L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ8Mycelium-01 の変更点


FormID: 030776E6	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	0	Get lost before I turn you into a mushy soup. Nothing to see here.	
FormID: 03077E5D	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	0	Oh. Hello there! I've heard of you, and your deeds for my sisters and stepsisters.	
FormID: 03077E5D	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	1	As you see everything's alright here. A bit, err, misty, but for a mushroom quite solid. Very interesting.	
FormID: 03077E5D	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	2	A very unusual house. It would have been greater with a few windows. Ah well, can't have everything.	
FormID: 03077E5D	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	3	Anyway. As you see we're up and running!	
FormID: 03077E5D	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	4	Also I take the part of the Guild Guide for Bruma. While we can't teleport anyone into the city, we can get pretty close nearby.	
__私もここでBruma担当のGuild Guideとして働いているんですよ。Brumaの街中へは入れませんけれど、近くには来られるようになっています。
FormID: 03077E5D	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	5	And as a discount it's only 100 gold, to here and from here. I do hope you'll going to visit me as often as possible.	
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	0	What is this? A visitor. How quaint.	
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	1	Time to get used to visitors. I was been told that people coming here are here for some services, not to be served themselves.	
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	2	Ah well. Everything is up and running. Quite some nice features around here. I always wanted my own altars for enchanting and spellmaking!	
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	3	Be it as it may. Here's another bit that may interest you.	
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	4	There are some twin claws, one here, the other in your headquarters in Mundus. Those who went through the Fringe of Madness can use them to travel between the realms.	
__この支部とMundusにある本部にはそれぞれ1つずつclaw(爪)が置いてあるんだ。Fringe of Madnessを通過した経験のある者ならばこれを使ってそれぞれのrealmを行き来する事が可能だ。
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	5	And of course they can walk through the Fringe of Madness to Mundus, which I can't. Quite ironic, isn't it?	
__もちろん、Frindge of Madnessを通過してMundusへと行った事のある者についても有効だ。担当である私自身が使う事が出来ないのは皮肉に感じるがな。
FormID: 03077E5E	bgAQ8Mycelium	GREETING	6	Whatever. Have fun around here.	
FormID: 030776E4	bgAQ8Mycelium	GOODBYE	0	Before I forget, here's a few coins we have saved. They should help cover your costs.	
FormID: 0307A0E3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgZMG1SubCheydinhalTelvanni	0	Huh? I think I already explained to you that I'm no longer associated with House Telvanni.	
__何を言っているんだ?もう説明しただろう?私はもうHouse Telvanniとは無関係だ!
FormID: 03076FE3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroFind	0	That I cannot say.	
FormID: 03076FE3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroFind	1	We've only got a hint lately. Telvanni structures have a quite unique smell, an earthly, faintly musky tone.	
FormID: 03076FE3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroFind	2	One of our healers had to visit the Shrine of Boethia lately, hidden deep in the mountains southeast of Cheydinhal. And he smelled a Telvanni mushroom.	
FormID: 03076FE3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroFind	3	According to him the wind came from [QUOTE]somewhere east[QUOTE], which makes sense. The border to Morrowind is there. What better place for a Telvanni to hide than there?	
FormID: 03076FE3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroFind	4	It's still a large area though. He didn't saw any Telvanni mushrooms. Their smell can travel great distances, easy a days travel. And way up in the mountains. Better watch your step.	
FormID: 03076FE3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroFind	5	And good luck!	
FormID: 03076FE4	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroNeed	0	Two houses. No big towers, just small outposts. Three people should be able to live in there, at the same time they should be able to give shelter to a number of six or seven.	
FormID: 03076FE4	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroNeed	1	A problem is the New Sheoth outpost. We can't have any teleportation between Mundus and the Shivering Isles. To give people some enchanting and spellmaking capacities we need some Telvanni tricks.	
__New Sheoth支部の方にはMundusとShivering Islesを行き来する為の転送装置が無いっていう問題があるね。お客さんに付呪と構呪のサービスを提供するには、Telvanni流のトリックを使わなくちゃならない。
FormID: 03076FE4	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroNeed	2	They had some interesting altars in Morrowind. Ask if you can get some. We don't need them for our Bruma outpost, only for the New Sheoth one.	
__Telvanniの人達ってね。Morrowindでは面白い祭壇を使ってるんだよ。それがトリック。あなたもその祭壇を探してみて。Bruma支部には必要ないけれど、New Sheoth支部には必要だから。
FormID: 03076FE5	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroRequirements	0	Let me be blunt: About five or six years ago a new Telvanni settlement was built at Urivith's Grave. Due to my involvement in Morrowind I learned what resources the Telvanni had to invest.	
__大雑把に説明するね。今から5・6年ほど前にUrivith's Graveに新しくTelvanniの集落がつくられたの。当時私はMorrowindで任務に当たっていたから、Telvanniの人達が必要とする資源については知っているんだ。
FormID: 03076FE5	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroRequirements	1	Fiftythousand Drakes. Two filled grand soul gems - with strong souls, of course. Dwemer Centurion plans had to be recovered. And a lost Dwemer book had to be recovered - from the hands of the Berne clan.	
__金貨50,000 Drakeと強力な魂の込められたgrand soul gemが2つ、それにDwemer Centurionの設計図が必要だったよ。失われたDwemerの本をBerne clanから取り返す必要もあった。
FormID: 03076FE5	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroRequirements	2	I hope that it will be a bit less messy for just two houses. Nevertheless aside from all monetary components the Telvanni may request physical boons. Which you will need to collect.	
FormID: 03076FE7	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroTelvanni	0	The Telvanni are a house of wizard lords. Excentric, egocentric, and egomanic. Probably the greatest power in Morrowind, if they stop blasting themselves to bits.	
FormID: 03076FE7	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroTelvanni	1	They think that power is equal to right. A very simple morale. If you kill someone, he deserves it for being weaker. If you steal something and you're not caught, you deserve what you've stole.	
FormID: 03076FE7	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroTelvanni	2	Additionally they're xenophobic, slavers, and most of them insane in one way or another.	
FormID: 03076FE7	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroTelvanni	3	Really! Most people you can meet in the Shivering Isles are more sane than your typical Telvanni lord.	
__嘘だと思う?でも私が言っている事は真実だよ!あなたはShivering Islesで正気を失った人々に会って来たと思うけれど、彼らでさえTelvanniのlord達の前では霞んでしまうと思う。
FormID: 03076FE7	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8IntroTelvanni	4	Often Telvanni fearing to be [QUOTE]replaced[QUOTE] flee. I think our rogue Telvanni is one of them. And the knowledge of how to grow giant mushrooms came to Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 030776E8	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First1	0	For some totally unimportant sight seeing, I guess?	
FormID: 030776E8	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First1	1	Yes, Dunmer architecture is a bit more exotic than Imperial one. Now go. Shooh!	
FormID: 030776ED	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First1	0	For some totally unimportant sight seeing, I guess?	
FormID: 030776ED	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First1	1	Yes, as you may have noticed, this is a Telvanni house.	
FormID: 030776ED	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First1	2	No, House Telvanni did not decide to plant wild mushrooms into Cyrodiil. Would have used towers then. Curiousity satisfied? Good. Shoo, gotta go.	
__House TelvanniはCyrodiilにwild mushroomを植えるつもりなんて無いよ。使い古しの塔でもあれば素敵だけれどね。さあこれで十分だろう?出て行きな。シッシッ!
FormID: 030776EE	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First2	0	Go? Nice! Have a good day!	
FormID: 030776EF	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First3	0	Then stop talking!	
FormID: 030776EF	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First3	1	What is it with your visitors? Can't you see that I've got no interest in babbling fools?	
FormID: 030776F0	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First4	0	Wish you a nice day? I already have!	
FormID: 030776F0	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First4	1	I'm getting bored.	
FormID: 030776F1	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First5	0	Did it ever occur to you that I want to be left alone?	
FormID: 030776F1	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First5	1	I hadn't chosen this remote location if I were in for publicy.	
FormID: 030776F3	bgAQ8Mycelium	bgAQ8First6	0	You're an annoying s'wit.	

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