm. Considering my expenses, the uniqueness the homes would have, debts that are to be payed... hm, I guess that makes 250.000 Septims.	
__ふうむ。キノコの家の特殊性からすると、必要経費は250,000 Septimくらいになるね。経験上。
FormID: 03077DFE	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path4Offer	1	Not including material resources, of course!	
FormID: 03077E02	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path4OfferYes	0	Interesting. If I had known that you've got so much gold with you, I'd taken it from your corspe. Ah well, chance for a surprise passed.	
FormID: 03077E02	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path4OfferYes	1	Then I guess we have a deal.	
FormID: 03077E01	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path4OfferNo	0	No. I. Can't.	
FormID: 03077E36	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8PathEndResultSuccess	0	I can't believe that I'm doing this, but... very well. Alright. Tell me what you had in mind.	
FormID: 03077E00	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Path4OfferAgain	0	What? Speaking to yourself? I don't have time for loonies.	
FormID: 03077E3C	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2Start	0	You've forgotten? Oh. That's bad. Come back when you know it!	
FormID: 03077E3D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2Start	0	Two houses, one with an enchanting and spellmaking station? Sounds doable.	
FormID: 03077E3D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2Start	1	I usually keep a few hundred spores ready, just in case that I need to move fast and unexpectedly. Err.	
FormID: 03077E3D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2Start	2	While I could give you two packages of spores, they won't work. For each of your houses I need something to power them first.	
FormID: 03077E3D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2Start	3	Surprised?	
FormID: 03077E3D	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2Start	4	Giant mushrooms need more than just water.	
FormID: 03077E3E	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2RequirementsBruma	0	In Morrowind we used filled Soul Gems. Unfortunately most in Cyrodiil are too unreliable. See, it's important to use the right. A storm atronach or better? Stand like stones. A scamp? You'll get a heap of dung.	
__Morrowindでは魂の入ったSoul Gemを使っていたが、残念ながらCyrodiilのSoul Gemはあまり信頼出来ないんだ。ちゃんとした道具を使うのは大事な事だよ。storm atronachの魂ならマシか?いいや、あんなのタダの棒立ちしてる岩男だ。ではscampなら?糞の山みたいなもんさ。
FormID: 03077E3E	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2RequirementsBruma	1	I've found another way to empower them. Varla and Welkynd Stones.	
__胞子に力を与えるには別の方法があるんだ。Varla StoneとWelkynd Stoneを使んだよ。
FormID: 03077E3E	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2RequirementsBruma	2	For an easy, plain house you need one Varla Stone and five Welkynd Stones.	
__手短に言うと、質素な家を作るだけならVarla Stoneが1個とWelkynd Stoneが5個必要だ。
FormID: 03077E40	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2RequirementsBruma	0	You've got all that I need? Great. Give me a second...	
FormID: 03077E40	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8Step2RequirementsBruma	1	(........)

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