L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-09 の変更点


FormID: 031101A7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Dwemer	1	A fitting fate.	
FormID: 030AB45F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ahtize	0	Lovely, isn't she? This was likely my best idea in ages!	
FormID: 030AB45F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ahtize	1	Why? Well, she's a Maormer, that's why!	
FormID: 030AB45F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ahtize	2	They're getting as vilified as we get, yet this will be kind of hard when you see her picture. This will drive some Altmers insane. Sheogorath would be proud of us.	
FormID: 031101A3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ahtize	0	It was a very daring action bringing her to Anvil, and painting her like this. If there is a race that's as unpopular as Daedra in Tamriel, then the Maormer.	
FormID: 031101A3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ahtize	1	I must admit, I like the painting. It's colors are just beautiful, the sea very fitting. And Ahtize is lovely, too. Quite sad that she wasn't able to keep these clothes.	
FormID: 031101A3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ahtize	2	Without a doubt one of Kanaane's better paintings.	
FormID: 030AB462	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	0	Usually members of her organisation don't go public, but she was exposed a few weeks before she came to us.	
FormID: 030AB462	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	1	In a way we're giving her shelter, because the arm of the Renrijra Krin doesn't extend to us. The painting is Do'leandra's way of sticking out her tongue to them - [QUOTE]tee hee, I'm still alive and kicking![QUOTE]	
__私達は彼女に避難場所を与えたんだ。ここならRenrijra Krinの魔の手も及ばないからね。あの絵のDo'leandraは舌を尽き出して[QUOTE]来られるものなら来てみなさい。私は生きています。あなた達への追及の手は緩めませんよ![QUOTE]と言っているんだ。
FormID: 030AB462	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	2	Additionally it's quite lovely, don't you think?	
FormID: 031101B1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	0	This painting is a mystery to me. One I don't really want to solve. Look at the background! Don't you recognize it? These are the Shivering Isles! And not only that, this is the view you get when going out of the 19 Void's door.	
__あまり深入りしたくありませんが、謎めいた絵ですね。よく背景を見てみてください。Shivering Islesが描かれているのが分かりますか?しかもその風景は 19 Void を出てすぐの場所を写しているんです!
FormID: 031101B1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	1	Is it a work of fiction, one of Kanaane's imaginations? If so, how can it be that the original painting was created before Do'leandra came to Merendin? Was Do'leandra's decision to work with the Stranded Light really HER decision?	
__この絵は単にKanaaneが想像で描いた創作なんでしょうか?けれど、オリジナルが描かれたのはDo'leandraがMerendinに来る前…。Kanaaneが想像で描くなんて事は不可能なんですよ!ひょっとしたらDo'leandraがStranded Lightと協力するようになる事は最初から仕組まれていて、そこに彼女の意志が介在する余地なんて無かったのかも…?
FormID: 031101B1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	2	Just think about it.	
FormID: 030AB482	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	As you likely can imagine it wasn't my idea hanging up that painting. Guglash though liked it, and while she spends more time at the Fighters Guild than here, she's still a member of our guild.	
__あなたなら分かってくれると思うけれど、別に私があの絵を飾ろうと言い出したわけではないの。Guglashよ。彼女はここにいるよりFighters Guildにいる事の方がずっと多いけれど、それでも彼女はこのギルドのメンバーだから、仕方なくね。
FormID: 030AB482	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Maybe it helps people to see the feral nature of Daedra. And they can prepare to what may come out of an Oth gate.	
FormID: 030AB483	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	I like the colors and the composition of the picture. The Xivilai is more a secondary bonus.	
FormID: 030AB485	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	Now you don't say! I would have mistaken the woman for a Bosmer!	
FormID: 030AB485	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	No, really. We've already got a Xivilai running around here. She gave us the painting. And, well, you don't want to scorn a woman several heads taller. Which can also rip you to pieces with her bare hands.	
FormID: 030AB485	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	2	So we put it on the wall.	
FormID: 030AB486	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	I had voted to buy a painting of a Goblin Shaman instead.	
__あんな絵を飾るくらいならGoblin Shamanの絵を買った方がまだマシだ。
FormID: 030AB487	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	It's alright. At least most visitors don't take a second or closer look to it. Imagine if we've got a picture of a Dark or Daedra Seducer instead.	
__別にいいんじゃない?あの絵をじっと見つめたり顔を近付けたりするようなお客さんはほとんどいないしね。だいたい、仮にあの絵がDark SeducerやDaedra Seducerの絵だったらどうなると思う?
FormID: 030AB487	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Then we wouldn't only had grapes on the wineyards, but inside here, too.	
FormID: 030AB488	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	Another great picture of Karashivuel, showing the world our beauty. In a very natural way.	
FormID: 030AB488	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Like most of us are when you meet us. Maybe some will try to talk first?	
FormID: 030AB488	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	2	Makes it easier to land the first blow.	
FormID: 030AB48A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	It was a gift, and I pondered for a long time if I should nail it to a wall - or throw it into Lake Rumare.	
__あの絵はもらい物ですよ。壁に飾るべきかそれともLake Rumareに投げ捨ててしまうか、長い間悩んでいました。
FormID: 030AB48A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Well, you see what I decided. It may help people to prepare for the dangers of Oblivion. And show them what could await them if they live a life full of sins.	
FormID: 030AB468	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	Another picture of myself shortly after the Battlespire incident. Back then I hoped to being able to live between mortals. And for a short while it worked.	
FormID: 030AB468	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	1	Until my part in liberating the Battlespire was forgotten, and I was driven away. Shortly after I was trapped in the soul gem. I'm tired of running away.	
__私はBattlespireの解放に協力しました。その事が忘れ去られ追放されるまでは上手くいっていたんですけれどね。その後soul gemに封じ込められる事となりました。もう逃げるのにも疲れ果てていましたから。
FormID: 030AB468	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	2	I hate being confined in this ruin, but at least I don't have to flee anymore.	
FormID: 030BE724	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	Hm. I've got the feeling we already talked about it. So, uhm, may I ask what you're thinking about?	
FormID: 030BE724	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	1	Your opinion became quite important for me.	
FormID: 030AB473	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	What do I care? If a human is pink, white, yellow, red, black or brown. It's just not the same as green.	
FormID: 030AB474	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	It's strangely fascinating, isn't it? Yet I wouldn't dare to go near her, if I ever cross her path. Too risky.	
FormID: 030AB476	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	Oh I don't care about the pictures delivered to here. As long as I find a patch on the wall able to to hang it up, I do so. I don't have to like them.	
FormID: 030AB470	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDwemer	0	Surprised to see it here? Well, it was left behind from the last owner of this house, and I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. I know it looks a bit unfitting, but still I like it.	
FormID: 030C3AC7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDwemer	0	I may be totally off the track, but to me this face looks a bit like Tesserayiel. Look closely. Don't you think?	
FormID: 030C3AC7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDwemer	1	If so, what has a Golden Saint to do with Dwemer? I don't know, and I don't get it.	
__しかし、そう考えるとGolden SaintとDwemerに何の関係があるのか?という疑問が湧いてくるな。私にはさっぱり見当もつかないが。
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	Truth be told it was quite a mess getting this painting painted. Kanaane and myself travelled to Anvil, well, we used the Guild Guide. There we had to deal with that zealot of an Altmer named Carahil.	
__正直に言えば、この絵が出来るまで本当に大変でした。私はKanaaneと一緒にGuild Guideを使ってAnvilに行ったんですけれど、あの街にはCarahilという名前の異端のAltmerがいましてね。
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	1	And other people who just weren't really lucky to see us. Originally it was planned to take this picture at Anvil's bay, but we moved further north. Folk there even gathered pitchforks.	
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	2	Now though it will bring some blood to boil, and there's nothing anyone can do about the paintings.	
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	3	Except destruction of property.	
FormID: 030AB478	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	Consider it as our protest against how certain persons reacted at her visit. Now all of Anvil can see her again, and no pitchfork will change this.	
FormID: 030AB479	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	I've seen worse. Ever looked at some [QUOTE]Khajiit arts[QUOTE]? A fish mer is nothing in comparison.	
FormID: 030AB47B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	I'm not looking a gift horse into it's mouth. Yes, some resident Altmer did protest, but none of my usual customers. Especially Palonyria wasn't as surprised as I had expected it.	
FormID: 030AB47B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	1	I even heard she's trying to find out where to get the clothes that fish mer is wearing. As for the other Altmer, if they want the picture to disappear, they can send me paintings of them.	
FormID: 030AB47B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	2	Until that happens the painting stays.	
FormID: 030ED5CE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelMarNaughty	0	As I was consorting my last, uhm, partner, I didn't have much need for clothes. It just detracted from what we're heading to, even though he didn't give in until the night of celebration.	

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