L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-10 の変更点


FormID: 030ED5CE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	1	This was an odd experience for me. Maybe that's the reason my feelings became so strong, because he left me hungering for him. He wanted to talk, talk! While I was ready to jump on him and, oh. Neverwind.	
FormID: 030ED5CF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	0	At least there's no silver sword!	
__silver swordは描かれていないんだな?ならいい!
FormID: 030ED5D2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	0	It's strangely fascinating. Like watching a scamp being torn to pieces by an Ogrim.	
FormID: 030ED5D3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	0	I don't get the fuss some people make about it. It's just a man and a Daedra Seducer. What did they expect? That they're going to have a tea party?	
__私は他の奴らとは違うから、こんな絵を見たくらいで動揺などしないのだ。単に人間の男とDaedra Seducerが描かれた絵に過ぎないではないか。動揺する奴らはこの絵の2人がお茶会でも開くのを期待しているのか?
FormID: 030ED5D4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	0	It's a vision I've seen in my dreams. A mortal and a Daedra Seducer, and both fall in their own way. Through her sacrifice the Seducer became Aedric, mortal without the mortal man knowing.	
__あれは以前夢で見た光景を絵にしたものだ。1人の人間の男と1人のDaedra Seducerの女、それぞれの破滅を描いている。Seducerは男の為に定命のAedricになりたかった。そして多大なる犠牲を払い、ついに成り得たのだ。人間の男が気付かぬ内にな。
FormID: 030ED5D4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	1	Through her teaching the mortal trancended the fate that was destined to be his. He learned enough about Daedra to defend himself and his surrounding against them. And through this everyone lost.	
FormID: 030ED5D4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	2	The Seducer, because even though she made the ultimate sacrifice, she was cast away. The mortal, because his knowledge will be his undoing. The Daedra in general, because he will strengthen the Liminal Barrier.	
__Seducerの女は追放されたのだ。この上ない献身を示したのにも関わらずな…。いや、むしろその献身のせいでと言うべきか。人間の男の方はその身に余る知識のせいで身を滅ぼした。一般のDaedraにとって彼はLiminal Barrierを強固にするであろう忌むべき存在でしかなかったからだ。
FormID: 030ED5D4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	3	And all this caused by what was to be a single seduction, a night of pleasure. Behold the consequences.	
FormID: 030ED5D0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarTame	0	I took the idea from a small painting I saw at the Red Navel. I don't know who the man is, but I know the woman. Velerya. An interesting couple, don't you think?	
__the Red Navelにあった小さな絵ですね。カップルの男性の方は存じませんけれど、女性の方はVeleryaでした。面白い組み合わせだなと思いましたよ。
FormID: 030ED5D1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarTame	0	Oh yes, me and a worshipper. A worshipper who was very important to me. I taught him a lot, and I still dream of our night. As the old saying goes: Enjoy and dwell in silence.	
FormID: 030ED5B2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	Oh? Ah, yes. It shows the wonders of magic, spells you can buy here. No need to visit the Mages Guild!	
__え、何ですか?ああ!あの絵は魔法の不可思議さをよく表現していますよね。当店ではそんな魔法を取り扱っているんですよ!Mages Guildまで買いに行く必要なんて全然ありませんから!
FormID: 030ED5B3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	I've heard it's a painting of one of our newest members in Cyrodiil. Came straight from the Sentinel branch of our guild. Don't know why she even bothered learning to walk on water there. It's a big desert.	
FormID: 030ED5B4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	Isn't she the Guild Guide in Merendin? I think I've heard something regarding this before.	
__あの絵に描かれているのはMerendinのGuild Guideですよね?以前聞いた事があります。
FormID: 030ED5B5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	Walking on water is no area of the school of Restoration, though I can imagine that it would be quite handy around here.	
FormID: 030ED5B6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	I like water. Well, seeing water. Once my fur is all wet, it takes hours to become dry again. Therefore I walk on it, not under it.	
FormID: 030ED5BB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Some sort of heroine for Ohmes and Ohmes-raht. I don't know all details, but I heard she was involved in ending the Suthay Decree.	
__OhmesやOhmes-rahtの英雄か何かでしょうね。詳しくは知りませんけれど、彼女はSuthay Decreeの廃止に関わった人物なのだとか。
FormID: 030ED5BC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	I bought this picture in honor of her great victory against Cyrodiil's unjust laws!	
FormID: 030ED5BC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	1	True, if I would have stayed in Elsweyr, I rather had bought a painting of Ma'meria. I think Revendri earned our gratitude, even if she doesn't have Ma'meria's looks!	
__もしもSuthay Decreeが撤廃されずずっとElsweyrに残されていたのならば、きっと私は代わりにMa'meriaの絵を買ったと思います。けれどRevendriは素晴らしい功績を残してくれました。彼女はMa'meriaほどの美人じゃありませんがね。
FormID: 030ED5BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Oh? That? It was glued onto the wall by that crazy cat, what was her name? Joshipper or something. Without blasting a hole into the wall we can't get it off, so I guess it's going to stay there.	
FormID: 030ED5BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	1	I swear if I she glues the next thing onto a wall, I will turn her fur into a blanket!	
FormID: 030ED5BE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	She deserves to be honored. After all it was her that helped the Empire to overcome the Suthay Decree.	
__彼女は立派な人です。帝国がSuthay Decreeを撤廃する事になったのも、彼女の功績なんですよ。
FormID: 030ED5BF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Thanks to her I'm in Cyrodiil!	
FormID: 030ED5C0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	She became somewhat of a saint for Ohmes-raht. Ohmes could pass as Bosmer before, but Ohmes-raht got the short end of the stick. Not anymore, thanks to her. I'm not surprised to see her picture in various places.	
FormID: 030ED5C1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Without her Do'leandra wouldn't have been able to come to Cyrodiil. At least officially. This would have had dire consequences. Who knows what may have happened in our fight against the Renrijra Krin?	
__彼女がいなければDo'leandraもCyrodiilに来られませんでした。少なくともおおっぴらにはね。彼女がいなかったら大変な事になっていたかも知れません。Renrijra Krinに対する私達の戦いの行方もどうなっていた事やら。
FormID: 030ED5C2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	I agree that the Suthay Decree was unjust, and it was the right move to fight against it. Even better without violence. Therefore I show my support to the newly arrived Ohmes-raht.	
__Suthay Decreeは悪法でした。暴力に訴えず廃止運動に成功したのは素晴らしい事だったと思います。ですから私は新たにこの店を訪れてくれるであろうOhmes-rahtの人達に歓迎の意を示そうと思い、この絵を飾っているんですよ。
FormID: 030ED5C3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	I am not exactly sure what to think of it. She's a regular customer, often appearing around dusk. This gains me some popularity with our Khajiiti citizen. That she was here before the Suthay Decree was lifted worries me a bit.	
__あの絵に関しては、正直言って複雑な気持ちです。彼女自身は夕方頃に店に来てくれる常連客なんですけれど、その影響でKhajiitiのお客さんが増えてしまって。Suthay Decree廃止前から彼女がここに来ていた事が知れわたると拙い事になりかねませんので、少し心配なのです…。
FormID: 030ED5C4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Oh, that. An Ohmes-raht stayed her for a night, but didn't have money. Instead she payed with that medallion. Looks nice, so I accepted it.	
FormID: 030ED5C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Oh. That would be me. I'm not sure where they found the original draft. I had colored my hair red back in Elsweyr, with the clay around my home village. It was made only days before I moved into Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 030ED5C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	1	There is something fishy with it. The painter was an Altmer, which aren't the most common race in Elsweyr. Despite his obvious talents and uniqueness no one in Elsweyr ever heard of him. And now it's all over the place.	
FormID: 030ED5C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	2	I get the feeling he knew what I was up to. And now he's going to make thousands of Septims with my painting. No wonder he did it for free!	
FormID: 030ED5B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	Ya I don't care. You want swords? You're wrong here. You want big maces and hammers? You've come to the right place!	
FormID: 030ED5B8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	An Ohmes-raht that stayed for a night not so long ago. Didn't have any money, so instead payed with a lovely picture of hers. She went north, talked about going to Bruma. Good luck with that!	
FormID: 030ED5B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	A friend of mine, who just happened to have sent me this picture. Apologized for not visiting me, because she wanted to go straight north - from Leyawiin to Bruma.	
FormID: 030ED5BA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	We got it from the Lonely Suitor Lodge. A customer paid with the picture, but the Orc intended to use it as a tray. Therefore I gave him a few coins to save the painting from destruction.	
__その絵はLonely Suitor Lodgeから貰ったんだ。とある宿泊客が宿代代わりに置いていったんだが、あのOrc野郎はトレー代わりに使いやがるからさ。コイン数枚と交換したのさ。絵を守るためにね。
FormID: 030ED5C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	I recall her. Stayed for a few nights, talked about a book or other nonsense. Went totally crazy, in a bad way. At least she didn't come to get her belongings back.	
FormID: 030ED5C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	Poor dear. She went totally out of her wits. Would better fit into Crucible now, though still roams Bliss.	
FormID: 030ED5C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	The first Ohmes member in the Cyrodilic Mages Guild in thirty years. And what did the Council do? Sent her to a suicide mission. Typical.	
__CyrodiilのMages Guildではここ30年ほどで最も古株のOhmesですね。Councilが彼女に下した指示は死地に送り込ませるも同然の酷い内容でした。
FormID: 030ED5C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	A Bosmer that was lost on a dangerous mission to recover a dangerous artifact. Jo'desrevi claims she was an Ohmes. I don't believe him.	
FormID: 030ED5CA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	Oh? It's displayed in honor of one of our bravest Bosmer in the Mages Guild. She actually went into an Oblivion realm to recover one of the most dangerous artifacts, so that it can finally be destroyed. Unfortunately she was lost.	
__あら?その絵はね。Mages Guildでもっとも勇敢だったと言われるBosmerの絵なのよ。彼女はとても危険なアーティファクトを回収し破壊する為にOblivionの領域に飛び込んだのだけど、行方不明になってしまったの。
FormID: 030ED5CB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	Don't tell anyone, but she was an Ohmes and therefore a Khajiit, not a Bosmer.	
FormID: 030ED5CC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	She was a, uhm, Bosmer? Who was sent to secure an evil artifact driving people insane. Unfortunately she never returned.	
FormID: 030ED5CD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	0	A perfect example why weak willed people shouldn't be allowed into the Mages Guild. Tries to get a minor artifact, of the kind that was all over the place a few centuries ago, and got lost.	
__軟弱者はMages Guildには要らん。奴がいい例だな。数世紀前に大したことのないArtifactを探して全国を旅していたが、行方不明になってしまった。
FormID: 030ED5CD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecArriasha	1	A deserved fate!	
FormID: 030ED5D9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	0	Do you think I've got anything to do with a picture like this? No, I wouldn't dare to do so. Karashivuel would rip me to pieces.	
FormID: 030ED5D9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	1	Do not underestimate the impact this little scene had. Well, not the painting, but the reality behind. It changed the course of history. Without it Mehrunes Dagon's plot may have been successful. Or may have failed even quicker.	
__けれど、あの絵に描かれているような光景の持つ影響力は過小評価しない方がいいね。絵それ自体が問題じゃないんだ。問題は、あれが描かれた背景の方さ。あの一件がなければMehrunes Dagonの企みは成功してしまっていたか、あるいはもっと早期の段階で失敗に終わっていたかもしれない。そのくらいのインパクトはあった。
FormID: 030ED5D9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	2	Let me say just one thing: The painting is very tame. I once had the task to clean the mess a Daedra Seducer caused in the Isles. It wasn't pretty.	
__一言だけ私見を述べさせてもらうならば、あの絵は全然迫力が足りないね。昔IslesでとあるDaedra Seducerが引き起こした災難の後始末を担当した事があったけれど、本当に嫌な仕事だったよ。
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	0	Want me to ride you like this?	
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	1	Nah, there are better ways. To spend the time, to ride, you know.	

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